4 research outputs found

    Interoperability in Deep Learning: A User Survey and Failure Analysis of ONNX Model Converters

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    Software engineers develop, fine-tune, and deploy deep learning (DL) models using a variety of development frameworks and runtime environments. DL model converters move models between frameworks and to runtime environments. Conversion errors compromise model quality and disrupt deployment. However, the failure characteristics of DL model converters are unknown, adding risk when using DL interoperability technologies.This paper analyzes failures in DL model converters. We survey software engineers about DL interoperability tools, use cases, and pain points (N=92). Then, we characterize failures in model converters associated with the main interoperability tool, ONNX (N=200 issues in PyTorch and TensorFlow). Finally, we formulate and test two hypotheses about structural causes for the failures we studied. We find that the node conversion stage of a model converter accounts for ~75% of the defects and 33% of reported failure are related to semantically incorrect models. The cause of semantically incorrect models is elusive, but models with behaviour inconsistencies share operator sequences. Our results motivate future research on making DL interoperability software simpler to maintain, extend, and validate. Research into behavioural tolerances and architectural coverage metrics could be fruitful

    Towards understanding the challenges faced by machine learning software developers and enabling automated solutions

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    Modern software systems are increasingly including machine learning (ML) as an integral component. However, we do not yet understand the difficulties faced by software developers when learning about ML libraries and using them within their systems. To fill that gap this thesis reports on a detailed (manual) examination of 3,243 highly-rated Q&A posts related to ten ML libraries, namely Tensorflow, Keras, scikitlearn, Weka, Caffe, Theano, MLlib, Torch, Mahout, and H2O, on Stack Overflow, a popular online technical Q&A forum. Our findings reveal the urgent need for software engineering (SE) research in this area. The second part of the thesis particularly focuses on understanding the Deep Neural Network (DNN) bug characteristics. We study 2,716 high-quality posts from Stack Overflow and 500 bug fix commits from Github about five popular deep learning libraries Caffe, Keras, Tensorflow, Theano, and Torch to understand the types of bugs, their root causes and impacts, bug-prone stage of deep learning pipeline as well as whether there are some common antipatterns found in this buggy software. While exploring the bug characteristics, our findings imply that repairing software that uses DNNs is one such unmistakable SE need where automated tools could be beneficial; however, we do not fully understand challenges to repairing and patterns that are utilized when manually repairing DNNs. So, the third part of this thesis presents a comprehensive study of bug fix patterns to address these questions. We have studied 415 repairs from Stack Overflow and 555 repairs from Github for five popular deep learning libraries Caffe, Keras, Tensorflow, Theano, and Torch to understand challenges in repairs and bug repair patterns. Our key findings reveal that DNN bug fix patterns are distinctive compared to traditional bug fix patterns and the most common bug fix patterns are fixing data dimension and neural network connectivity. Finally, we propose an automatic technique to detect ML Application Programming Interface (API) misuses. We started with an empirical study to understand ML API misuses. Our study shows that ML API misuse is prevalent and distinct compared to non-ML API misuses. Inspired by these findings, we contributed Amimla (Api Misuse In Machine Learning Apis) an approach and a tool for ML API misuse detection. Amimla relies on several technical innovations. First, we proposed an abstract representation of ML pipelines to use in misuse detection. Second, we proposed an abstract representation of neural networks for deep learning related APIs. Third, we have developed a representation strategy for constraints on ML APIs. Finally, we have developed a misuse detection strategy for both single and multi-APIs. Our experimental evaluation shows that Amimla achieves a high average accuracy of ∼80% on two benchmarks of misuses from Stack Overflow and Github