9 research outputs found

    Mathematical tools for processing broadband multi-sensor signals

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    Spatial information in broadband array signals is embedded in the relative delay with which sources illuminate different sensors. Therefore, second order statistics, on which cost functions such as the mean square rest, must include such delays. Typically, a space-time covariance matrix therefore arises, which can be represented as a Laurent polynomial matrix. The optimisation of a cost function then requires extending the utility of the eigenvalue decomposition from narrowband covariance matrices to the broadband case of operating in a space-time covariance matrix. This overview paper summarises efforts in performing such factorisations, and demonstrated via the exemplar application of a broadband beamformer how thus well-known narrowband solutions can be extended to the broadband case using polynomial matrices and their factorisations

    Wavelets and multirate filter banks : theory, structure, design, and applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-230) and index.Wavelets and filter banks have revolutionized signal processing with their ability to process data at multiple temporal and spatial resolutions. Fundamentally, continuous-time wavelets are governed by discrete-time filter banks with properties such as perfect reconstruction, linear phase and regularity. In this thesis, we study multi-channel filter bank factorization and parameterization strategies, which facilitate designs with specified properties that are enforced by the actual factorization structure. For M-channel filter banks (M =/> 2), we develop a complete factorization, M-channel lifting factorization, using simple ladder-like structures as predictions between channels to provide robust and efficient implementation; perfect reconstruction is structurally enforced, even under finite precision arithmetic and quantization of lifting coefficients. With lifting, optimal low-complexity integer wavelet transforms can thus be designed using a simple and fast algorithm that incorporates prescribed limits on hardware operations for power-constrained environments. As filter bank regularity is important for a variety of reasons, an aspect of particular interest is the structural imposition of regularity onto factorizations based on the dyadic form uvt. We derive the corresponding structural conditions for regularity, for which M-channel lifting factorization provides an essential parameterization. As a result, we are able to design filter banks that are exactly regular and amenable to fast implementations with perfect reconstruction, regardless of the choice of free parameters and possible finite precision effects. Further constraining u = v ensures regular orthogonal filter banks,(cont.) whereas a special dyadic form is developed that guarantees linear phase. We achieve superior coding gains within 0.1% of the optimum, and benchmarks conducted on image compression applications show clear improvements in perceptual and objective performance. We also consider the problem of completing an M-channel filter bank, given only its scaling filter. M-channel lifting factorization can efficiently complete such biorthogonal filter banks. On the other hand, an improved scheme for completing paraunitary filter banks is made possible by a novel order-one factorization which allows greater design flexibility, resulting in improved frequency selectivity and energy compaction over existing state of the art methods. In a dual setting, the technique can be applied to transmultiplexer design to achieve higher-rate data transmissions.by Ying-Jui Chen.Ph.D

    Properties and structure of the analytic singular value decomposition

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    We investigate the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix A(z) of functions that are analytic on an annulus that includes at least the unit circle. Such matrices occur, e.g., as matrices of transfer functions representing broadband multiple-input multiple-output systems. Our analysis is based on findings for the analytic SVD applicable to continuous time systems, and on the analytic eigenvalue decomposition. Using these, we establish two potentially overlapping cases where analyticity of the SVD factors is denied. Firstly, from a structural point of view, multiplexed systems require oversampling by the multiplexing factor in order to admit an analytic solution. Secondly, from an algebraic perspective, we state under which condition spectral zeroes of any singular value require additional oversampling by a factor of two if an analytic solution is to be found. In all other cases, an analytic matrix admits an analytic SVD, whereby the singular values are unique up to a permutation, and the left- and right-singular vectors are coupled through a joint ambiguity w.r.t.~an arbitrary allpass function. We demonstrate how some state-of-the-art polynomial matrix decomposition algorithms approximate this solution, motivating the need for dedicated algorithms

    Wavelets and Subband Coding

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    First published in 1995, Wavelets and Subband Coding offered a unified view of the exciting field of wavelets and their discrete-time cousins, filter banks, or subband coding. The book developed the theory in both continuous and discrete time, and presented important applications. During the past decade, it filled a useful need in explaining a new view of signal processing based on flexible time-frequency analysis and its applications. Since 2007, the authors now retain the copyright and allow open access to the book

    Polynomial matrix eigenvalue decomposition techniques for multichannel signal processing

