2 research outputs found

    Influential factors in water planning for sustainable tourism destinations

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Journal of Sustainable Tourism on 28 Feb 2018, available online at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09669582.2018.1433183."Many destinations are implementing various water management alternatives to diminish the environmental impacts of tourism and increase sustainability. These efforts toward sustainability can be understood as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies implemented by tourism destinations. This paper is focused on the tourism destination of the Costa Brava (Catalonia, Spain) and proposes a method for selecting a list of influential factors in water management for sustainable tourism destinations by considering stakeholder preferences for technical, economic, social, political, and environmental factors. A new qualitative Delphi technique is used to identify a set of qualitative and quantitative factors by surveying eight stakeholders (six water management experts and two hotel managers). In addition, the study presents the weight for each of the influential factors that decision-makers – water planners, policy-makers, tourism destination managers and hotel managers – can use in assessing water management alternatives. Although research to date has addressed many aspects of responsible tourism, there is little literature on the importance of water management in responsible strategies for tourism destinations. This paper contributes to a more efficient selection of CSR strategies in tourism destinations by proposing a new methodology for identifying key factors for assessing sustainable solutions for water problems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Hierarchical outranking methods for multi-criteria decision aiding

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    Els mètodes d’Ajut a la Decisió Multi-Criteri assisteixen en la pressa de decisions implicant múltiples criteris conflictius. Existeixen dos enfocaments principals per resoldre aquest tipus de problemes: els mètodes basats en utilitat i d’outranking, cadascun amb les seves fortaleses i debilitats. Els mètodes outranking estan basats en models d’elecció social combinats amb tècniques d’intel·ligència artificial (com gestió de dades categòriques o d’incertesa). Son eines per una avaluació i comparació realista d’alternatives, basant-se en les necessitats i coneixements del prenedor de la decisió. Una de les debilitats dels mètodes outranking és la no consideració de jerarquies de criteris, que permeten una organització natural del problema, distingint diferents nivells de generalitat que modelen les relacions taxonòmiques implícites entre criteris. En aquesta tesi ens enfoquem en el desenvolupament d’eines d’outranking jeràrquiques i la seva aplicació en casos d’estudi reals per problemes de classificació i rànquing.Los métodos de Ayuda a la Decisión Multi-Criterio asisten en la toma de decisiones involucrando múltiples criterios conflictivos. Existen dos enfoques principales para resolver éste tipo de problemas: los métodos basados en utilidad y de outranking, cada uno con sus fortalezas y debilidades. Los métodos outranking están basados en modelos de elección social combinados con técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial (como gestión de datos categóricos o de incertidumbre). Son herramientas para una evaluación y comparación realista de alternativas, basándose en las necesidades y conocimientos del tomador de decisión. Una de las debilidades de los métodos outranking es la no consideración de jerarquías de criterios, que permiten una organización natural del problema, distinguiendo distintos niveles de generalidad que modelan las relaciones taxonómicas implícitas entre criterios. En ésta tesis nos enfocamos en el desarrollo de herramientas de outranking jerárquicas y su aplicación en casos de estudio reales para problemas de clasificación y ranking.Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) methods support complex decision making involving multiple and conflictive criteria. MCDA distinguishes two main approaches to deal with this type of problems: utility-based and outranking methods, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Outranking methods are based on social choice models combined with Artificial Intelligence techniques (such as the management of categorical data or uncertainty). They are recognized as providing tools for a realistic assessment and comparison of a set of alternatives, based on the decision maker’s knowledge and needs. One of the main weaknesses of the outranking methods is the lack of consideration of hierarchies of criteria, which enables the decision maker to naturally organize the problem, distinguishing different levels of generality that model the implicit taxonomical relations between the criteria. In this thesis we focus on developing hierarchical outranking tools and their application to real-world case studies for ranking and sorting problems