56 research outputs found

    Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but des systĂšmes de communication intervĂ©hicule (Inter-Vehicle Communication – IVC) est d'amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© de conduite en utilisant des capteurs et des techniques de communication sans fil pour ĂȘtre en mesure de communiquer mutuellement sans aucune intervention extĂ©rieure. Avec l'utilisation de ces systĂšmes, les communications vĂ©hicule Ă  vĂ©hicule (V2V) peuvent ĂȘtre plus efficaces dans la prĂ©vention des accidents et la dĂ©congestion de la circulation que si chaque vĂ©hicule travaillait individuellement. Une des solutions proposĂ©es pour les systĂšmes IVC est l’utilisation des systĂšmes de communication coopĂ©rative, qui en principe, augmentent l'efficacitĂ© spectrale et Ă©nergĂ©tique, la couverture du rĂ©seau, et rĂ©duit la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance. La diversitĂ© d'antenne (entrĂ©es multiples sorties multiples « Multiple-Input Multiple-Output » ou MIMO) peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre une alternative pour les systĂšmes IVC pour amĂ©liorer la capacitĂ© du canal et la diversitĂ© (fiabilitĂ©), mais en Ă©change d’une complexitĂ© accrue. Toutefois, l'application de telles solutions est difficile, car les communications sans fil entre les vĂ©hicules sont soumises Ă  d’importants effets d'Ă©vanouissements des canaux appelĂ©s (canaux sujets aux Ă©vanouissements de n*Rayleigh, « n*Rayleigh fading channels»), ce qui conduit Ă  la dĂ©gradation des performances. Par consĂ©quent, dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une analyse de la performance globale des systĂšmes de transmission coopĂ©ratifs et MIMO sur des canaux sujets aux Ă©vanouissements de n*Rayleigh. Cette analyse permettra d’aider les chercheurs pour la conception et la mise en Ɠuvre de systĂšmes de communication V2V avec une complexitĂ© moindre. En particulier, nous Ă©tudions d'abord la performance de la sĂ©lection du relais de coopĂ©ration avec les systĂšmes IVC, on suppose que la transmission via « Amplify-and-Forward» (AF) ou bien «Decode-and-Forward» (DF) est assurĂ©e par N relais pour transfĂ©rer le message de la source Ă  la destination. La performance du systĂšme est analysĂ©e en termes de probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance, la probabilitĂ© d'erreur de symbole, et la capacitĂ© moyenne du canal. Les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques dĂ©montrent que la sĂ©lection de relais rĂ©alise une diversitĂ© de l'ordre de (d≈mN/n) pour les deux types de relais, oĂč m est un paramĂštre Ă©vanouissement de Rayleigh en cascade. Nous Ă©tudions ensuite la performance des systĂšmes IVC Ă  sauts multiples avec et sans relais rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous dĂ©rivons des expressions approximatives pour la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance et le niveau d’évanouissement lorsque la diversitĂ© en rĂ©ception basĂ©e sur le ratio maximum de combinaison (MRC) est employĂ©e. En outre, nous analysons la rĂ©partition de puissance pour le systĂšme sous-jacent afin de minimiser la probabilitĂ© globale de dĂ©faillance. Nous montrons que la performance des systĂšmes rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs est meilleure que celle des systĂšmes non rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ratifs lorsque l’ordre de cascade n est faible, tandis qu’ils ont des performances similaires lorsque n est Ă©levĂ©. Ensuite, nous considĂ©rons le problĂšme de la dĂ©tection de puissance des signaux inconnus aux n* canaux de Rayleigh. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles expressions approximatives sont dĂ©rivĂ©es de la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©tection moyenne avec et sans diversitĂ© en rĂ©ception MRC. En outre, la performance du systĂšme est analysĂ©e lorsque la dĂ©tection de spectre coopĂ©rative (CSS) est considĂ©rĂ©e sous diverses contraintes de canaux (par exemple, les canaux de communication parfaits et imparfaits). Les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques ont montrĂ© que la fiabilitĂ© de dĂ©tection diminue Ă  mesure que l'ordre n augmente et s’amĂ©liore sensiblement lorsque CSS emploie le schĂ©ma MRC. Il est dĂ©montrĂ© que CSS avec le schĂ©ma MRC maintient la probabilitĂ© de fausse alarme minimale dans les canaux d’information imparfaite plutĂŽt que d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs en coopĂ©ration. Enfin, nous prĂ©sentons une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des