8,126 research outputs found

    MedDevRisk: Risk Analysis Methodology for Networked Medical Devices

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    The prolific integration of technology into medical environments is continuously generating new attack vectors. This continuous amalgamation of technology into the medical field prompted the idea that risk assessment models can be utilized to identify cyber security vulnerabilities in medical settings. This research presents an initial investigation into the application of risk assessment frame works, i.e., STRIDE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, and a Common Vulnerability Scoring System to identified networked medical devices that are currently employed in an operational medical simulation lab. The contribution of this research is twofold and culminates in a novel proof-of-concept system known as MedDevRisk. First, it demonstrates an approach to incorporating existing threat models into a relational database schema based on Threat-Vulnerability-Asset (TVA) relationships. Second, it provides an initial empirical analysis of the risk associated with networked medical devices along with providing the foundation for future research

    Cyber Risk Assessment and Scoring Model for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    The commercial-off-the-shelf small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) market is expanding rapidly in response to interest from hobbyists, commercial businesses, and military operators. The core commercial mission set directly relates to many current military requirements and strategies, with a priority on short range, low cost, real time aerial imaging, and limited modular payloads. These small vehicles present small radar cross sections, low heat signatures, and carry a variety of sensors and payloads. As with many new technologies, security seems secondary to the goal of reaching the market as soon as innovation is viable. Research indicates a growth in exploits and vulnerabilities applicable to small UAV systems, from individual UAV guidance and autopilot controls to the mobile ground station devices that may be as simple as a cellphone application controlling several aircraft. Even if developers strive to improve the security of small UAVs, consumers are left without meaningful insight into the hardware and software protections installed when buying these systems. To date, there is no marketed or accredited risk index for small UAVs. Building from similar domains of aircraft operation, information technologies, cyber-physical systems, and cyber insurance, a cyber risk assessment methodology tailored for small UAVs is proposed and presented in this research. Through case studies of popular models and tailored mission-environment scenarios, the assessment is shown to meet the three objectives of ease-of-use, breadth, and readability. By allowing a cyber risk assessment at or before acquisition, organizations and individuals will be able to accurately compare and choose the best aircraft for their mission

    Vulnerability prediction for secure healthcare supply chain service delivery

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    Healthcare organisations are constantly facing sophisticated cyberattacks due to the sensitivity and criticality of patient health care information and wide connectivity of medical devices. Such attacks can pose potential disruptions to critical services delivery. There are number of existing works that focus on using Machine Learning(ML) models for pre-dicting vulnerability and exploitation but most of these works focused on parameterized values to predict severity and exploitability. This paper proposes a novel method that uses ontology axioms to define essential concepts related to the overall healthcare ecosystem and to ensure semantic consistency checking among such concepts. The application of on-tology enables the formal specification and description of healthcare ecosystem and the key elements used in vulnerabil-ity assessment as a set of concepts. Such specification also strengthens the relationships that exist between healthcare-based and vulnerability assessment concepts, in addition to semantic definition and reasoning of the concepts. Our work also makes use of Machine Learning techniques to predict possible security vulnerabilities in health care supply chain services. The paper demonstrates the applicability of our work by using vulnerability datasets to predict the exploitation. The results show that the conceptualization of healthcare sector cybersecurity using an ontological approach provides mechanisms to better understand the correlation between the healthcare sector and the security domain, while the ML algorithms increase the accuracy of the vulnerability exploitability prediction. Our result shows that using Linear Regres-sion, Decision Tree and Random Forest provided a reasonable result for predicting vulnerability exploitability

    Predicting the PEBCAK: A quantitative analysis of how cybersecurity education, literacy, and awareness affect individual preparedness.

