6 research outputs found

    A simulation model of port operations during crisis conditions

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    Optimizaci贸n de las operaciones portuarias mediante simulaci贸n y metodolog铆a de superficie de respuesta

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    Este art铆culo presenta los resultados de la utilizaci贸n de herramientas de optimizaci贸n estoc谩stica, mediante simulaci贸n y metodolog铆a de superficie de respuesta, en un caso real del 谩mbito log铆stico portuario. El problema en estudio corresponde al dimensionamiento del 谩rea de transferencia de contenedores de un nuevo muelle en el puerto de Coronel, en la octava regi贸n del pa铆s. B谩sicamente la problem谩tica implica definir los requerimientos de equipamiento necesarios (gr煤as portacontenedores y camiones) que permitan el cumplimiento de est谩ndares de utilizaci贸n y eficiencia del proceso de carga y descarga de contenedores al menor costo de inversi贸n posible. La metodolog铆a utilizada para resolver el problema consiste en la creaci贸n de un modelo de simulaci贸n de eventos discreta, que imita el comportamiento del 谩rea de transferencia de contenedores. Los resultados de diversos experimentos generados por el modelo de simulaci贸n permiten levantar informaci贸n suficiente para la aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de Dise帽o Experimental que finalmente sirven para la estimaci贸n de una superficie de respuesta que aproxime el comportamiento del proceso en estudio. Finalmente las ecuaciones estimadas se utilizaron para la aplicaci贸n de un proceso de optimizaci贸n con el fin de determinar los requerimientos de equipamiento necesarios para lograr una optimizaci贸n en el uso de los recursos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten dimensionar los requerimientos de equipamiento para dos escenarios diferentes, incorporando dentro del proceso de optimizaci贸n la aleatoriedad propia de este tipo de sistemas.This article presents the results of the utilization of stochastic optimization tools, through simulation and response surface methodology, to a real case of harbor logistics. The problem under consideration corresponds to the sizing of the container transfer area of a new pier in the port of Coronel, in the eighth region of the country. Basically the problem involves defining the equipment requirements necessary (cranes and tractors) in order to comply with utilization and efficiency standards of the containers loading and unloading process at the lowest possible investment cost. The methodology used to solve the problem is the creation of a discrete event simulation model, which mimics the behavior of the area of containers transfer. The results of various experiments generated by the simulation model allows to gather sufficient information to apply Experimental Design techniques that are finally used to estimate a response surface that approximates the behavior of the process under study. Finally, the estimated equations were used for the implementation of an optimization process in order to determine equipment requirements needed to achieve an optimal use of resources. The results permit the sizing of equipment requirements for two different scenarios, incorporating into the optimization process the natural randomness of this type of systems

    Analyzing the Interdiction of Sea-Borne Threats Using Simulation Optimization

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    Worldwide, maritime trade accounts for approximately 80% of all trade by volume and is expected to double in the next twenty years. Prior to September 11, 2001, Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security (PWCS) was afforded only 1 percent of United States Coast Guard (USCG) resources. Today, it accounts for nearly 22 percent of dedicated USCG resources. Tactical assessment of resource requirements and operational limitations on the PWCS mission is necessary for more effective management of USCG assets to meet the broader range of competing missions. This research effort involves the development and validation of a discrete-event simulation model of the at-sea vessel interdiction process utilizing USCG deepwater assets. A discrete-event simulation model of the interdiction, control and boarding, and inspection processes has been developed and validated. Through a simulation optimization approach, our research utilizes the efficiency of a localized search algorithm interfaced with the simulation model to allocate USCG resources in the interception, boarding, and inspection processes with the objective of minimizing overall process time requirements. The model is tested with actual USCG data to gain insight on the development of efficient and effective interdiction operations

    Ocean container transport in global supply chains: Overview and research opportunities

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    This paper surveys the extant research in the field of ocean container transport. A wide range of issues is discussed including strategic planning, tactical planning and operations management issues, which are categorized into six research areas. The relationships be- tween these research areas are discussed and the relevant literature is reviewed. Representative models are selected or modified to provide a flavour of their functions and application context, and used to explain current shipping practices. Future research opportunities bearing in mind the emerging phenomena in the field are discussed. The main purpose is to raise awareness and encourage more research into and application of operations management techniques and tools in container transport chains

    Designing efficient and contemporary ship recycling yards through discrete event simulation

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    Ship recycling, similar to any other recycling industry, can be considered as the most environmentally friendly option for end-of-life ships than the other alternatives. However, lack of safety, lack of environmental awareness as well as lack of a global and local regulatory framework resulted in ships being dismantled in undesirable conditions which forced international regulators to focus on developing international regulations and standards.;The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Hong Kong Convention and the European Union's Ship Recycling Regulation are examples of the aforementioned new regulations. Both regulations require ship recycling yards to improve existing HSE standards to stay compliant. These HSE measures will negatively impact on running costs, therefore, ship recycling yards will need to increase their production efficiency to remain competitive.;Even though the industry requires support during this transition, there is no study within the current body of literature that focuses on increasing the productivity of the ship recycling facilities. Hence, there is a need to develop a framework to design contemporary and efficient ship recycling yards. Increasing production efficiency in ship recycling yards will not only decrease the costs, but it will also increase the throughput of the yards which will generate more income and positively impact on overall profitability.;Therefore, this PhD study addresses this gap through the development of a simulation framework for ship recycling industry to design and optimise the ship recycling yards. The study adopts a case-based approach where numerous design alternatives will be studied through the proposed framework. The main aim of this study is to increase the productivity of ship recycling yards and optimise their procedures towards achieving cost-efficient facilities.;Overall research conducted in this study will be significant contribution to the maritime literature as a novel framework for ship recycling yard design and optimisation is developed. The process models of this framework are developed based on real ship recycling procedures, therefore, the framework can be considered ready for practical implementation.Ship recycling, similar to any other recycling industry, can be considered as the most environmentally friendly option for end-of-life ships than the other alternatives. However, lack of safety, lack of environmental awareness as well as lack of a global and local regulatory framework resulted in ships being dismantled in undesirable conditions which forced international regulators to focus on developing international regulations and standards.;The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Hong Kong Convention and the European Union's Ship Recycling Regulation are examples of the aforementioned new regulations. Both regulations require ship recycling yards to improve existing HSE standards to stay compliant. These HSE measures will negatively impact on running costs, therefore, ship recycling yards will need to increase their production efficiency to remain competitive.;Even though the industry requires support during this transition, there is no study within the current body of literature that focuses on increasing the productivity of the ship recycling facilities. Hence, there is a need to develop a framework to design contemporary and efficient ship recycling yards. Increasing production efficiency in ship recycling yards will not only decrease the costs, but it will also increase the throughput of the yards which will generate more income and positively impact on overall profitability.;Therefore, this PhD study addresses this gap through the development of a simulation framework for ship recycling industry to design and optimise the ship recycling yards. The study adopts a case-based approach where numerous design alternatives will be studied through the proposed framework. The main aim of this study is to increase the productivity of ship recycling yards and optimise their procedures towards achieving cost-efficient facilities.;Overall research conducted in this study will be significant contribution to the maritime literature as a novel framework for ship recycling yard design and optimisation is developed. The process models of this framework are developed based on real ship recycling procedures, therefore, the framework can be considered ready for practical implementation