16 research outputs found

    Tile-Based Modular Architecture for Accelerating Homomorphic Function Evaluation on FPGA

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    In this paper, a new architecture for accelerating homomorphic function evaluation on FPGA is proposed. A parallel cached NTT algorithm with an overall time complexity O(sqrt(N)log(sqrt(N)) is presented. The architecture has been implemented on Xilinx Virtex 7 XC7V1140T FPGA. achieving a 60% utilization ratio. The implementation performs 32-bit 2^(16)-point NTT algorithm in 23.8 us, achieving speed-up of 2x over the state of the art architectures. The architecture has been evaluated by computing a block of each of the AES and SIMON-64/128 on the LTV and YASHE schemes. The proposed architecture can evaluate the AES circuit using the LTV scheme in 4 minutes, processing 2048 blocks in parallel, which leads to an amortized performance of 117 ms/block, which is the fastest performance reported to the best of our knowledge

    Observations on the Quantum Circuit of the SBox of AES

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    In this paper, we propose some improved quantum circuits to implement the Sbox of AES. Our improved quantum circuits are based on the following strategies. First, we try to find the minimum set of the intermediate variables that can be used to compute the 8-bit output of the Sbox. Second, we check whether some wires store intermediate variables and remain idle until the end. And we can reduce the number of qubit by reusing some certain wires. Third, we try to compute the output of the Sbox without ancillas qubits, because we do not need to be clean up the wires storing the output of the Sbox. This operation will reduce the number of Toffoli gates. Our first quantum circuit only needs 26 qubits and 46 Toffoli gates, while quantum circuit proposed by Langenberg \emph{et al.} required 32 qubits and 55 Toffoli gates. Furthermore, we can also construct our second quantum circuit with 22 qubits and 60 Toffoli gates

    Solving Circuit Optimisation Problems in Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

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    One of the hardest problems in computer science is the problem of gate-eficient implementation. Such optimizations are particularly important in industrial hardware implementations of standard cryptographic algorithms. In this paper we focus on optimizing some small circuits such as S-boxes in cryptographic algorithms. We consider the notion of Multiplicative Complexity studied in 2008 by Boyar and Peralta and applied to find interesting optimizations for the S-box of the AES cipher. We applied this methodology to produce a compact implementation of several ciphers. In this short paper we report our results on PRESENT and GOST, two block ciphers known for their exceptionally low hardware cost. This kind of representation seems to be very promising in implementations aiming at preventing side channel attacks on cryptographic chips such as DPA. More importantly, we postulate that this kind of minimality is also an important and interesting tool in cryptanalysis

    Reducing the Cost of Implementing AES as a Quantum Circuit

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    To quantify security levels in a post-quantum scenario, it is common to use the quantum resources needed to attack AES as a reference value. Specifically, in NIST’s ongoing post-quantum standardization effort, different security categories are defined that reflect the quantum resources needed to attack AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. This paper presents a quantum circuit to implement the S-box of AES. Leveraging also an improved implementation of the key expansion, we identify new quantum circuits for all three AES key lengths. For AES-128, the number of Toffoli gates can be reduced by more than 88% compared to Almazrooie et al.\u27s and Grassl et al.\u27s estimates, while simultaneously reducing the number of qubits. Our circuits can be used to simplify a Grover-based key search for AES

    Fast Oblivious AES\\A dedicated application of the MiniMac protocol

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    We present an actively secure multi-party computation the of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). To the best of our knowledge it is the fastest of its kind to date. We start from an efficient actively secure evaluation of general binary circuits that was implemented by the authors of [DLT14]. They presented an optimized implementation of the so-called MiniMac protocol [DZ13] that runs in the pre-processing model, and applied this to a binary AES circuit. In this paper we describe how to dedicate the pre-processing to the structure of AES, which improves significantly the throughput and latency of previous actively secure implementations. We get a latency of about 6 ms and amortised time about 0.4 ms per AES block, which seems completely adequate for practical applications such as verification of 1-time passwords

    Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks on Masked AES with Fault Countermeasures

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    Implementation attacks like side-channel and fault attacks are a threat to deployed devices especially if an attacker has physical access. As a consequence, devices like smart cards and IoT devices usually provide countermeasures against implementation attacks, such as masking against side-channel attacks and detection-based countermeasures like temporal or spacial redundancy against fault attacks. In this paper, we show how to attack implementations protected with both masking and detection-based fault countermeasures by using statistical ineffective fault attacks using a single fault induction per execution. Our attacks are largely unaffected by the deployed protection order of masking and the level of redundancy of the detection-based countermeasure. These observations show that the combination of masking plus error detection alone may not provide sufficient protection against implementation attacks

