101 research outputs found

    Visually Lossless Perceptual Image Coding Based on Natural- Scene Masking Models

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    Perceptual coding is a subdiscipline of image and video coding that uses models of human visual perception to achieve improved compression efficiency. Nearly, all image and video coders have included some perceptual coding strategies, most notably visual masking. Today, modern coders capitalize on various basic forms of masking such as the fact that distortion is harder to see in very dark and very bright regions, in regions with higher frequency content, and in temporal regions with abrupt changes. However, beyond these obvious forms of masking, there are many other masking phenomena that occur (and co-occur) when viewing natural imagery. In this chapter, we present our latest research in perceptual image coding using natural-scene masking models. We specifically discuss: (1) how to predict local distortion visibility using improved natural-scene masking models and (2) how to apply the models to high efficiency video coding (HEVC). As we will demonstrate, these techniques can offer 10–20% fewer bits than baseline HEVC in the ultra-high-quality regime

    Non-aligned supervision for Real Image Dehazing

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    Removing haze from real-world images is challenging due to unpredictable weather conditions, resulting in misaligned hazy and clear image pairs. In this paper, we propose a non-aligned supervision framework that consists of three networks - dehazing, airlight, and transmission. In particular, we explore a non-alignment setting by utilizing a clear reference image that is not aligned with the hazy input image to supervise the dehazing network through a multi-scale reference loss that compares the features of the two images. Our setting makes it easier to collect hazy/clear image pairs in real-world environments, even under conditions of misalignment and shift views. To demonstrate this, we have created a new hazy dataset called "Phone-Hazy", which was captured using mobile phones in both rural and urban areas. Additionally, we present a mean and variance self-attention network to model the infinite airlight using dark channel prior as position guidance, and employ a channel attention network to estimate the three-channel transmission. Experimental results show that our framework outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in the real-world image dehazing. Phone-Hazy and code will be available at https://github.com/hello2377/NSDNet

    Crowd Counting in Low-Resolution Crowded Scenes Using Region-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    © 2013 IEEE. Crowd counting and density estimation is an important and challenging problem in the visual analysis of the crowd. Most of the existing approaches use regression on density maps for the crowd count from a single image. However, these methods cannot localize individual pedestrian and therefore cannot estimate the actual distribution of pedestrians in the environment. On the other hand, detection-based methods detect and localize pedestrians in the scene, but the performance of these methods degrades when applied in high-density situations. To overcome the limitations of pedestrian detectors, we proposed a motion-guided filter (MGF) that exploits spatial and temporal information between consecutive frames of the video to recover missed detections. Our framework is based on the deep convolution neural network (DCNN) for crowd counting in the low-to-medium density videos. We employ various state-of-the-art network architectures, namely, Visual Geometry Group (VGG16), Zeiler and Fergus (ZF), and VGGM in the framework of a region-based DCNN for detecting pedestrians. After pedestrian detection, the proposed motion guided filter is employed. We evaluate the performance of our approach on three publicly available datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which significantly improves the performance of the state-of-the-art detectors

    Implicit Neural Representation for Cooperative Low-light Image Enhancement

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    The following three factors restrict the application of existing low-light image enhancement methods: unpredictable brightness degradation and noise, inherent gap between metric-favorable and visual-friendly versions, and the limited paired training data. To address these limitations, we propose an implicit Neural Representation method for Cooperative low-light image enhancement, dubbed NeRCo. It robustly recovers perceptual-friendly results in an unsupervised manner. Concretely, NeRCo unifies the diverse degradation factors of real-world scenes with a controllable fitting function, leading to better robustness. In addition, for the output results, we introduce semantic-orientated supervision with priors from the pre-trained vision-language model. Instead of merely following reference images, it encourages results to meet subjective expectations, finding more visual-friendly solutions. Further, to ease the reliance on paired data and reduce solution space, we develop a dual-closed-loop constrained enhancement module. It is trained cooperatively with other affiliated modules in a self-supervised manner. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate the robustness and superior effectiveness of our proposed NeRCo. Our code is available at https://github.com/Ysz2022/NeRCo

    Multi-task near-field perception for autonomous driving using surround-view fisheye cameras