performances des systĂšmes IVC sur n*canaux de Rayleigh, en utilisant n_T antennes d'Ă©mission et n_R antennes de rĂ©ception pour lutter contre l'effet d’évanouissement. Dans ce contexte, nous Ă©valuons la performance des systĂšmes MIMO-V2V basĂ©s sur la sĂ©lection des antennes d'Ă©mission avec un ratio maximum de combinaison (TAS/MRC) et la sĂ©lection combinant (TAS/SC). Dans cette Ă©tude, nous dĂ©rivons des expressions analytiques plus prĂ©cises pour la probabilitĂ© de dĂ©faillance, la probabilitĂ© d'erreur de symbole, et l’évanouissement sur n*canaux Rayleigh. Il est montrĂ© que les deux rĂ©gimes ont le mĂȘme ordre de diversitĂ© maximale Ă©quivalent Ă  (d≈mn_T n_R /n) . En outre, TAS / MRC offre un gain de performance mieux que TAS/ SC lorsque le nombre d'antennes de rĂ©ception est plus que celle des antennes d’émission, mais l’amĂ©lioration de la performance est limitĂ©e lorsque n augmente.----------Abstract The purpose of intervehicular communication (IVC) systems is to enhance driving safety, in which vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to talk to each other without any roadside intervention. Using these systems, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion than if each vehicle works individually. A potential solution can be implemented in this research area using cooperative communications systems which, in principle, increase spectral and power efficiency, network coverage, and reduce the outage probability. Antenna diversity (i.e., multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems) can also be an alternative solution for IVC systems to enhance channel capacity and diversity (reliability) but in exchange of an increased complexity. However, applying such solutions is challenging since wireless communications among vehicles is subject to harsh fading channels called ‘n*Rayleigh fading channels’, which leads to performance degradation. Therefore, in this thesis we provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative transmission and MIMO systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels that help researchers for the design and implementation of V2V communication systems with lower complexity. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of cooperative IVC systems with relay selection over n*Rayleigh fading channels, assuming that both the decode-and-forward and the amplify-and-forward relaying protocols are achieved by N relays to transfer the source message to the destination. System performance is analyzed in terms of outage probability, symbol error probability, and average channel capacity. The numerical results have shown that the best relay selection approach achieves the diversity order of (d≈mN/n) where m is a cascaded Rayleigh fading parameter. Second, we investigate the performance of multihop-IVC systems with regenerative and non-regenerative relays. In this study, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability and amount of fading when the maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is employed. Further, we analyze the power allocation for the underlying scheme in order to minimize the overall outage probability. We show that the performance of regenerative systems is better than that of non-regenerative systems when the cascading order n is low and they have similar performance when n is high. Third, we consider the problem of energy detection of unknown signals over n*Rayleigh fading channels. In this work, novel approximate expressions are derived for the average probability of detection with and without MRC diversity reception. Moreover, the system performance is analyzed when cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered under various channel constraints (e.g, perfect and imperfect reporting channels). The numerical results show that the detection reliability decreases as the cascading order n increases and substantially improves when CSS employs MRC schemes. It is demonstrated that CSS with MRC scheme keeps the probability of false alarm minimal under imperfect reporting channels rather than increasing the number of cooperative users. Finally, we present a new approach for the performance analysis of IVC systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels, using n_T transmit and n_R receive antennas to combat fading influence. In this context, we evaluate the performance of MIMO-V2V systems based on the transmit antenna selection with maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and selection combining (TAS/SC) schemes. In this study, we derive tight analytical expressions for the outage probability, the symbol error probability, and the amount of fading over n*Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that both schemes have the same maximum diversity order equivalent to (d≈mn_T n_R /n). In addition, TAS/MRC offers a better performance gain than TAS/SC scheme when the number of receive antennas is more than that of transmit antennas, but the performance improvement is limited as n increases

