55 research outputs found

    An asymptotic bound for the strong chromatic number

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    The strong chromatic number χs(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) of a graph GG on nn vertices is the least number rr with the following property: after adding r⌈n/r⌉−nr \lceil n/r \rceil - n isolated vertices to GG and taking the union with any collection of spanning disjoint copies of KrK_r in the same vertex set, the resulting graph has a proper vertex-colouring with rr colours. We show that for every c>0c > 0 and every graph GG on nn vertices with Δ(G)≥cn\Delta(G) \ge cn, χs(G)≤(2+o(1))Δ(G)\chi_{\text{s}}(G) \leq (2 + o(1)) \Delta(G), which is asymptotically best possible.Comment: Minor correction, accepted for publication in Combin. Probab. Compu

    Dependent k-Set Packing on Polynomoids

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    Specialized hereditary systems, e.g., matroids, are known to have many applications in algorithm design. We define a new notion called d-polynomoid as a hereditary system (E, ? ? 2^E) so that every two maximal sets in ? have less than d elements in common. We study the problem that, given a d-polynomoid (E, ?), asks if the ground set E contains ? disjoint k-subsets that are not in ?, and obtain a complexity trichotomy result for all pairs of k ? 1 and d ? 0. Our algorithmic result yields a sufficient and necessary condition that decides whether each hypergraph in some classes of r-uniform hypergraphs has a perfect matching, which has a number of algorithmic applications

    Hitting all maximum cliques with a stable set using lopsided independent transversals

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    Rabern recently proved that any graph with omega >= (3/4)(Delta+1) contains a stable set meeting all maximum cliques. We strengthen this result, proving that such a stable set exists for any graph with omega > (2/3)(Delta+1). This is tight, i.e. the inequality in the statement must be strict. The proof relies on finding an independent transversal in a graph partitioned into vertex sets of unequal size.Comment: 7 pages. v4: Correction to statement of Lemma 8 and clarified proof
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