1,873 research outputs found

    Security Issues in Data Warehouse

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    Data Warehouse (DWH) provides storage for huge amounts of historical data from heterogeneous operational sources in the form of multidimensional views, thus supplying sensitive and useful information which help decision-makers to improve the organization’s business processes. A data warehouse environment must ensure that data collected and stored in one big repository are not vulnerable. A review of security approaches specifically for data warehouse environment and issues concerning each type of security approach have been provided in this paper

    Pheromone-mediated mating disruption of the European grain moth Nemapogon granellus in ham factories

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    Nemapogon granellus is a lepidopteran species that can cause significant damage to stored animal products such as meats, sausages and cheeses. In the warehouses where such products are stored, pheromone-based control ap-proaches can avoid or reduce insecticide chemical treatments and be more effective than traditional control methods. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of mating disruption (MD) techniques to control N. granellus populations in ham factories. Trials were conducted in two factories located in Northern Italy. In both locations two warehouses were selected: a warehouse test where dispensers, loaded with 10 mg of N. granellus pheromone, were deployed at a density ranging from 1 unit/22.5 m3 (factory A) to 1 unit/25 m3 (factory B), and a control warehouse left untreated. To assess the mating disruption efficacy, the reduction of the number of mated females in water traps, placed in control and treated warehouses, was used as main parameter. The results indicated a substantial reduction in mated females in the treated warehouses in comparison with control warehouses in both the sites of experiments. In detail, the total number of mated females sampled in water traps was above 90% in control warehouses, in warehouses treated with MD technique this percentage was below 50%. In addition, a "trap shutdown" effect was recorded in MD treated warehouses of both factories. These findings suggest that mating disruption is a promising technique that can be positively applied in the integrated pest management of N. granellus in ham factories

    Secured Data Masking Framework and Technique for Preserving Privacy in a Business Intelligence Analytics Platform

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    The main concept behind business intelligence (BI) is how to use integrated data across different business systems within an enterprise to make strategic decisions. It is difficult to map internal and external BI’s users to subsets of the enterprise’s data warehouse (DW), resulting that protecting the privacy of this data while maintaining its utility is a challenging task. Today, such DW systems constitute one of the most serious privacy breach threats that an enterprise might face when many internal users of different security levels have access to BI components. This thesis proposes a data masking framework (iMaskU: Identify, Map, Apply, Sign, Keep testing, Utilize) for a BI platform to protect the data at rest, preserve the data format, and maintain the data utility on-the-fly querying level. A new reversible data masking technique (COntent BAsed Data masking - COBAD) is developed as an implementation of iMaskU. The masking algorithm in COBAD is based on the statistical content of the extracted dataset, so that, the masked data cannot be linked with specific individuals or be re-identified by any means. The strength of the re-identification risk factor for the COBAD technique has been computed using a supercomputer where, three security scheme/attacking methods are considered, a) the brute force attack, needs, on average, 55 years to crack the key of each record; b) the dictionary attack, needs 231 days to crack the same key for the entire extracted dataset (containing 50,000 records), c) a data linkage attack, the re-identification risk is very low when the common linked attributes are used. The performance validation of COBAD masking technique has been conducted. A database schema of 1GB is used in TPC-H decision support benchmark. The performance evaluation for the execution time of the selected TPC-H queries presented that the COBAD speed results are much better than AES128 and 3DES encryption. Theoretical and experimental results show that the proposed solution provides a reasonable trade-off between data security and the utility of re-identified data

    A Classification of non-Cryptographic Anonymization Techniques Ensuring Privacy in Big Data

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    Recently, Big Data processing becomes crucial to most enterprise and government applications due to the fast growth of the collected data. However, this data often includes private personal information that arise new security and privacy concerns. Moreover, it is widely agreed that the sheer scale of big data makes many privacy preserving techniques unavailing. Therefore, in order to ensure privacy in big data, anonymization is suggested as one of the most efficient approaches. In this paper, we will provide a new detailed classification of the most used non-cryptographic anonymization techniques related to big data including generalization and randomization approaches. Besides, the paper evaluates the presented techniques through integrity, confidentiality and credibility criteria. In addition, three relevant anonymization techniques including k-anonymity, l-diversity and t-closeness are tested on an extract of a huge real data set

    Data Masking, Encryption, and their Effect on Classification Performance: Trade-offs Between Data Security and Utility

