1,287 research outputs found

    Grasping and Assembling with Modular Robots

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    A wide variety of problems, from manufacturing to disaster response and space exploration, can benefit from robotic systems that can firmly grasp objects or assemble various structures, particularly in difficult, dangerous environments. In this thesis, we study the two problems, robotic grasping and assembly, with a modular robotic approach that can facilitate the problems with versatility and robustness. First, this thesis develops a theoretical framework for grasping objects with customized effectors that have curved contact surfaces, with applications to modular robots. We present a collection of grasps and cages that can effectively restrain the mobility of a wide range of objects including polyhedra. Each of the grasps or cages is formed by at most three effectors. A stable grasp is obtained by simple motion planning and control. Based on the theory, we create a robotic system comprised of a modular manipulator equipped with customized end-effectors and a software suite for planning and control of the manipulator. Second, this thesis presents efficient assembly planning algorithms for constructing planar target structures collectively with a collection of homogeneous mobile modular robots. The algorithms are provably correct and address arbitrary target structures that may include internal holes. The resultant assembly plan supports parallel assembly and guarantees easy accessibility in the sense that a robot does not have to pass through a narrow gap while approaching its target position. Finally, we extend the algorithms to address various symmetric patterns formed by a collection of congruent rectangles on the plane. The basic ideas in this thesis have broad applications to manufacturing (restraint), humanitarian missions (forming airfields on the high seas), and service robotics (grasping and manipulation)

    Heterogeneous Self-Reconfiguring Robotics: Ph.D. Thesis Proposal

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    Self-reconfiguring robots are modular systems that can change shape, or reconfigure, to match structure to task. They comprise many small, discrete, often identical modules that connect together and that are minimally actuated. Global shape transformation is achieved by composing local motions. Systems with a single module type, known as homogeneous systems, gain fault tolerance, robustness and low production cost from module interchangeability. However, we are interested in heterogeneous systems, which include multiple types of modules such as those with sensors, batteries or wheels. We believe that heterogeneous systems offer the same benefits as homogeneous systems with the added ability to match not only structure to task, but also capability to task. Although significant results have been achieved in understanding homogeneous systems, research in heterogeneous systems is challenging as key algorithmic issues remain unexplored. We propose in this thesis to investigate questions in four main areas: 1) how to classify heterogeneous systems, 2) how to develop efficient heterogeneous reconfiguration algorithms with desired characteristics, 3) how to characterize the complexity of key algorithmic problems, and 4) how to apply these heterogeneous algorithms to perform useful new tasks in simulation and in the physical world. Our goal is to develop an algorithmic basis for heterogeneous systems. This has theoretical significance in that it addresses a major open problem in the field, and practical significance in providing self-reconfiguring robots with increased capabilities

    Decentralized Approach to Evolve the Structure of Metamorphic Robots

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    International audienceMetamorphic robots are robots that can change their shape by reorganizing the connectivity of their modules to adapt to new environments, perform new tasks, or recover from damages. In this paper we present a decentralized method for structural evolving of a class of lattice-based simulated metamorphic robots in a static environment. These robots are considered as a set of crystalline (compressible) modules that are able to connect or disconnect one from each another or even exchange information and energy with the neighbor modules in order to form various structures/patterns dynamically. Our approach is splitted in two layers: in the first layer a genetic algorithm is used to generate a number of well suited target configurations based on current information perceived from environment, while in the second layer a PacMan-like algorithm is used to make a plan for modules movement to transform the robot from its current pattern to the target pattern emerged in first layer

    Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robot Systems

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    The field of modular self-reconfigurable robotic systems addresses the design, fabrication, motion planning, and control of autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology. Modular self-reconfigurable systems have the promise of making significant technological advances to the field of robotics in general. Their promise of high versatility, high value, and high robustness may lead to a radical change in automation. Currently, a number of researchers have been addressing many of the challenges. While some progress has been made, it is clear that many challenges still exist. By illustrating several of the outstanding issues as grand challenges that have been collaboratively written by a large number of researchers in this field, this article has shown several of the key directions for the future of this growing fiel
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