15 research outputs found

    On the general position subset selection problem

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    Let f(n,)f(n,\ell) be the maximum integer such that every set of nn points in the plane with at most \ell collinear contains a subset of f(n,)f(n,\ell) points with no three collinear. First we prove that if O(n)\ell \leq O(\sqrt{n}) then f(n,)Ω(nln)f(n,\ell)\geq \Omega(\sqrt{\frac{n}{\ln \ell}}). Second we prove that if O(n(1ϵ)/2)\ell \leq O(n^{(1-\epsilon)/2}) then f(n,)Ω(nlogn)f(n,\ell) \geq \Omega(\sqrt{n\log_\ell n}), which implies all previously known lower bounds on f(n,)f(n,\ell) and improves them when \ell is not fixed. A more general problem is to consider subsets with at most kk collinear points in a point set with at most \ell collinear. We also prove analogous results in this setting

    Author index volume 75 (1989)

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    General Position Subsets and Independent Hyperplanes in d-Space

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    Erd\H{o}s asked what is the maximum number α(n)\alpha(n) such that every set of nn points in the plane with no four on a line contains α(n)\alpha(n) points in general position. We consider variants of this question for dd-dimensional point sets and generalize previously known bounds. In particular, we prove the following two results for fixed dd: - Every set HH of nn hyperplanes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d contains a subset SHS\subseteq H of size at least c(nlogn)1/dc \left(n \log n\right)^{1/d}, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, such that no cell of the arrangement of HH is bounded by hyperplanes of SS only. - Every set of cqdlogqcq^d\log q points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, for some constant c=c(d)>0c=c(d)>0, contains a subset of qq cohyperplanar points or qq points in general position. Two-dimensional versions of the above results were respectively proved by Ackerman et al. [Electronic J. Combinatorics, 2014] and by Payne and Wood [SIAM J. Discrete Math., 2013].Comment: 8 page

    Covering Partial Cubes with Zones

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    A partial cube is a graph having an isometric embedding in a hypercube. Partial cubes are characterized by a natural equivalence relation on the edges, whose classes are called zones. The number of zones determines the minimal dimension of a hypercube in which the graph can be embedded. We consider the problem of covering the vertices of a partial cube with the minimum number of zones. The problem admits several special cases, among which are the problem of covering the cells of a line arrangement with a minimum number of lines, and the problem of finding a minimum-size fibre in a bipartite poset. For several such special cases, we give upper and lower bounds on the minimum size of a covering by zones. We also consider the computational complexity of those problems, and establish some hardness results

    On Higher Dimensional Point Sets in General Position

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    A finite point set in ?^d is in general position if no d + 1 points lie on a common hyperplane. Let ?_d(N) be the largest integer such that any set of N points in ?^d with no d + 2 members on a common hyperplane, contains a subset of size ?_d(N) in general position. Using the method of hypergraph containers, Balogh and Solymosi showed that ??(N) < N^{5/6 + o(1)}. In this paper, we also use the container method to obtain new upper bounds for ?_d(N) when d ? 3. More precisely, we show that if d is odd, then ?_d(N) < N^{1/2 + 1/(2d) + o(1)}, and if d is even, we have ?_d(N) < N^{1/2 + 1/(d-1) + o(1)}. We also study the classical problem of determining the maximum number a(d,k,n) of points selected from the grid [n]^d such that no k + 2 members lie on a k-flat. For fixed d and k, we show that a(d,k,n)? O(n^{d/{2?(k+2)/4?}(1- 1/{2?(k+2)/4?d+1})}), which improves the previously best known bound of O(n^{d/?(k + 2)/2?}) due to Lefmann when k+2 is congruent to 0 or 1 mod 4