    Secure Channel Injection and Anonymous Proofs of Account Ownership

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    We introduce secure channel injection (SCI) protocols, which allow one party to insert a private message into another party\u27s encrypted communications. We construct an efficient SCI protocol for communications delivered over TLS, and use it to realize anonymous proofs of account ownership for SMTP servers. This allows [email protected] to prove ownership of some email address @mail.com, without revealing ``alice\u27\u27 to the verifier. We show experimentally that our system works with standard email server implementations as well as Gmail. We go on to extend our basic SCI protocol to realize a ``blind\u27\u27 certificate authority: the account holder can obtain a valid X.509 certificate binding [email protected] to her public key, if it can prove ownership of some email address @mail.com. The authority never learns which email account is used

    Fine-Grained Secure Computation

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    This paper initiates a study of Fine Grained Secure Computation: i.e. the construction of secure computation primitives against moderately complex adversaries. We present definitions and constructions for compact Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Verifiable Computation secure against (non-uniform) NC1\mathsf{NC}^1 adversaries. Our results do not require the existence of one-way functions and hold under a widely believed separation assumption, namely NC1⊊⊕L/poly\mathsf{NC}^1 \subsetneq \oplus \mathsf{L} / \mathsf{poly}. We also present two application scenarios for our model: (i)hardware chips that prove their own correctness, and (ii) protocols against rational adversaries potentially relevant to the Verifier\u27s Dilemma in smart-contracts transactions such as Ethereum

    Rationality and Efficient Verifiable Computation

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    In this thesis, we study protocols for delegating computation in a model where one of the parties is rational. In our model, a delegator outsources the computation of a function f on input x to a worker, who receives a (possibly monetary) reward. Our goal is to design very efficient delegation schemes where a worker is economically incentivized to provide the correct result f(x). In this work we strive for not relying on cryptographic assumptions, in particular our results do not require the existence of one-way functions. We provide several results within the framework of rational proofs introduced by Azar and Micali (STOC 2012).We make several contributions to efficient rational proofs for general feasible computations. First, we design schemes with a sublinear verifier with low round and communication complexity for space-bounded computations. Second, we provide evidence, as lower bounds, against the existence of rational proofs: with logarithmic communication and polylogarithmic verification for P and with polylogarithmic communication for NP. We then move to study the case where a delegator outsources multiple inputs. First, we formalize an extended notion of rational proofs for this scenario (sequential composability) and we show that existing schemes do not satisfy it. We show how these protocols incentivize workers to provide many ``fast\u27\u27 incorrect answers which allow them to solve more problems and collect more rewards. We then design a d-rounds rational proof for sufficiently ``regular\u27\u27 arithmetic circuit of depth d = O(log(n)) with sublinear verification. We show, that under certain cost assumptions, our scheme is sequentially composable, i.e. it can be used to delegate multiple inputs. We finally show that our scheme for space-bounded computations is also sequentially composable under certain cost assumptions. In the last part of this thesis we initiate the study of Fine Grained Secure Computation: i.e. the construction of secure computation primitives against ``moderately complex adversaries. Such fine-grained protocols can be used to obtain sequentially composable rational proofs. We present definitions and constructions for compact Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Verifiable Computation secure against (non-uniform) NC1 adversaries. Our results hold under a widely believed separation assumption implied by L ≠NC1 . We also present two application scenarios for our model: (i) hardware chips that prove their own correctness, and (ii) protocols against rational adversaries potentially relevant to the Verifier\u27s Dilemma in smart-contracts transactions such as Ethereum

    Homomorphic Evaluation of the AES Circuit

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    We describe a working implementation of leveled homomorphic encryption (with or without bootstrapping) that can evaluate the AES-128 circuit. This implementation is built on top of the HElib library, whose design was inspired by an early version of the current work. Our main implementation (without bootstrapping) takes about 4 minutes and 3GB of RAM, running on a small laptop, to evaluate an entire AES-128 encryption operation. Using SIMD techniques, we can process upto 120 blocks in each such evaluation, yielding an amortized rate of just over 2 seconds per block. For cases where further processing is needed after the AES computation, we describe a different setting that uses bootstrapping. We describe an implementation that lets us process 180 blocks in just over 18 minutes using 3.7GB of RAM on the same laptop, yielding amortized 6 seconds/block. We note that somewhat better amortized per-block cost can be obtained using byte-slicing (and maybe also bit-slicing ) implementations, at the cost of significantly slower wall-clock time for a single evaluation