301 research outputs found

    Mapping solar array location, size, and capacity using deep learning and overhead imagery

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    The effective integration of distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays into existing power grids will require access to high quality data; the location, power capacity, and energy generation of individual solar PV installations. Unfortunately, existing methods for obtaining this data are limited in their spatial resolution and completeness. We propose a general framework for accurately and cheaply mapping individual PV arrays, and their capacities, over large geographic areas. At the core of this approach is a deep learning algorithm called SolarMapper - which we make publicly available - that can automatically map PV arrays in high resolution overhead imagery. We estimate the performance of SolarMapper on a large dataset of overhead imagery across three US cities in California. We also describe a procedure for deploying SolarMapper to new geographic regions, so that it can be utilized by others. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed deployment procedure by using it to map solar arrays across the entire US state of Connecticut (CT). Using these results, we demonstrate that we achieve highly accurate estimates of total installed PV capacity within each of CT's 168 municipal regions

    Monitoring spatial sustainable development: Semi-automated analysis of satellite and aerial images for energy transition and sustainability indicators

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    Solar panels are installed by a large and growing number of households due to the convenience of having cheap and renewable energy to power house appliances. In contrast to other energy sources solar installations are distributed very decentralized and spread over hundred-thousands of locations. On a global level more than 25% of solar photovoltaic (PV) installations were decentralized. The effect of the quick energy transition from a carbon based economy to a green economy is though still very difficult to quantify. As a matter of fact the quick adoption of solar panels by households is difficult to track, with local registries that miss a large number of the newly built solar panels. This makes the task of assessing the impact of renewable energies an impossible task. Although models of the output of a region exist, they are often black box estimations. This project's aim is twofold: First automate the process to extract the location of solar panels from aerial or satellite images and second, produce a map of solar panels along with statistics on the number of solar panels. Further, this project takes place in a wider framework which investigates how official statistics can benefit from new digital data sources. At project completion, a method for detecting solar panels from aerial images via machine learning will be developed and the methodology initially developed for BE, DE and NL will be standardized for application to other EU countries. In practice, machine learning techniques are used to identify solar panels in satellite and aerial images for the province of Limburg (NL), Flanders (BE) and North Rhine-Westphalia (DE).Comment: This document provides the reader with an overview of the various datasets which will be used throughout the project. The collection of satellite and aerial images as well as auxiliary information such as the location of buildings and roofs which is required to train, test and validate the machine learning algorithm that is being develope

    SolarFormer: Multi-scale Transformer for Solar PV Profiling

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    As climate change intensifies, the global imperative to shift towards sustainable energy sources becomes more pronounced. Photovoltaic (PV) energy is a favored choice due to its reliability and ease of installation. Accurate mapping of PV installations is crucial for understanding their adoption and informing energy policy. To meet this need, we introduce the SolarFormer, designed to segment solar panels from aerial imagery, offering insights into their location and size. However, solar panel identification in Computer Vision is intricate due to various factors like weather conditions, roof conditions, and Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) variations. To tackle these complexities, we present the SolarFormer, featuring a multi-scale Transformer encoder and a masked-attention Transformer decoder. Our model leverages low-level features and incorporates an instance query mechanism to enhance the localization of solar PV installations. We rigorously evaluated our SolarFormer using diverse datasets, including GGE (France), IGN (France), and USGS (California, USA), across different GSDs. Our extensive experiments consistently demonstrate that our model either matches or surpasses state-of-the-art models, promising enhanced solar panel segmentation for global sustainable energy initiatives.Comment: Pre-prin

    Enhanced Solar Potential Analysis: Separating Terraced House Rooftops Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Solar power, a clean and renewable energy source, plays a pivotal role in achieving sustainable development goals by offering affordable, reliable, modern energy solutions and mitigating energy-related emissions and pollutants. Current studies predominantly focus on solar potential analysis derived from machine learning-based rooftop area segmentation. However, these studies reveal an overestimation of usable area for solar output calculations in terraced houses, due to failing to distinguish individual households within terraced structures. This research delineates state-of-the-art Machine Learning and computer vision techniques applied on remote-sensing images obtained via the Google API. The dataset, manually annotated and augmented to include 5000 training images and 1000 validation images, is focused on the UK, particularly terraced house areas. The stand-alone Convolutional Neural Network used to segment terraced-structure rooftop areas reaches an intersection over union of 69.11%. The model uniquely addresses the segmentation of contiguous terraced houses in the UK, which is pivotal for the solar installation assessments in the UK’s residential landscape