21 research outputs found

    On parallel scalability aspects of strongly coupled partitioned fluid-structure-acoustics interaction

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    Multi-physics simulations, such as fluid-structure-acoustics interaction (FSA), require a high performance computing environment in order to perform the simulation in a reasonable amount of computation time. Currently used coupling methods use a staggered execution of the fluid and solid solver [6], which leads to inherent load imbalances. In [12] a new coupling scheme based on a quasi-Newton method is proposed for fluidstructure interaction which coupled the fluid and solid solver in parallel. The quasi- Newton method requires approximately the same number of coupling iterations per time step compared to a staggered coupling approach, resulting in a better load balance when running in a parallel environment. This contribution investigates the scalability limit and load-balancing for a strongly coupled fluid-structure interaction problem, and also for a fluid-structure-acoustics interaction problem. The acoustic far field of the fluid-structure-acoustics interaction problem is loosely coupled with the flow field

    On in-situ visualization for strongly coupled partitioned fluid-structure interaction

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    We present an integrated in-situ visualization approach for partitioned multi-physics simulation of fluid-structure interaction. The simulation itself is treated as a black box and only the information at the fluid-structure interface is considered, and communicated between the fluid and solid solvers with a separate coupling tool. The visualization of the interface data is performed in conjunction with the fluid solver. Furthermore, we present new visualization techniques for the analysis of the interrelation of the two solvers , with emphasis on the involved error due to discretization in space and time and the reconstruction. Our visualization approach also enables the investigation of these errors with respect of their mutual influence on the two simulation codes and their space-time discretization. For efficient interactive visualization, we employ the concept of explorable spatiotemporal images, which also enables finite-time temporal navigation in an in-situ context. We demonstrate our overall approach and its utility by means of a fluid-structure simulation using OpenFOAM that is coupled by the preCICE software layer

    A comparison of various quasi-newton schemes for partitioned fluid-structure interaction

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    During the last 5 years, quasi-Newton schemes have proven to be a robust and efficient way to couple partitioned fluid-structure interaction. We showed in previous work that they also allow to perform a parallel coupling. Bogaers et al. introduced a new variant based on a multi-vector update [14]. This variant renders a tuning of the reuse of old information unnecessary as all old iterations are implicitly covered in a Jacobian update. In this work, we compare this multi-vector variant in an inverse formulation to the classical IQN-ILS algorithm for serial as well as parallel coupling


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    A numerical algorithm of solving the three-dimensional system of Navier-Stokes equations to simulate free surface waves and flows with gravity is presented. The main problem here is to ensure that the gravity force is properly accounted in the presence of discontinuities in the medium density. The task is made more complicated due the use of unstructured computational grids with collocated placement of unknown quantities and splitting algorithms based on SIMPLE-type methods. To obtain correctly the hydrostatic pressure, it is suggested that the contribution of the gravitational force in the equation for pressure should be distinguished explicitly; the latter being calculated by using the solution of the two-phase medium gravitational balance problem. To ensure the balance of the gravity force and the pressure gradient in the case of rest an algorithm in which the pressure gradient in the equation of motion is replaced by a modification considering the gravitational force action is suggested. This method is demonstrated by the example of tsunami wave propagation in the real water area of the World Ocean

    Efficient solution of 3D electromagnetic eddy-current problems within the finite volume framework of OpenFOAM

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    Eddy-current problems occur in a wide range of industrial and metallurgical applications where conducting material is processed inductively. Motivated by realising coupled multi-physics simulations, we present a new method for the solution of such problems in the finite volume framework of foam-extend, an extended version of the very popular OpenFOAM software. The numerical procedure involves a semi-coupled multi-mesh approach to solve Maxwell's equations for non-magnetic materials by means of the Coulomb gauged magnetic vector potential and the electric scalar potential. The concept is further extended on the basis of the impressed and reduced magnetic vector potential and its usage in accordance with Biot-Savart's law to achieve a very efficient overall modelling even for complex three-dimensional geometries. Moreover, we present a special discretisation scheme to account for possible discontinuities in the electrical conductivity. To complement our numerical method, an extensive validation is completing the paper, which provides insight into the behaviour and the potential of our approach.Comment: 47 pages, improved figures, updated references, fixed typos, reverse phase shift, consistent use of inner produc

    On Efficiency of Parallel Solvers for the Blood Flow through Aortic Valve

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    Mathematical modelling of cardiac haemodynamics presents a great challenge to the computational scientists due to numerous numerical issues and required computational resources. In this paper, we study the parallel performance of 3D simulation software for the blood flow through the aortic valve. The fluid flow problem with the open aortic valve leaflets is formulated and solved in parallel. The choice between the segregated and coupled numerical schemes is discussed and investigated. We present and compare the parallel performance results of both types of parallel solvers. We investigate their strong and weak scalability