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    Polynomial eigenvalue decomposition (PEVD) is an extension of the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) for para-Hermitian polynomial matrices, and it has been shown to be a powerful tool for broadband extensions of narrowband signal processing problems. In the context of broadband sensor arrays, the PEVD allows the para-Hermitian matrix that results from the calculation of a space-time covariance matrix of the convolutively mixed signals to be diagonalised. Once the matrix is diagonalised, not only can the correlation between different sensor signals be removed but the signal and noise subspaces can also be identified. This process is referred to as broadband subspace decomposition, and it plays a very important role in many areas that require signal separation techniques for multichannel convolutive mixtures, such as speech recognition, radar clutter suppression, underwater acoustics, etc. The multiple shift second order sequential best rotation (MS-SBR2) algorithm, built on the most established SBR2 algorithm, is proposed to compute the PEVD of para-Hermitian matrices. By annihilating multiple off-diagonal elements per iteration, the MS-SBR2 algorithm shows a potential advantage over its predecessor (SBR2) in terms of the computational speed. Furthermore, the MS-SBR2 algorithm permits us to minimise the order growth of polynomial matrices by shifting rows (or columns) in the same direction across iterations, which can potentially reduce the computational load of the algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed MS-SBR2 algorithm is demonstrated by various para-Hermitian matrix examples, including randomly generated matrices with different sizes and matrices generated from source models with different dynamic ranges and relations between the sources’ power spectral densities. A worked example is presented to demonstrate how the MS-SBR2 algorithm can be used to strongly decorrelate a set of convolutively mixed signals. Furthermore, the performance metrics and computational complexity of MS-SBR2 are analysed and compared to other existing PEVD algorithms by means of numerical examples. Finally, two potential applications of theMS-SBR2 algorithm, includingmultichannel spectral factorisation and decoupling of broadband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, are demonstrated in this dissertation

