5,261 research outputs found

    Toward Optimal Feature Selection in Naive Bayes for Text Categorization

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    Automated feature selection is important for text categorization to reduce the feature size and to speed up the learning process of classifiers. In this paper, we present a novel and efficient feature selection framework based on the Information Theory, which aims to rank the features with their discriminative capacity for classification. We first revisit two information measures: Kullback-Leibler divergence and Jeffreys divergence for binary hypothesis testing, and analyze their asymptotic properties relating to type I and type II errors of a Bayesian classifier. We then introduce a new divergence measure, called Jeffreys-Multi-Hypothesis (JMH) divergence, to measure multi-distribution divergence for multi-class classification. Based on the JMH-divergence, we develop two efficient feature selection methods, termed maximum discrimination (MDMD) and MDχ2MD-\chi^2 methods, for text categorization. The promising results of extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.Comment: This paper has been submitted to the IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Engineering. 14 pages, 5 figure

    A probabilistic justification for using tf.idf term weighting in information retrieval

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    This paper presents a new probabilistic model of information retrieval. The most important modeling assumption made is that documents and queries are defined by an ordered sequence of single terms. This assumption is not made in well known existing models of information retrieval, but is essential in the field of statistical natural language processing. Advances already made in statistical natural language processing will be used in this paper to formulate a probabilistic justification for using tf.idf term weighting. The paper shows that the new probabilistic interpretation of tf.idf term weighting might lead to better understanding of statistical ranking mechanisms, for example by explaining how they relate to coordination level ranking. A pilot experiment on the TREC collection shows that the linguistically motivated weighting algorithm outperforms the popular BM25 weighting algorithm

    A Deep Relevance Matching Model for Ad-hoc Retrieval

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    In recent years, deep neural networks have led to exciting breakthroughs in speech recognition, computer vision, and natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, there have been few positive results of deep models on ad-hoc retrieval tasks. This is partially due to the fact that many important characteristics of the ad-hoc retrieval task have not been well addressed in deep models yet. Typically, the ad-hoc retrieval task is formalized as a matching problem between two pieces of text in existing work using deep models, and treated equivalent to many NLP tasks such as paraphrase identification, question answering and automatic conversation. However, we argue that the ad-hoc retrieval task is mainly about relevance matching while most NLP matching tasks concern semantic matching, and there are some fundamental differences between these two matching tasks. Successful relevance matching requires proper handling of the exact matching signals, query term importance, and diverse matching requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel deep relevance matching model (DRMM) for ad-hoc retrieval. Specifically, our model employs a joint deep architecture at the query term level for relevance matching. By using matching histogram mapping, a feed forward matching network, and a term gating network, we can effectively deal with the three relevance matching factors mentioned above. Experimental results on two representative benchmark collections show that our model can significantly outperform some well-known retrieval models as well as state-of-the-art deep matching models.Comment: CIKM 2016, long pape

    Exploring the topical structure of short text through probability models : from tasks to fundamentals