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    As data mining increasingly shapes organizational decision-making, the quality of its results must be questioned to ensure trust in the technology. Inaccuracies can mislead decision-makers and cause costly mistakes. With more data collected for analytical purposes, privacy is also a major concern. Data security policies and regulations are increasingly put in place to manage risks, but these policies and regulations often employ technologies that substitute and/or suppress sensitive details contained in the data sets being mined. Data masking and substitution and/or data encryption and suppression of sensitive attributes from data sets can limit access to important details. It is believed that the use of data masking and encryption can impact the quality of data mining results. This dissertation investigated and compared the causal effects of data masking and encryption on classification performance as a measure of the quality of knowledge discovery. A review of the literature found a gap in the body of knowledge, indicating that this problem had not been studied before in an experimental setting. The objective of this dissertation was to gain an understanding of the trade-offs between data security and utility in the field of analytics and data mining. The research used a nationally recognized cancer incidence database, to show how masking and encryption of potentially sensitive demographic attributes such as patients’ marital status, race/ethnicity, origin, and year of birth, could have a statistically significant impact on the patients’ predicted survival. Performance parameters measured by four different classifiers delivered sizable variations in the range of 9% to 10% between a control group, where the select attributes were untouched, and two experimental groups where the attributes were substituted or suppressed to simulate the effects of the data protection techniques. In practice, this represented a corroboration of the potential risk involved when basing medical treatment decisions using data mining applications where attributes in the data sets are masked or encrypted for patient privacy and security concerns