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    This essay explores the relationship between individuals\u27 cybersecurity education, literacy, awareness, and preparedness. While cybersecurity is often associated with complex hacking scenarios, the majority of data breaches and cyber-attacks result from individuals inadvertently falling prey to phishing emails and malware. The lack of standardized education and training in cybersecurity, coupled with the rapid expansion of technology diversity, raises concerns about individuals\u27 cybersecurity preparedness. As individuals are the first line of defense and the weakest link in cybersecurity, understanding the influence of education, literacy, and awareness on their adherence to best practices is crucial. This work aims to survey a diverse sample population and analyze their cybersecurity education, literacy, awareness, and preparedness through regression analysis. By understanding the relationships between these factors, researchers can identify areas where individuals may lack knowledge or where increased knowledge may not be beneficial. The findings will contribute to strengthening individuals\u27 defensive abilities and identifying gaps caused by inadequate education or awareness. Additionally, the study considers the potential impacts of lax home cybersecurity on workplace security. Ultimately, this research aims to enhance understanding of the influence of education, literacy, and awareness on individuals\u27 cybersecurity posture and provide insights for future measures to improve cybersecurity practices

    Cyber Hygiene Methodology for Raising Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Awareness in Health Care Organizations: Concept Study.

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    Cyber hygiene; Cybersecurity; Health careCiberhigiene; Seguridad cibernética; Cuidado de la saludCiberhigiene; Seguretat cibernètica; Atenció sanitàriaBackground: Cyber threats are increasing across all business sectors, with health care being a prominent domain. In response to the ever-increasing threats, health care organizations (HOs) are enhancing the technical measures with the use of cybersecurity controls and other advanced solutions for further protection. Despite the need for technical controls, humans are evidently the weakest link in the cybersecurity posture of HOs. This suggests that addressing the human aspects of cybersecurity is a key step toward managing cyber-physical risks. In practice, HOs are required to apply general cybersecurity and data privacy guidelines that focus on human factors. However, there is limited literature on the methodologies and procedures that can assist in successfully mapping these guidelines to specific controls (interventions), including awareness activities and training programs, with a measurable impact on personnel. To this end, tools and structured methodologies for assisting higher management in selecting the minimum number of required controls that will be most effective on the health care workforce are highly desirable. Objective: This study aimed to introduce a cyber hygiene (CH) methodology that uses a unique survey-based risk assessment approach for raising the cybersecurity and data privacy awareness of different employee groups in HOs. The main objective was to identify the most effective strategy for managing cybersecurity and data privacy risks and recommend targeted human-centric controls that are tailored to organization-specific needs. Methods: The CH methodology relied on a cross-sectional, exploratory survey study followed by a proposed risk-based survey data analysis approach. First, survey data were collected from 4 different employee groups across 3 European HOs, covering 7 categories of cybersecurity and data privacy risks. Next, survey data were transcribed and fitted into a proposed risk-based approach matrix that translated risk levels to strategies for managing the risks. Results: A list of human-centric controls and implementation levels was created. These controls were associated with risk categories, mapped to risk strategies for managing the risks related to all employee groups. Our mapping empowered the computation and subsequent recommendation of subsets of human-centric controls to implement the identified strategy for managing the overall risk of the HOs. An indicative example demonstrated the application of the CH methodology in a simple scenario. Finally, by applying the CH methodology in the health care sector, we obtained results in the form of risk markings; identified strategies to manage the risks; and recommended controls for each of the 3 HOs, each employee group, and each risk category. Conclusions: The proposed CH methodology improves the CH perception and behavior of personnel in the health care sector and provides risk strategies together with a list of recommended human-centric controls for managing a wide range of cybersecurity and data privacy risks related to health care employees

    Risk Assessment Framework for Evaluation of Cybersecurity Threats and Vulnerabilities in Medical Devices