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    Recent technological advances have radically changed the way we communicate. Today’s communication has become ubiquitous and it has fostered the need for information that is easier to create, spread and consume. As a consequence, we have experienced the shortening of text messages in mediums ranging from electronic mailing, instant messaging to microblogging. Moreover, the ubiquity and fast-paced nature of these mediums have promoted their use for unthinkable tasks. For instance, reporting real-world events was classically carried out by news reporters, but, nowadays, most interesting events are first disclosed on social networks like Twitter by eyewitness through short text messages. As a result, the exploitation of the thematic content in short text has captured the interest of both research and industry. Topic models are a type of probability models that have traditionally been used to explore this thematic content, a.k.a. topics, in regular text. Most popular topic models fall into the sub-class of LVMs (Latent Variable Models), which include several latent variables at the corpus, document and word levels to summarise the topics at each level. However, classical LVM-based topic models struggle to learn semantically meaningful topics in short text because the lack of co-occurring words within a document hampers the estimation of the local latent variables at the document level. To overcome this limitation, pooling and hierarchical Bayesian strategies that leverage on contextual information have been essential to improve the quality of topics in short text. In this thesis, we study the problem of learning semantically meaningful and predictive representations of text in two distinct phases: • In the first phase, Part I, we investigate the use of LVM-based topic models for the specific task of event detection in Twitter. In this situation, the use of contextual information to pool tweets together comes naturally. Thus, we first extend an existing clustering algorithm for event detection to use the topics learned from pooled tweets. Then, we propose a probability model that integrates topic modelling and clustering to enable the flow of information between both components. • In the second phase, Part II and Part III, we challenge the use of local latent variables in LVMs, specially when the context of short messages is not available. First of all, we study the evaluation of the generalization capabilities of LVMs like PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) and propose unbiased estimation methods to approximate it. With the most accurate method, we compare the generalization of chordal models without latent variables to that of PFA topic models in short and regular text collections. In summary, we demonstrate that by integrating clustering and topic modelling, the performance of event detection techniques in Twitter is improved due to the interaction between both components. Moreover, we develop several unbiased likelihood estimation methods for assessing the generalization of PFA and we empirically validate their accuracy in different document collections. Finally, we show that we can learn chordal models without latent variables in text through Chordalysis, and that they can be a competitive alternative to classical topic models, specially in short text.Els avenços tecnològics han canviat radicalment la forma que ens comuniquem. Avui en dia, la comunicació és ubiqua, la qual cosa fomenta l’ús de informació fàcil de crear, difondre i consumir. Com a resultat, hem experimentat l’escurçament dels missatges de text en diferents medis de comunicació, des del correu electrònic, a la missatgeria instantània, al microblogging. A més de la ubiqüitat, la naturalesa accelerada d’aquests medis ha promogut el seu ús per tasques fins ara inimaginables. Per exemple, el relat d’esdeveniments era clàssicament dut a terme per periodistes a peu de carrer, però, en l’actualitat, el successos més interessants es publiquen directament en xarxes socials com Twitter a través de missatges curts. Conseqüentment, l’explotació de la informació temàtica del text curt ha atret l'interès tant de la recerca com de la indústria. Els models temàtics (o topic models) són un tipus de models de probabilitat que tradicionalment s’han utilitzat per explotar la informació temàtica en documents de text. Els models més populars pertanyen al subgrup de models amb variables latents, els quals incorporen varies variables a nivell de corpus, document i paraula amb la finalitat de descriure el contingut temàtic a cada nivell. Tanmateix, aquests models tenen dificultats per aprendre la semàntica en documents curts degut a la manca de coocurrència en les paraules d’un mateix document, la qual cosa impedeix una correcta estimació de les variables locals. Per tal de solucionar aquesta limitació, l’agregació de missatges segons el context i l’ús d’estratègies jeràrquiques Bayesianes són essencials per millorar la qualitat dels temes apresos. En aquesta tesi, estudiem en dos fases el problema d’aprenentatge d’estructures semàntiques i predictives en documents de text: En la primera fase, Part I, investiguem l’ús de models temàtics amb variables latents per la detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter. En aquest escenari, l’ús del context per agregar tweets sorgeix de forma natural. Per això, primer estenem un algorisme de clustering per detectar esdeveniments a partir dels temes apresos en els tweets agregats. I seguidament, proposem un nou model de probabilitat que integra el model temàtic i el de clustering per tal que la informació flueixi entre ambdós components. En la segona fase, Part II i Part III, qüestionem l’ús de variables latents locals en models per a text curt sense context. Primer de tot, estudiem com avaluar la capacitat de generalització d’un model amb variables latents com el PFA (Poisson Factor Analysis) a través del càlcul de la likelihood. Atès que aquest càlcul és computacionalment intractable, proposem diferents mètodes d estimació. Amb el mètode més acurat, comparem la generalització de models chordals sense variables latents amb la del models PFA, tant en text curt com estàndard. En resum, demostrem que integrant clustering i models temàtics, el rendiment de les tècniques de detecció d’esdeveniments a Twitter millora degut a la interacció entre ambdós components. A més a més, desenvolupem diferents mètodes d’estimació per avaluar la capacitat generalizadora dels models PFA i validem empíricament la seva exactitud en diverses col·leccions de text. Finalment, mostrem que podem aprendre models chordals sense variables latents en text a través de Chordalysis i que aquests models poden ser una bona alternativa als models temàtics clàssics, especialment en text curt.Postprint (published version