    A Study Of Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Schemes For Internet Of Things Systems

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained much attention in recent years with the massive increase in the number of connected devices. Cognitive Machine-to-Machine (CM2M) communications is a hot research topic in which a cognitive dimension allows M2M networks to overcome the challenges of spectrum scarcity, interference, and green requirements. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Cooperative Spectrum Sharing (GCSS) scheme for M2M communication. Cooperation extends the coverage of wireless networks as well as increasing their throughput while reducing the energy consumption of the connected low power devices. We study the outage performance of the proposed GCSS scheme for M2M system and derive exact expressions for the outage probability. We also analyze the effect of varying transmission powers on the performance of the system

    Radio resource allocation for overlay D2D-based vehicular communications in future wireless networks

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    Mobilfunknetze der nĂ€chsten Generation ermöglichen einen weitverbreiteten Einsatz von Device-to-Device Kommunikation, der direkten Kommunikation zwischen zellularen EndgerĂ€ten. FĂŒr viele AnwendungsfĂ€lle zur direkten Kommunikation zwischen EndgerĂ€ten sind eine deterministische Latenz und die hohe ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Dienste zur direkten Kommunikation (D2D) fĂŒr in der NĂ€he befindliche EndgerĂ€te sind vielversprechend die hohen Anforderungen an Latenz und ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige vertikale Anwendungen zu erfĂŒllen. Eine der herausragenden vertikalen Anwendungen ist die Fahrzeugkommunikation, bei der die Fahrzeuge sicherheitskritische Meldungen direkt ĂŒber D2D-Kommunikation austauschen, die dadurch zur Reduktion von VerkehrsunfĂ€llen und gleichzeitig von TodesfĂ€llen im Straßenverkehrt beitrĂ€gt. Neue Techniken zur effizienteren Zuweisung von Funkressourcen in der D2D-Kommunikation haben in letzter Zeit in Industrie und Wissenschaft große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Allokation von Ressourcen, wird die Energieeffizienz zunehmend wichtiger, die normalerweise im Zusammenhang mit der Ressourcenallokation behandelt wird. Diese Dissertation untersucht verschiedener AnsĂ€tze der Funkressourcenzuweisung und Energieeffizienztechniken in der LTE und NR V2X Kommunikation. Im Folgenden beschreiben wir kurz die Kernideen der Dissertation. Meist zeichnen sich D2D-Anwendungen durch ein relativ geringes Datenvolumen aus, die ĂŒber Funkressourcen ĂŒbertragen werden. In LTE können diese Funkressourcen aufgrund der groben GranularitĂ€t fĂŒr die Ressourcenzuweisung nicht effizient genutzt werden. Insbesondere beim semi-persistenten Scheduling, bei dem eine Funkressource ĂŒber einen lĂ€ngeren Zeitraum im Overlay D2D festgelegt wird, sind die Funkressourcen fĂŒr solche Anwendungen nicht ausgelastet. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, wird eine hierarchische Form fĂŒr das Management der Funkressourcen, ein sogenanntes Subgranting-Schema, vorgeschlagen. Dabei kann ein nahegelegener zellularer Nutzer, der sogenannte begĂŒnstigte Nutzer, ungenutzten Funkressourcen, die durch Subgranting-Signalisierung angezeigt werden, wiederzuverwenden. Das vorgeschlagene Schema wird bewertet und mit "shortening TTI", einen Schema mit reduzierten Sendezeitintervallen, in Bezug auf den Zellendurchsatz verglichen. Als nĂ€chster Schritt wird untersucht, wie der begĂŒnstigten Benutzer ausgewĂ€hlt werden kann und als Maximierungsproblem des Zellendurchsatzes im Uplink unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von ZuverlĂ€ssigkeits- und Latenzanforderungen dargestellt. DafĂŒr wird ein heuristischer zentralisierter, d.h. dedizierter Sub-Granting-Radio-Ressource DSGRR-Algorithmus vorgeschlagen. Die Simulationsergebnisse und die Analyse ergeben in einem Szenario mit stationĂ€ren Nutzern eine Erhöhung des Zelldurchsatzes