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    Medical devices are vulnerable to cybersecurity exploitation and, while they can provide improvements to clinical care, they can put healthcare organizations and their patients at risk of adverse impacts. Evidence has shown that the proliferation of devices on medical networks present cybersecurity challenges for healthcare organizations due to their lack of built-in cybersecurity controls and the inability for organizations to implement security controls on them. The negative impacts of cybersecurity exploitation in healthcare can include the loss of patient confidentiality, risk to patient safety, negative financial consequences for the organization, and loss of business reputation. Assessing the risk of vulnerabilities and threats to medical devices can inform healthcare organizations toward prioritization of resources to reduce risk most effectively. In this research, we build upon a database-driven approach to risk assessment that is based on the elements of threat, vulnerability, asset, and control (TVA-C). We contribute a novel framework for the cybersecurity risk assessment of medical devices. Using a series of papers, we answer questions related to the risk assessment of networked medical devices. We first conducted a case study empirical analysis that determined the scope of security vulnerabilities in a typical computerized medical environment. We then created a cybersecurity risk framework to identify threats and vulnerabilities to medical devices and produce a quantified risk assessment. These results supported actionable decision making at managerial and operational levels of a typical healthcare organization. Finally, we applied the framework using a data set of medical devices received from a partnering healthcare organization. We compare the assessment results of our framework to a commercial risk assessment vulnerability management system used to analyze the same assets. The study also compares our framework results to the NIST Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores related to identified vulnerabilities reported through the Common Vulnerability and Exposure (CVE) program. As a result of these studies, we recognize several contributions to the area of healthcare cybersecurity. To begin with, we provide the first comprehensive vulnerability assessment of a robotic surgical environment, using a da Vinci surgical robot along with its supporting computing assets. This assessment supports the assertion that networked computer environments are at risk of being compromised in healthcare facilities. Next, our framework, known as MedDevRisk, provides a novel method for risk quantification. In addition, our assessment approach uniquely considers the assets that are of value to a medical organization, going beyond the medical device itself. Finally, our incorporation of risk scenarios into the framework represents a novel approach to medical device risk assessment, which was synthesized from other well-known standards. To our knowledge, our research is the first to apply a quantified assessment framework to the problem area of healthcare cybersecurity and medical networked devices. We would conclude that a reduction in the uncertainty about the riskiness of the cybersecurity status of medical devices can be achieved using this framework

    A Capability-Centric Approach to Cyber Risk Assessment and Mitigation

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    Cyber-enabled systems are increasingly ubiquitous and interconnected, showing up in traditional enterprise settings as well as increasingly diverse contexts, including critical infrastructure, avionics, cars, smartphones, home automation, and medical devices. Meanwhile, the impact of cyber attacks against these systems on our missions, business objectives, and personal lives has never been greater. Despite these stakes, the analysis of cyber risk and mitigations to that risk tends to be a subjective, labor-intensive, and costly endeavor, with results that can be as suspect as they are perishable. We identified the following gaps in those risk results: concerns for (1) their repeatability/reproducibility, (2) the time required to obtain them, and (3) the completeness of the analysis per the degree of attack surface coverage. In this dissertation, we consider whether it is possible to make progress in addressing these gaps with the introduction of a new artifact called “BluGen.” BluGen is an automated platform for cyber risk assessment that employs a set of new risk analytics together with a highly-structured underlying cyber knowledge management repository. To help evaluate the hypotheses tied to the gaps identified, we conducted a study comparing BluGen to a cyber risk assessment methodology called EVRA. EVRA is representative of current practice and has been applied extensively over the past eight years to both fielded systems and systems under design. We used Design Science principles in the construction and investigation of BluGen, during which we considered each of the three gaps. The results of our investigation found support for the hypotheses tied to the gaps that BluGen is designed to address. Specifically, BluGen helps address the first gap by virtue of its methods/analytics executing as deterministic, automated processes. In the same way, BluGen helps address the second gap by producing its results at machine speeds in no worse than quadratic time complexity, seconds in this case. This result compares to the 25 hours that the EVRA team required to perform the same analysis. BluGen helps to address the third gap via its use of an underlying knowledge repository of cyber-related threats, mappings of those threats to cyber assets, and mappings of mitigations to the threats. The results show that manual analysis using EVRA covered about 12% of the attack surface considered by BluGen