    Enhancing Data Security in Data Warehousing

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    Tese de doutoramento do Programa de Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraData Warehouses (DWs) store sensitive data that encloses many business secrets. They have become the most common data source used by analytical tools for producing business intelligence and supporting decision making in most enterprises. This makes them an extremely appealing target for both inside and outside attackers. Given these facts, securing them against data damage and information leakage is critical. This thesis proposes a security framework for integrating data confidentiality solutions and intrusion detection in DWs. Deployed as a middle tier between end user interfaces and the database server, the framework describes how the different solutions should interact with the remaining tiers. To the best of our knowledge, this framework is the first to integrate confidentiality solutions such as data masking and encryption together with intrusion detection in a unique blueprint, providing a broad scope data security architecture. Packaged database encryption solutions are been well-accepted as the best form for protecting data confidentiality while keeping high database performance. However, this thesis demonstrates that they heavily increase storage space and introduce extremely large response time overhead, among other drawbacks. Although their usefulness in their security purpose itself is indisputable, the thesis discusses the issues concerning their feasibility and efficiency in data warehousing environments. This way, solutions specifically tailored for DWs (i.e., that account for the particular characteristics of the data and workloads are capable of delivering better tradeoffs between security and performance than those proposed by standard algorithms and previous research. This thesis proposes a reversible data masking function and a novel encryption algorithm that provide diverse levels of significant security strength while adding small response time and storage space overhead. Both techniques take numerical input and produce numerical output, using data type preservation to minimize storage space overhead, and simply use arithmetical operators mixed with eXclusive OR and modulus operators in their data transformations. The operations used in these data transformations are native to standard SQL, which enables both solutions to use transparent SQL rewriting to mask or encrypt data. Transparently rewriting SQL allows discarding data roundtrips between the database and the encryption/decryption mechanisms, thus avoiding I/O and network bandwidth bottlenecks. Using operations and operators native to standard SQL also enables their full portability to any type of DataBase Management System (DBMS) and/or DW. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the proposed techniques outperform standard and state-of-the-art research algorithms while providing substantial security strength. From an intrusion detection view, most Database Intrusion Detection Systems (DIDS) rely on command-syntax analysis to compute data access patterns and dependencies for building user profiles that represent what they consider as typical user activity. However, the considerable ad hoc nature of DW user workloads makes it extremely difficult to distinguish between normal and abnormal user behavior, generating huge amounts of alerts that mostly turn out to be false alarms. Most DIDS also lack assessing the damage intrusions might cause, while many allow various intrusions to pass undetected or only inspect user actions a posteriori to their execution, which jeopardizes intrusion damage containment. This thesis proposes a DIDS specifically tailored for DWs, integrating a real-time intrusion detector and response manager at the SQL command level that acts transparently as an extension of the database server. User profiles and intrusion detection processes rely on analyzing several distinct aspects of typical DW workloads: the user command, processed data and results from processing the command. An SQL-like rule set extends data access control and statistical models are built for each feature to obtain individual user profiles, using statistical tests for intrusion detection. A self-calibration formula computes the contribution of each feature in the overall intrusion detection process. A risk exposure method is used for alert management, which is proven more efficient in damage containment than using alert correlation techniques to deal with the generation of high amounts of alerts. Experiments demonstrate the overall efficiency of the proposed DIDS.As Data Warehouses (DWs) armazenam dados sensíveis que muitas vezes encerram os segredos do negócio. São actualmente a forma mais utilizada por parte de ferramentas analíticas para produzir inteligência de negócio e proporcionar apoio à tomada de decisão em muitas empresas. Isto torna as DWs um alvo extremamente apetecível por parte de atacantes internos e externos à própria empresa. Devido a estes factos, assegurar que o seu conteúdo é devidamente protegido contra danos que possam ser causados nos dados, ou o roubo e utilização ou divulgação desses dados, é de uma importância crítica. Nesta tese, é apresentada uma framework de segurança que possibilita a integração conjunta das soluções de confidencialidade de dados e detecção de intrusões em DWs. Esta integração conjunta de soluções é definida na framework como uma camada intermédia entre os interfaces dos utilizadores e o servidor de base de dados, descrevendo como as diferentes soluções interagem com os restantes pares. Consideramos esta framework como a primeira do género que combina tipos distintos de soluções de confidencialidade, como mascaragem e encriptação de dados com detecção de intrusões, numa única arquitectura integrada, promovendo uma solução de segurança de dados transversal e de grande abrangência. A utilização de pacotes de soluções de encriptação incluídos em servidores de bases de dados tem sido considerada como a melhor forma de proteger a confidencialidade de dados sensíveis e conseguir ao mesmo tempo manter um nível elevado de desempenho nas bases de dados. Contudo, esta tese demonstra que a utilização de encriptação resulta tipicamente num aumento extremamente considerável do espaço de armazenamento de dados e no tempo de processamento e resposta dos comandos SQL, entre outras desvantagens ou aspectos negativos relativos ao seu desempenho. Apesar da sua utilidade indiscutível no cumprimento dos pressupostos em termos de segurança propriamente ditos, nesta tese discutimos os problemas inerentes que dizem respeito à sua aplicabilidade, eficiência e viabilidade em ambientes de data warehousing. Argumentamos que soluções especificamente concebidas para DWs, que tenham em conta as características particulares dos seus dados e as actividades típicas dos seus utilizadores, são capazes de produzir um melhor equilíbrio entre segurança e desempenho do que as soluções previamente disponibilizadas por algoritmos standard e outros trabalhos de investigação para bases de dados na sua generalidade. Nesta tese, propomos uma função reversível de mascaragem de dados e um novo algoritmo de encriptação, que providenciam diversos níveis de segurança consideráveis, ao mesmo tempo que adicionam pequenos aumentos de espaço de armazenamento e tempo de processamento. Ambas as técnicas recebem dados numéricos de entrada e produzem dados numéricos de saída, usam preservação do tipo de dados para minimizar o aumento do espaço de armazenamento, e simplesmente utilizam combinações de operadores aritméticos conjuntamente com OU exclusivos (XOR) e restos de divisão (MOD) nas operações de transformação de dados. Como este tipo de operações se conseguem realizar recorrendo a comandos nativos de SQL, isto permite a ambas as soluções utilizar de forma transparente a reescrita de comandos SQL para mascarar e encriptar dados. Este manuseamento transparente de comandos SQL permite requerer a execução desses mesmos comandos ao Sistema de Gestão de Base de Dados (SGBD) sem que os dados tenham de ser transportados entre a base de dados e os mecanismos de mascaragem/desmascaragem e encriptação/ decriptação, evitando assim o congestionamento em termos de I/O e rede. A utilização de operações e operadores nativos ao SQL também permite a sua portabilidade para qualquer tipo de SGBD e/ou DW. As avaliações experimentais demonstram que as técnicas propostas obtêm um desempenho significativamente superior ao obtido por algoritmos standard e outros propostos pelo estado da arte da investigação nestes domínios, enquanto providenciam um nível de segurança considerável. Numa perspectiva de detecção de intrusões, a maioria dos Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusões em Bases de Dados (SDIBD) utilizam formas de análise de sintaxe de comandos para determinar padrões de acesso e dependências que determinam os perfis que consideram representativos da actividade típica dos utilizadores. Contudo, a carga considerável de natureza ad hoc existente em muitas acções por parte dos utilizadores de DWs gera frequentemente um número avassalador de alertas que, na sua maioria, se revelam falsos alarmes. Muitos SDIBD também não fazem qualquer tipo de avaliação aos potenciais danos que as intrusões podem causar, enquanto muitos outros permitem que várias intrusões passem indetectadas ou apenas inspeccionam as acções dos utilizadores após essas acções terem completado a sua execução, o que coloca em causa a possível contenção e/ou reparação de danos causados. Nesta tese, propomos um SDIBD especificamente concebido para DWs, integrando um detector de intrusões em tempo real, com capacidade de parar ou impedir a execução da acção do utilizador, e que funciona de forma transparente como uma extensão do SGBD. Os perfis dos utilizadores e os processos de detecção de intrusões recorrem à análise de diversos aspectos distintos característicos da actividade típica de utilizadores de DWs: o comando SQL emitido, os dados processados, e os dados resultantes desse processamento. Um conjunto de regras tipo SQL estende o alcance das políticas de controlo de acesso a dados, e modelos estatísticos são construídos baseados em cada variável relevante à determinação dos perfis dos utilizadores, sendo utilizados testes estatísticos para analisar as acções dos utilizadores e detectar possíveis intrusões. Também é descrito um método de calibragem automatizado da contribuição de cada uma dessas variáveis no processo global de detecção de intrusões, com base na eficiência que vão apresentando ao longo do tempo nesse mesmo processo. Um método de exposição de risco é definido para fazer a gestão de alertas, que é mais eficiente do que as técnicas de correlação habitualmente utilizadas para este fim, de modo a lidar com a geração de quantidades elevadas de alertas. As avaliações experimentais incluídas nesta tese demonstram a eficiência do SDIBD proposto

