14,647 research outputs found

    Bispectrum Inversion with Application to Multireference Alignment

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    We consider the problem of estimating a signal from noisy circularly-translated versions of itself, called multireference alignment (MRA). One natural approach to MRA could be to estimate the shifts of the observations first, and infer the signal by aligning and averaging the data. In contrast, we consider a method based on estimating the signal directly, using features of the signal that are invariant under translations. Specifically, we estimate the power spectrum and the bispectrum of the signal from the observations. Under mild assumptions, these invariant features contain enough information to infer the signal. In particular, the bispectrum can be used to estimate the Fourier phases. To this end, we propose and analyze a few algorithms. Our main methods consist of non-convex optimization over the smooth manifold of phases. Empirically, in the absence of noise, these non-convex algorithms appear to converge to the target signal with random initialization. The algorithms are also robust to noise. We then suggest three additional methods. These methods are based on frequency marching, semidefinite relaxation and integer programming. The first two methods provably recover the phases exactly in the absence of noise. In the high noise level regime, the invariant features approach for MRA results in stable estimation if the number of measurements scales like the cube of the noise variance, which is the information-theoretic rate. Additionally, it requires only one pass over the data which is important at low signal-to-noise ratio when the number of observations must be large

    Wordlength optimization for linear digital signal processing

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    Throughput-Distortion Computation Of Generic Matrix Multiplication: Toward A Computation Channel For Digital Signal Processing Systems

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    The generic matrix multiply (GEMM) function is the core element of high-performance linear algebra libraries used in many computationally-demanding digital signal processing (DSP) systems. We propose an acceleration technique for GEMM based on dynamically adjusting the imprecision (distortion) of computation. Our technique employs adaptive scalar companding and rounding to input matrix blocks followed by two forms of packing in floating-point that allow for concurrent calculation of multiple results. Since the adaptive companding process controls the increase of concurrency (via packing), the increase in processing throughput (and the corresponding increase in distortion) depends on the input data statistics. To demonstrate this, we derive the optimal throughput-distortion control framework for GEMM for the broad class of zero-mean, independent identically distributed, input sources. Our approach converts matrix multiplication in programmable processors into a computation channel: when increasing the processing throughput, the output noise (error) increases due to (i) coarser quantization and (ii) computational errors caused by exceeding the machine-precision limitations. We show that, under certain distortion in the GEMM computation, the proposed framework can significantly surpass 100% of the peak performance of a given processor. The practical benefits of our proposal are shown in a face recognition system and a multi-layer perceptron system trained for metadata learning from a large music feature database.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (vol. 60, 2012

    Coding in the Finite-Blocklength Regime: Bounds based on Laplace Integrals and their Asymptotic Approximations

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    In this paper we provide new compact integral expressions and associated simple asymptotic approximations for converse and achievability bounds in the finite blocklength regime. The chosen converse and random coding union bounds were taken from the recent work of Polyanskyi-Poor-Verdu, and are investigated under parallel AWGN channels, the AWGN channels, the BI-AWGN channel, and the BSC. The technique we use, which is a generalization of some recent results available from the literature, is to map the probabilities of interest into a Laplace integral, and then solve (or approximate) the integral by use of a steepest descent technique. The proposed results are particularly useful for short packet lengths, where the normal approximation may provide unreliable results.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. Matlab code available from http://dgt.dei.unipd.it section Download->Finite Blocklength Regim

    4. generációs mobil rendszerek kutatása = Research on 4-th Generation Mobile Systems

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    A 3G mobil rendszerek szabványosítása a végéhez közeledik, legalábbis a meghatározó képességek tekintetében. Ezért létfontosságú azon technikák, eljárások vizsgálata, melyek a következő, 4G rendszerekben meghatározó szerepet töltenek majd be. Több ilyen kutatási irányvonal is létezik, ezek közül projektünkben a fontosabbakra koncentráltunk. A következőben felsoroljuk a kutatott területeket, és röviden összegezzük az elért eredményeket. Szórt spektrumú rendszerek Kifejlesztettünk egy új, rádiós interfészen alkalmazható hívásengedélyezési eljárást. Szimulációs vizsgálatokkal támasztottuk alá a megoldás hatékonyságát. A projektben kutatóként résztvevő Jeney Gábor sikeresen megvédte Ph.D. disszertációját neurális hálózatokra épülő többfelhasználós detekciós technikák témában. Az elért eredmények Imre Sándor MTA doktori disszertációjába is beépültek. IP alkalmazása mobil rendszerekben Továbbfejlesztettük, teszteltük és általánosítottuk a projekt keretében megalkotott új, gyűrű alapú topológiára épülő, a jelenleginél nagyobb megbízhatóságú IP alapú hozzáférési koncepciót. A témakörben Szalay Máté Ph.D. disszertációja már a nyilvános védésig jutott. Kvantum-informatikai módszerek alkalmazása 3G/4G detekcióra Új, kvantum-informatikai elvekre épülő többfelhasználós detekciós eljárást dolgoztunk ki. Ehhez új kvantum alapú algoritmusokat is kifejlesztettünk. Az eredményeket nemzetközi folyóiratok mellett egy saját könyvben is publikáltuk. | The project consists of three main research directions. Spread spectrum systems: we developed a new call admission control method for 3G air interfaces. Project member Gabor Jeney obtained the Ph.D. degree and project leader Sandor Imre submitted his DSc theses from this area. Application of IP in mobile systems: A ring-based reliable IP mobility mobile access concept and corresponding protocols have been developed. Project member Máté Szalay submitted his Ph.D. theses from this field. Quantum computing based solutions in 3G/4G detection: Quantum computing based multiuser detection algorithm was developed. Based on the results on this field a book was published at Wiley entitled: 'Quantum Computing and Communications - an engineering approach'