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    Die Bildung der Augen führte zum Urknall der Evolution. Die Dynamik änderte sich von einem primitiven Organismus, der auf den Kontakt mit der Nahrung wartete, zu einem Organismus, der durch visuelle Sensoren gesucht wurde. Das menschliche Auge ist eine der raffiniertesten Entwicklungen der Evolution, aber es hat immer noch Mängel. Der Mensch hat über Millionen von Jahren einen biologischen Wahrnehmungsalgorithmus entwickelt, der in der Lage ist, Autos zu fahren, Maschinen zu bedienen, Flugzeuge zu steuern und Schiffe zu navigieren. Die Automatisierung dieser Fähigkeiten für Computer ist entscheidend für verschiedene Anwendungen, darunter selbstfahrende Autos, Augmented Realität und architektonische Vermessung. Die visuelle Nahfeldwahrnehmung im Kontext von selbstfahrenden Autos kann die Umgebung in einem Bereich von 0 - 10 Metern und 360° Abdeckung um das Fahrzeug herum wahrnehmen. Sie ist eine entscheidende Entscheidungskomponente bei der Entwicklung eines sichereren automatisierten Fahrens. Jüngste Fortschritte im Bereich Computer Vision und Deep Learning in Verbindung mit hochwertigen Sensoren wie Kameras und LiDARs haben ausgereifte Lösungen für die visuelle Wahrnehmung hervorgebracht. Bisher stand die Fernfeldwahrnehmung im Vordergrund. Ein weiteres wichtiges Problem ist die begrenzte Rechenleistung, die für die Entwicklung von Echtzeit-Anwendungen zur Verfügung steht. Aufgrund dieses Engpasses kommt es häufig zu einem Kompromiss zwischen Leistung und Laufzeiteffizienz. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die folgenden Themen, um diese anzugehen: 1) Entwicklung von Nahfeld-Wahrnehmungsalgorithmen mit hoher Leistung und geringer Rechenkomplexität für verschiedene visuelle Wahrnehmungsaufgaben wie geometrische und semantische Aufgaben unter Verwendung von faltbaren neuronalen Netzen. 2) Verwendung von Multi-Task-Learning zur Überwindung von Rechenengpässen durch die gemeinsame Nutzung von initialen Faltungsschichten zwischen den Aufgaben und die Entwicklung von Optimierungsstrategien, die die Aufgaben ausbalancieren.The formation of eyes led to the big bang of evolution. The dynamics changed from a primitive organism waiting for the food to come into contact for eating food being sought after by visual sensors. The human eye is one of the most sophisticated developments of evolution, but it still has defects. Humans have evolved a biological perception algorithm capable of driving cars, operating machinery, piloting aircraft, and navigating ships over millions of years. Automating these capabilities for computers is critical for various applications, including self-driving cars, augmented reality, and architectural surveying. Near-field visual perception in the context of self-driving cars can perceive the environment in a range of 0 - 10 meters and 360° coverage around the vehicle. It is a critical decision-making component in the development of safer automated driving. Recent advances in computer vision and deep learning, in conjunction with high-quality sensors such as cameras and LiDARs, have fueled mature visual perception solutions. Until now, far-field perception has been the primary focus. Another significant issue is the limited processing power available for developing real-time applications. Because of this bottleneck, there is frequently a trade-off between performance and run-time efficiency. We concentrate on the following issues in order to address them: 1) Developing near-field perception algorithms with high performance and low computational complexity for various visual perception tasks such as geometric and semantic tasks using convolutional neural networks. 2) Using Multi-Task Learning to overcome computational bottlenecks by sharing initial convolutional layers between tasks and developing optimization strategies that balance tasks

    Visual Processing and Latent Representations in Biological and Artificial Neural Networks

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    The human visual system performs the impressive task of converting light arriving at the retina into a useful representation that allows us to make sense of the visual environment. We can navigate easily in the three-dimensional world and recognize objects and their properties, even if they appear from different angles and under different lighting conditions. Artificial systems can also perform well on a variety of complex visual tasks. While they may not be as robust and versatile as their biological counterpart, they have surprising capabilities that are rapidly improving. Studying the two types of systems can help us understand what computations enable the transformation of low-level sensory data into an abstract representation. To this end, this dissertation follows three different pathways. First, we analyze aspects of human perception. The focus is on the perception in the peripheral visual field and the relation to texture perception. Our work builds on a texture model that is based on the features of a deep neural network. We start by expanding the model to the temporal domain to capture dynamic textures such as flames or water. Next, we use psychophysical methods to investigate quantitatively whether humans can distinguish natural textures from samples that were generated by a texture model. Finally, we study images that cover the entire visual field and test whether matching the local summary statistics can produce metameric images independent of the image content. Second, we compare the visual perception of humans and machines. We conduct three case studies that focus on the capabilities of artificial neural networks and the potential occurrence of biological phenomena in machine vision. We find that comparative studies are not always straightforward and propose a checklist on how to improve the robustness of the conclusions that we draw from such studies. Third, we address a fundamental discrepancy between human and machine vision. One major strength of biological vision is its robustness to changes in the appearance of image content. For example, for unusual scenarios, such as a cow on a beach, the recognition performance of humans remains high. This ability is lacking in many artificial systems. We discuss on a conceptual level how to robustly disentangle attributes that are correlated during training, and test this on a number of datasets

    Learning-based depth and pose prediction for 3D scene reconstruction in endoscopy

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    Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer worldwide. Early detection and treatment of pre-cancerous tissue during colonoscopy is critical to improving prognosis. However, navigating within the colon and inspecting the endoluminal tissue comprehensively are challenging, and success in both varies based on the endoscopist's skill and experience. Computer-assisted interventions in colonoscopy show much promise in improving navigation and inspection. For instance, 3D reconstruction of the colon during colonoscopy could promote more thorough examinations and increase adenoma detection rates which are associated with improved survival rates. Given the stakes, this thesis seeks to advance the state of research from feature-based traditional methods closer to a data-driven 3D reconstruction pipeline for colonoscopy. More specifically, this thesis explores different methods that improve subtasks of learning-based 3D reconstruction. The main tasks are depth prediction and camera pose estimation. As training data is unavailable, the author, together with her co-authors, proposes and publishes several synthetic datasets and promotes domain adaptation models to improve applicability to real data. We show, through extensive experiments, that our depth prediction methods produce more robust results than previous work. Our pose estimation network trained on our new synthetic data outperforms self-supervised methods on real sequences. Our box embeddings allow us to interpret the geometric relationship and scale difference between two images of the same surface without the need for feature matches that are often unobtainable in surgical scenes. Together, the methods introduced in this thesis help work towards a complete, data-driven 3D reconstruction pipeline for endoscopy