3 research outputs found

    A configurable framework for method and tool integration

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    There is an urgent need to provide a sound generic framework for method and toolintegration, where many differing notations are used, software development is distributedand management support for the software development process is provided. This paperargues that there is much to be learnt from proven practical techniques for softwareconstruction, particularly those that support distributed software integration, heterogeneityand software management. Configuration Programming is one such approach whichadvocates the use of a separate, declarative configuration language for the description ofsystem structure. It has been used in the Conic Environment for the development ofdistributable software, and is being extended for the configuration of heterogeneouscomponents programmed in different programming languages. A number of software toolsexist for the development, construction and management of Conic systems. This papershows how an analogous set of the principles, practice and tools from configurationprogramming can be combined with recent work on ViewPoints1 to provide a configurablef ramework for method and tool integration

    Coordination and P2P computing

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) refers to a class of systems and/or applications that use distributed resources in a decentralized and autonomous manner to achieve a goal. A number of successful applications, like BitTorrent (for file and content sharing) and SETI@Home (for distributed computing) have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach. As a new form of distributed computing, P2P computing has the same coordination problems as other forms of distributed computing. Coordination has been considered an important issue in distributed computing for a long time and many coordination models and languages have been developed. This research focuses on how to solve coordination problems in P2P computing. In particular, it is to provide a seamless P2P computing environment so that the migration of computation components is transparent. This research extends Manifold, an event-driven coordination model, to meet P2P computing requirements and integrates the P2P-Manifold model into an existing platform. The integration hides the complexity of the coordination model and makes the model easy to use

    A configuration language for distributed programming

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