    MVDR broadband beamforming using polynomial matrix techniques

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    This thesis addresses the formulation of and solution to broadband minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming. Two approaches to this problem are considered, namely, generalised sidelobe canceller (GSC) and Capon beamformers. These are examined based on a novel technique which relies on polynomial matrix formulations. The new scheme is based on the second order statistics of the array sensor measurements in order to estimate a space-time covariance matrix. The beamforming problem can be formulated based on this space-time covariance matrix. Akin to the narrowband problem, where an optimum solution can be derived from the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of a constant covariance matrix, this utility is here extended to the broadband case. The decoupling of the space-time covariance matrix in this case is provided by means of a polynomial matrix EVD. The proposed approach is initially exploited to design a GSC beamformer for a uniform linear array, and then extended to the constrained MVDR, or Capon, beamformer and also the GSC with an arbitrary array structure. The uniqueness of the designed GSC comes from utilising the polynomial matrix technique, and its ability to steer the array beam towards an off-broadside direction without the pre-steering stage that is associated with conventional approaches to broadband beamformers. To solve the broadband beamforming problem, this thesis addresses a number of additional tools. A first one is the accurate construction of both the steering vectors based on fractional delay filters, which are required for the broadband constraint formulation of a beamformer, as for the construction of the quiescent beamformer. In the GSC case, we also discuss how a block matrix can be obtained, and introduce a novel paraunitary matrix completion algorithm. For the Capon beamformer, the polynomial extension requires the inversion of a polynomial matrix, for which a residue-based method is proposed that offers better accuracy compared to previously utilised approaches. These proposed polynomial matrix techniques are evaluated in a number of simulations. The results show that the polynomial broadband beamformer (PBBF) steersthe main beam towards the direction of the signal of interest (SoI) and protects the signal over the specified bandwidth, and at the same time suppresses unwanted signals by placing nulls in their directions. In addition to that, the PBBF is compared to the standard time domain broadband beamformer in terms of their mean square error performance, beam-pattern, and computation complexity. This comparison shows that the PBBF can offer a significant reduction in computation complexity compared to its standard counterpart. Overall, the main benefits of this approach include beam steering towards an arbitrary look direction with no need for pre-steering step, and a potentially significant reduction in computational complexity due to the decoupling of dependencies of the quiescent beamformer, blocking matrix, and the adaptive filter compared to a standard broadband beamformer implementation.This thesis addresses the formulation of and solution to broadband minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming. Two approaches to this problem are considered, namely, generalised sidelobe canceller (GSC) and Capon beamformers. These are examined based on a novel technique which relies on polynomial matrix formulations. The new scheme is based on the second order statistics of the array sensor measurements in order to estimate a space-time covariance matrix. The beamforming problem can be formulated based on this space-time covariance matrix. Akin to the narrowband problem, where an optimum solution can be derived from the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) of a constant covariance matrix, this utility is here extended to the broadband case. The decoupling of the space-time covariance matrix in this case is provided by means of a polynomial matrix EVD. The proposed approach is initially exploited to design a GSC beamformer for a uniform linear array, and then extended to the constrained MVDR, or Capon, beamformer and also the GSC with an arbitrary array structure. The uniqueness of the designed GSC comes from utilising the polynomial matrix technique, and its ability to steer the array beam towards an off-broadside direction without the pre-steering stage that is associated with conventional approaches to broadband beamformers. To solve the broadband beamforming problem, this thesis addresses a number of additional tools. A first one is the accurate construction of both the steering vectors based on fractional delay filters, which are required for the broadband constraint formulation of a beamformer, as for the construction of the quiescent beamformer. In the GSC case, we also discuss how a block matrix can be obtained, and introduce a novel paraunitary matrix completion algorithm. For the Capon beamformer, the polynomial extension requires the inversion of a polynomial matrix, for which a residue-based method is proposed that offers better accuracy compared to previously utilised approaches. These proposed polynomial matrix techniques are evaluated in a number of simulations. The results show that the polynomial broadband beamformer (PBBF) steersthe main beam towards the direction of the signal of interest (SoI) and protects the signal over the specified bandwidth, and at the same time suppresses unwanted signals by placing nulls in their directions. In addition to that, the PBBF is compared to the standard time domain broadband beamformer in terms of their mean square error performance, beam-pattern, and computation complexity. This comparison shows that the PBBF can offer a significant reduction in computation complexity compared to its standard counterpart. Overall, the main benefits of this approach include beam steering towards an arbitrary look direction with no need for pre-steering step, and a potentially significant reduction in computational complexity due to the decoupling of dependencies of the quiescent beamformer, blocking matrix, and the adaptive filter compared to a standard broadband beamformer implementation

    Algorithms and techniques for polynomial matrix decompositions

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    The concept of polynomial matrices is introduced and the potential application of polynomial matrix decompositions is discussed within the general context of multi-channel digital signal processing. A recently developed technique, known as the second order sequential rotation algorithm (SBR2), for performing the eigenvalue decomposition of a para-Hermitian polynomial matrix (PEVD) is presented. The potential benefit of using the SBR2 algorithm to impose strong decorrelation on the signals received by a broadband sensor array is demonstrated by means of a suitable numerical simulation. This demonstrates how the polynomial matrices produced as a result of the PEVD can be of unnecessarily high order. This is undesirable for many practical applications and slows down the iterative computational procedure. An effective truncation technique for controlling the growth in order of these polynomial matrices is proposed. Depending on the choice of truncation parameters, it provides an excellent compromise between reduced order polynomial matrix factors and accuracy of the resulting decomposition. This is demonstrated by means of a set of numerical simulations performed by applying the modified SBR2 algorithm with a variety of truncation parameters to a representative set of test matrices. Three new polynomial matrix decompositions are then introduced - one for implementing a polynomial matrix QR decomposition (PQRD) and two for implementing a polynomial matrix singular value decomposition (PSVD). Several variants of the PQRD algorithm (including polynomial order reduction) are proposed and compared by numerical simulation using an appropriate set of test matrices. The most effective variant w.r.t. computational speed, order of the polynomial matrix factors and accuracy of the resulting decomposition is identified. The PSVD can be computed using either the PEVD technique, based on the SBR2 algorithm, or the new algorithm proposed for implementing the PQRD. These two approaches are also compared by means of computer simulations which demonstrate that the method based on the PQRD is numerically superior. The potential application of the preferred PQRD and PSVD algorithms to multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communications for the purpose of counteracting both co-channel interference and inter-symbol interference (multi-channel equalisation) is demonstrated in terms of reduced bit error rate by means of representative computer simulations