    A unified approach to non-negative matrix factorization and probabilistic latent semantic indexing

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    Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) by the multiplicative updates algorithm is a powerful machine learning method for decomposing a high-dimensional nonnegative matrix V into two matrices, W and H, each with nonnegative entries, V ~ WH. NMF has been shown to have a unique parts-based, sparse representation of the data. The nonnegativity constraints in NMF allow only additive combinations of the data which enables it to learn parts that have distinct physical representations in reality. In the last few years, NMF has been successfully applied in a variety of areas such as natural language processing, information retrieval, image processing, speech recognition and computational biology for the analysis and interpretation of large-scale data. We present a generalized approach to NMF based on Renyi\u27s divergence between two non-negative matrices related to the Poisson likelihood. Our approach unifies various competing models and provides a unique framework for NMF. Furthermore, we generalize the equivalence between NMF and probabilistic latent semantic indexing, a well-known method used in text mining and document clustering applications. We evaluate the performance of our method in the unsupervised setting using consensus clustering and demonstrate its applicability using real-life and simulated data

    Detection, Containment and Scaling Relations of Near Source Explosionsin Granite Through Moment Tensor Representations

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    The Source Phenomenology Experiment (SPE) was a series of nine, single-fired chemical explosions within the Morenci Copper mine in Arizona. Its purpose was to design, detonate, record and analyze seismic waveforms from these single-fired, partially and fully contained explosions. Ground motion data from the SPE are analyzed in this study to assess the uniqueness of the source representation of these explosions and its ability to resolve yield and depth when containment and geology or physical parameters of the source region may have a range of possible values. The P-wave velocities (Vp) at the test site are well constrained by seismic refraction surveys, but the accompanying shear wave velocities (Vs) are less constrained. In order to assess the effects of source depth and Vs model on the seismic moment tensors, Green’s functions were computed for different source depths as well as different Vs models, holding the Vp model constant. The Green’s functions for the 16, near-source stations were calculated using a one-dimensional velocity model developed from the SPE employing reflectivity modeling in order to include spherical wave effects, body waves and surface waves, focusing on observations in the 37-680 m range. The compensated linear vector dipole and explosion components of the Green’s functions are compared to quantify the possible effects of source depth and Vs on the source representation on expected explosion contributions. For the forward model, Green’s functions with variable depths of burial (DOB) and Vs are convolved with a time function based on the Mueller-Murphy (1971) isotropic source function produce synthetic seismograms for assessing possible tradeoffs between depth and yield in the source models. Our study suggests that the original SPE model parameter values used are most representative of the geology. Subsequently, observational data inversions are conducted within the frequency domain and moment tensors are decomposed into deviatoric and isotropic components to evaluate the effects of containment and yield on the resulting source representation. Isotropic moments are compared to those for other contained explosions as reported by Denny and Johnson (1991) and are in good agreement with their scaling results. Isotropic and Mzz moment tensor spectra are compared to Mueller-Murphy (1971), Denny-Johnson (1991) and revised Heard-Ackerman (Patton, 2012 b) models and suggest that the larger yield explosions with the most confinement fit the models best. Secondary source effects resulting from free surface interactions, including the effects of spallation, contribute to the resulting moment tensors, which include a CLVD component. Hudson diagrams, using frequency domain moment tensors, are computed as a tool to assess how these containment scenarios affect the source representation. Our analysis suggests that, within our band of interest (2-20 Hz), as the frequency increases, the source representation becomes more explosion like, peaking at around 20 Hz. These results guide additional analysis of the observational data and the practical resolution of physical phenomenology accompanying underground explosions

    Applying Machine Translation to Two-Stage Cross-Language Information Retrieval

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    Cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), where queries and documents are in different languages, needs a translation of queries and/or documents, so as to standardize both of them into a common representation. For this purpose, the use of machine translation is an effective approach. However, computational cost is prohibitive in translating large-scale document collections. To resolve this problem, we propose a two-stage CLIR method. First, we translate a given query into the document language, and retrieve a limited number of foreign documents. Second, we machine translate only those documents into the user language, and re-rank them based on the translation result. We also show the effectiveness of our method by way of experiments using Japanese queries and English technical documents.Comment: 13 pages, 1 Postscript figur