    Conservative finite-volume framework and pressure-based algorithm for flows of incompressible, ideal-gas and real-gas fluids at all speeds

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    A conservative finite-volume framework, based on a collocated variable arrangement, for the simulation of flows at all speeds, applicable to incompressible, ideal-gas and real-gas fluids is proposed in conjunction with a fully-coupled pressure-based algorithm. The applied conservative discretisation and implementation of the governing conservation laws as well as the definition of the fluxes using a momentum-weighted interpolation are identical for incompressible and compressible fluids, and are suitable for complex geometries represented by unstructured meshes. Incompressible fluids are described by predefined constant fluid properties, while the properties of compressible fluids are described by the Noble-Abel-stiffened-gas model, with the definitions of density and specific static enthalpy of both incompressible and compressible fluids combined in a unified thermodynamic closure model. The discretised governing conservation laws are solved in a single linear system of equations for pressure, velocity and temperature. Together, the conservative finite-volume discretisation, the unified thermodynamic closure model and the pressure-based algorithm yield a conceptually simple, but versatile, numerical framework. The proposed numerical framework is validated thoroughly using a broad variety of test-cases, with Mach numbers ranging from 0 to 239, including viscous flows of incompressible fluids as well as the propagation of acoustic waves and transiently evolving supersonic flows with shock waves in ideal-gas and real-gas fluids. These results demonstrate the accuracy, robustness and the convergence, as well as the conservation of mass and energy, of the numerical framework for flows of incompressible and compressible fluids at all speeds, on structured and unstructured meshes

    Fully-coupled pressure-based finite-volume framework for the simulation of fluid flows at all speeds in complex geometries

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    A generalized finite-volume framework for the solution of fluid flows at all speeds in complex geometries and on unstructured meshes is presented. Starting from an existing pressure-based and fully-coupled formulation for the solution of incompressible flow equations, the additional implementation of pressure–density–energy coupling as well as shock-capturing leads to a novel solver framework which is capable of handling flows at all speeds, including quasi-incompressible, subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows. The proposed numerical framework features an implicit coupling of pressure and velocity, which improves the numerical stability in the presence of complex sources and/or equations of state, as well as an energy equation discretized in conservative form that ensures an accurate prediction of temperature and Mach number across strong shocks. The framework is verified and validated by a large number of test cases, demonstrating the accurate and robust prediction of steady-state and transient flows in the quasi-incompressible as well as subsonic, transonic and supersonic speed regimes on structured and unstructured meshes as well as in complex domains

    Blok-spregnuti algoritam za dvo-jednadžbene modele turbulencije

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    Korištenje modernih implictno spregnutih algoritama za povezivanje jednadžbi brzine i tlaka dovelo je do znatno brže konvergencije rješenja u usporedbi s tradicionalnim odvojenim algoritmima. Prilikom simulacije turbulentnih strujanja spregnutim rješavačima brzine i tlaka konvergenciju rješenja često ograničava odvojeno rješavanje jednadžbi modela turbulencije, stoga se u ovom radu razmatra implicitno sprezanje dvojednadžbenih modela turbulencije. Prije implementacije implicitno spregnutih dvojednadžbenih modela turbulencije, nužno je provesti linearizaciju nelinearnih izvorskih i ponorskih članova te analizu stabilnosti i pozitivnosti produkata linearizacije. Prikazuju se linearizacija i implementacija dvojednadžbenih modela turbulencije k-epsilon i k-omega SST unutar foam-extend (OpenFOAM-ova inačica koju razvija zajednica) softverskog paketa. Validacija implementiranih modela turbulencija provodi se na dva poznata slučaja strujanja za koja su dostupna eksperimentalna mjerenja: odvojeno nestlačivo strujanje oko NACA 4412 aeroprofila pri maksimalnom uzgonu te nestlačivo strujanje u kanalu s naglim proširenjem. Validacija k-omega SST modela turbulencije provodi se na oba slučaja strujanja, dok se k-epsilon model validira samo na strujanju unutar kanala. Također se uspoređuju performanse implementiranih implicitno spregnutih modela s odgovarajućim postojećim odvojenim inačicama modela turbulencija. Slično kao i prilikom validacije, usporeba k-omega SST modela provodi se na oba slučaja strujanja, dok se k-epsilon model uspoređuje samo na slučaju strujanja unutar kanala