bei dem Einsatz des vorgeschlagenen DSGRR-Algorithmus im Vergleich zu einer zufĂ€lligen Auswahl von Nutzern. ZusĂ€tzlich wird das Problem der Auswahl des begĂŒnstigten Nutzers in einem dynamischen Szenario untersucht, in dem sich alle Nutzer bewegen. Wir bewerten den durch das Sub-Granting durch die MobilitĂ€t entstandenen Signalisierungs-Overhead im DSGRR. Anschließend wird ein verteilter Heuristik-Algorithmus (OSGRR) vorgeschlagen und sowohl mit den Ergebnissen des DSGRR-Algorithmus als auch mit den Ergebnissen ohne Sub-Granting verglichen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen einen verbesserten Zellendurchsatz fĂŒr den OSGRR im Vergleich zu den anderen Algorithmen. Außerdem ist zu beobachten, dass der durch den OSGRR entstehende Overhead geringer ist als der durch den DSGRR, wĂ€hrend der erreichte Zellendurchsatz nahe am maximal erreichbaren Uplink-Zellendurchsatz liegt. ZusĂ€tzlich wird die Ressourcenallokation im Zusammenhang mit der Energieeffizienz bei autonomer Ressourcenauswahl in New Radio (NR) Mode 2 untersucht. Die autonome Auswahl der Ressourcen wird als VerhĂ€ltnis von Summenrate und Energieverbrauch formuliert. Das Ziel ist den Stromverbrauch der akkubetriebenen EndgerĂ€te unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der geforderten ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit und Latenz zu minimieren. Der heuristische Algorithmus "Density of Traffic-based Resource Allocation (DeTRA)" wird als Lösung vorgeschlagen. Bei dem vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus wird der Ressourcenpool in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Verkehrsdichte pro Verkehrsart aufgeteilt. Die zufĂ€llige Auswahl erfolgt zwingend auf dem dedizierten Ressourcenpool beim Eintreffen aperiodischer Daten. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus die gleichen Ergebnisse fĂŒr die Paketempfangsrate (PRR) erreicht, wie der sensing-basierte Algorithmus. ZusĂ€tzlich wird der Stromverbrauch des EndgerĂ€ts reduziert und damit die Energieeffizienz durch die Anwendung des DeTRA-Algorithmus verbessert. In dieser Arbeit werden Techniken zur Allokation von Funkressourcen in der LTE-basierten D2D-Kommunikation erforscht und eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel Funkressourcen effizienter zu nutzen. DarĂŒber hinaus ist der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz eine Basis fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Untersuchungen, wie akkubasierte EndgerĂ€te mit minimalem Stromverbrauch in der NR-V2X-Kommunikation Funkressourcen optimal auswĂ€hlen können.Next-generation cellular networks are envisioned to enable widely Device-to-Device (D2D) communication. For many applications in the D2D domain, deterministic communication latency and high reliability are of exceptionally high importance. The proximity service provided by D2D communication is a promising feature that can fulfil the reliability and latency requirements of emerging vertical applications. One of the prominent vertical applications is vehicular communication, in which the vehicles disseminate safety messages directly through D2D communication, resulting in the fatality rate reduction due to a possible collision. Radio resource allocation techniques in D2D communication have recently gained much attention in industry and academia, through which valuable radio resources are allocated more efficiently. In addition to the resource allocation techniques, energy sustainability is highly important and is usually considered in conjunction with the resource allocation approach. This dissertation is dedicated to studying different avenues of the radio resource allocation and energy efficiency techniques in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and New Radio (NR) Vehicle-to-Everythings (V2X) communications. In the following, we briefly describe the core ideas in this study. Mostly, the D2D applications are characterized by relatively small traffic payload size, and in LTE, due to coarse granularity of the subframe, the radio resources can not be utilized efficiently. Particularly, in the case of semi-persistent scheduling when a radio resource is scheduled for a longer time in the overlay D2D, the radio resources are underutilized for such applications. To address this problem, a hierarchical radio resource management scheme, i.e., a sub-granting scheme, is proposed by which nearby cellular users, i.e., beneficiary users, are allowed to reuse the unused radio resource indicated by sub-granting signaling. The proposed scheme