    Security Architecture for Tanzania Higher Learning Institutions’ Data Warehouse

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    In this paper we developed security architecture for the higher learning institutions in Tanzania which considers security measures to be taken at different level of the higher learning institutions’ data warehouse architecture. The primary objectives of the study was to identify security requirements of the higher learning institutions data warehouses and then study the existing security systems in and finally develop and architecture based on the requirements extracted from the study. The study was carried at three different universities in Tanzania by carrying out interviews, study of the existing systems in respective institutions and a literature review of the existing data warehouses systems and architectures. The result was the security requirements identified which lead to the development of the security architecture comprising security in source systems, data, and services to be offered by the DW, applications which use DW, networks and other physical infrastructure focusing on security controls like authentication, role-based access control, role separation of privileged users, storage of data, secure transfer of data, protective monitoring/ intrusion detection, penetration testing, trusted/secure endpoints and physical protection. Keywords: Data warehouse, security architecture, higher learning institution

    Tin dioxide nanoparticle based sensor integrated with microstrip antenna for passive wireless ethylene sensing

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    In this dissertation, we present the development and integration of a passive ethylene gas sensor with triangular microstrip patch antenna for wireless monitoring of climacteric fruit freshness. The existing ethylene sensors are mostly SnO2 resistor based active sensors, fabricated on rigid substrates requiring high fabrication temperatures and cannot be used for wireless applications. The proposed passive ethylene gas sensor is a novel nanoparticle based SnO2 capacitive sensor which, unlike the other existing SnO2resistor based active thick film and thin film sensors, consists of 10 nm to 15 nm SnO2 nanoparticles coated as a thin dielectric film of 1300 nm thickness. The nanoscale particle size and film thickness of the sensing dielectric layer in the capacitor model aids in sensing ethylene at room temperature and eliminates the need for micro hotplates used in existing SnO2 based resistive sensors. In comparison to the high sintering deposition temperatures used for many currently available ethylene sensors fabricated on rigid substrates, the SnO2 sensing layer is deposited using a room temperature dip coating process on flexible polyimide substrates. The capacitive sensor fabricated with pure SnO2 nanoparticles as the dielectric showed a 5 pF change in capacitance when ethylene gas concentration was increased from 0 to 100 ppm. The change in capacitance was increased to 7 pF by introducing a 10 nm layer of platinum (Pt) and palladium (Pd) alloy deposited by sputter deposition. This also improved the selectivity of the sensor to ethylene mixed in a CO2 gas environment. The response time was decreased to 3 min for SnO2 samples with Pt/Pd layer (5 min for pure SnO2samples) and its recovery time was decreased to 5 min compared to 7 min for pure SnO2 samples. The passive SnO2 capacitive ethylene sensor is integrated with a triangular microstrip patch antenna using capacitively loaded integration methodology which represents a one of a kind passive wireless sensor tag used for detecting freshness of climacteric fruit. The integration methodology adapted also reduced the size of the triangular patch antenna by 63 percent. The decrease in sensor capacitance due to the presence of ethylene (0 to 100 ppm) changes the antenna resonant frequency by 7 MHz and return loss by 9.5 dB, which makes the system reliable for far field wireless ethylene monitoring applications. The sensor tag output was also detected using an RFID reader showing a change in demodulated signal amplitude of 3 mV. Experimental result is presented for detecting multiple sensor tags at varying distances based on the wireless measurement of return loss which eliminates the common distance problem existing in backscatter signal based tags