4 research outputs found

    Modified Spatio-Temporal Matched Filtering for Brain Responses Classification

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    In this article, we apply the method of spatio-temporal filtering (STF) to electroencephalographic (EEG) data processing for brain responses classification. The method operates similarly to linear discriminant analysis (LDA) but contrary to most applied classifiers, it uses the whole recorded EEG signal as a source of information instead of the precisely selected brain responses, only. This way it avoids the limitations of LDA and improves the classification accuracy. We emphasize the significance of the STF learning phase. To preclude the negative influence of super–Gaussian artifacts on accomplishment of this phase, we apply the discrete cosine transform (DCT) based method for their rejection. Later, we estimate the noise covariance matrix using all data available, and we improve the STF template construction. The further modifications are related with the constructed filters operation and consist in the changes of the STF interpretation rules. Consequently, a new tool for evoked potentials (EPs) classification has been developed. Applied to the analysis of signals stored in a publicly available database, prepared for the assessment of modern algorithms aimed in EPs detection (in the frames of the 2019 IFMBE Scientific Challenge), it allowed to achieve the second best result, very close to the best one, and significantly better than the ones achieved by other contestants of the challeng

    EEG-based emotion recognition using tunable Q wavelet transform and rotation forest ensemble classifier

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    Emotion recognition by artificial intelligence (AI) is a challenging task. A wide variety of research has been done, which demonstrated the utility of audio, imagery, and electroencephalography (EEG) data for automatic emotion recognition. This paper presents a new automated emotion recognition framework, which utilizes electroencephalography (EEG) signals. The proposed method is lightweight, and it consists of four major phases, which include: a reprocessing phase, a feature extraction phase, a feature dimension reduction phase, and a classification phase. A discrete wavelet transforms (DWT) based noise reduction method, which is hereby named multi scale principal component analysis (MSPCA), is utilized during the pre-processing phase, where a Symlets-4 filter is utilized for noise reduction. A tunable Q wavelet transform (TQWT) is utilized as feature extractor. Six different statistical methods are used for dimension reduction. In the classification step, rotation forest ensemble (RFE) classifier is utilized with different classification algorithms such as k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), support vector machine (SVM), artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), and four different types of the decision tree (DT) algorithms. The proposed framework achieves over 93 % classification accuracy with RFE + SVM. The results clearly show that the proposed TQWT and RFE based emotion recognition framework is an effective approach for emotion recognition using EEG signals.</p

    Classification of Frequency and Phase Encoded Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials for Brain Computer Interface Speller Applications using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Over the past decade there have been substantial improvements in vision based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) spellers for quadriplegic patient populations. This thesis contains a review of the numerous bio-signals available to BCI researchers, as well as a brief chronology of foremost decoding methodologies used to date. Recent advances in classification accuracy and information transfer rate can be primarily attributed to time consuming patient specific parameter optimization procedures. The aim of the current study was to develop analysis software with potential ‘plug-in-and-play’ functionality. To this end, convolutional neural networks, presently established as state of the art analytical techniques for image processing, were utilized. The thesis herein defines deep convolutional neural network architecture for the offline classification of phase and frequency encoded SSVEP bio-signals. Networks were trained using an extensive 35 participant open source Electroencephalographic (EEG) benchmark dataset (Department of Bio-medical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing). Average classification accuracies of 82.24% and information transfer rates of 22.22 bpm were achieved on a BCI naïve participant dataset for a 40 target alphanumeric display, in absence of any patient specific parameter optimization

    Continual learning from stationary and non-stationary data

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    Continual learning aims at developing models that are capable of working on constantly evolving problems over a long-time horizon. In such environments, we can distinguish three essential aspects of training and maintaining machine learning models - incorporating new knowledge, retaining it and reacting to changes. Each of them poses its own challenges, constituting a compound problem with multiple goals. Remembering previously incorporated concepts is the main property of a model that is required when dealing with stationary distributions. In non-stationary environments, models should be capable of selectively forgetting outdated decision boundaries and adapting to new concepts. Finally, a significant difficulty can be found in combining these two abilities within a single learning algorithm, since, in such scenarios, we have to balance remembering and forgetting instead of focusing only on one aspect. The presented dissertation addressed these problems in an exploratory way. Its main goal was to grasp the continual learning paradigm as a whole, analyze its different branches and tackle identified issues covering various aspects of learning from sequentially incoming data. By doing so, this work not only filled several gaps in the current continual learning research but also emphasized the complexity and diversity of challenges existing in this domain. Comprehensive experiments conducted for all of the presented contributions have demonstrated their effectiveness and substantiated the validity of the stated claims