is evaluated and compared with shortening Transmission Time Interval (TTI) schemes in terms of cell throughput. Then, the beneficiary user selection problem is investigated and is cast as a maximization problem of uplink cell throughput subject to reliability and latency requirements. A heuristic centralized, i.e., dedicated sub-granting radio resource Dedicated Sub-Granting Radio Resource (DSGRR) algorithm is proposed to address the original beneficiary user selection problem. The simulation results and analysis show the superiority of the proposed DSGRR algorithm over the random beneficiary user selection algorithm in terms of the cell throughput in a scenario with stationary users. Further, the beneficiary user selection problem is investigated in a scenario where all users are moving in a dynamic environment. We evaluate the sub-granting signaling overhead due to mobility in the DSGRR, and then a distributed heuristics algorithm, i.e., Open Sub-Granting Radio Resource (OSGRR), is proposed and compared with the DSGRR algorithm and no sub-granting case. Simulation results show improved cell throughput for the OSGRR compared with other algorithms. Besides, it is observed that the overhead incurred by the OSGRR is less than the DSGRR while the achieved cell throughput is yet close to the maximum achievable uplink cell throughput. Also, joint resource allocation and energy efficiency in autonomous resource selection in NR, i.e. Mode 2, is examined. The autonomous resource selection is formulated as a ratio of sum-rate and energy consumption. The objective is to minimize the energy efficiency of the power-saving users subject to reliability and latency requirements. A heuristic algorithm, density of traffic-based resource allocation (DeTRA), is proposed to solve the problem. The proposed algorithm splits the resource pool based on the traffic density per traffic type. The random selection is then mandated to be performed on the dedicated resource pool upon arrival of the aperiodic traffic is triggered. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves the same packet reception ratio (PRR) value as the sensing-based algorithm. In addition, per-user power consumption is reduced, and consequently, the energy efficiency is improved by applying the DeTRA algorithm. The research in this study leverages radio resource allocation techniques in LTE based D2D communications to be utilized radio resources more efficiently. In addition, the conducted research paves a way to study further how the power-saving users would optimally select the radio resources with minimum energy consumption in NR V2X communications

    Secrecy Performance of Cooperative Cognitive AF Relaying Networks With Direct Links Over Mixed Rayleigh and Double-Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    This paper investigates the secrecy performance of an underlay cooperative cognitive relaying network, wherein a secondary source vehicle communicates with a fixed secondary destination terminal via a direct link and with the assistance of a secondary amplify-and-forward relay vehicle in the presence of a passive secondary eavesdropper vehicle, taking into consideration of interference at the primary user. We assume that the eavesdropper vehicle takes the advantages of both the relay link and direct link. We consider that vehicle-to-vehicle links are modeled as double-Rayleigh fading, while vehicle-to-fixed infrastructure links are modeled as Rayleigh fading. Such a scenario finds it relevancy in vehicle-to-vehicle communication and/or vehicle-to-infrastructure communication under spectrum sharing heterogeneous cooperative vehicular networks. For such a realistic scenario, in particular, we derive a tight lower bound expression of the secrecy outage probability under mixed Rayleigh and double-Rayleigh fading channels. We also present an effective secrecy diversity order analysis and show that the considered system can achieve a secrecy diversity order of 2 for infinitely large average channel gain values of the main links. Finally, we demonstrate the accuracy of our analytical findings via numerical and simulation results and show the impact of channel conditions, primary interference constraints, and direct links on the secrecy performance of the considered syste

    Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication

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    IEEE This paper proposes scheduling and power control schemes to mitigate the impact of both co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) on direct vehicle-to-vehicle broadcast communication. The objective is to maximize the number of vehicles that can communicate with the prescribed requirement on latency and reliability. The joint scheduling and power control problem is formulated as a mixed Boolean linear programming (MBLP) problem. A column generation method is proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the joint problem. From the joint problem, we formulate a scheduling-alone problem (given a power allocation) as a Boolean linear programming (BLP) problem and a power control-alone problem (given a schedule) as an MBLP problem. The scheduling problem is numerically sensitive due to the high dynamic range of channel values and adjacent channel interference ratio (ACIR) values. Therefore, a novel sensitivity reduction technique, which can compute a numerically stable optimal solution at the price of increased computational complexity, is proposed. Numerical results show that ACI, just as CCI, is a serious problem in direct vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication due to near-far situations and hence should not be ignored, and its impact can be reduced by proper scheduling and power control

    Towards Context Information-based High-Performing Connectivity in Internet of Vehicle Communications

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    Internet-of-vehicles (IoV) is one of the most important use cases in the fifth generation (5G) of wireless networks and beyond. Here, IoV communications refer to two types of scenarios: serving the in-vehicle users with moving relays (MRs); and supporting vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications for, e.g., connected vehicle functionalities. Both of them can be achieved by transceivers on top of vehicles with growing demand for quality of service (QoS), such as spectrum efficiency, peak data rate, and coverage probability. However, the performance of MRs and V2X is limited by challenges such as the inaccurate prediction/estimation of the channel state information (CSI), beamforming mismatch, and blockages. Knowing the environment and utilizing such context information to assist communication could alleviate these issues. This thesis investigates various context information-based performance enhancement schemes for IoV networks, with main contributions listed as follows.In order to mitigate the channel aging issue, i.e., the CSI becomes inaccurate soon at high speeds, the first part of the thesis focuses on one way to increase the prediction horizon of CSI in MRs: predictor antennas (PAs). A PA system is designed as a system with two sets of antennas on the roof of a vehicle, where the PAs positioned at the front of the vehicle are used to predict the CSI observed by the receive antennas (RAs) that are aligned behind the PAs. In PA systems, however, the benefit is affected by a variety of factors. For example, 1) spatial mismatch between the point where the PA estimates the channel and the point where the RA reaches several time slots later, 2) antenna utilization efficiency of the PA, 3) temporal evolution, and 4) estimation error of the PA-base station (BS) channel. First, in Paper A, we study the PA system in the presence of the spatial mismatch problem, and propose an analytical channel model which is used for rate adaptation. In paper B, we propose different approximation schemes for the analytical investigation of PA systems, and study the effect of different parameters on the network performance. Then, involving PAs into data transmission, Paper C and Paper D analyze the outage- and the delay-limited performance of PA systems using hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ), respectively. As we show in the analytical and the simulation results in Papers C-D, the combination of PA and HARQ protocols makes it possible to improve spectral efficiency and adapt the transmission parameters to mitigate the effect of spatial mismatch. Finally, a review of PA studies in the literature, the challenges and potentials of PA as well as some to-be-solved issues are presented in Paper E.The second part of the thesis focuses on using advanced technologies to further improve the MR/IoV performance. In Paper F, a cooperative PA scheme in IoV networks is proposed to mitigate both the channel aging effect and blockage sensitivity in millimeter-wave channels by collaborative vehicles and BS handover. Then, in Paper G, we study the potentials and challenges of dynamic blockage pre-avoidance in IoV networks
