849 research outputs found

    SGD Frequency-Domain Space-Frequency Semiblind Multiuser Receiver with an Adaptive Optimal Mixing Parameter

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    A novel stochastic gradient descent frequency-domain (FD) space-frequency (SF) semiblind multiuser receiver with an adaptive optimal mixing parameter is proposed to improve performance of FD semiblind multiuser receivers with a fixed mixing parameters and reduces computational complexity of suboptimal FD semiblind multiuser receivers in SFBC downlink MIMO MC-CDMA systems where various numbers of users exist. The receiver exploits an adaptive mixing parameter to mix information ratio between the training-based mode and the blind-based mode. Analytical results prove that the optimal mixing parameter value relies on power and number of active loaded users existing in the system. Computer simulation results show that when the mixing parameter is adapted closely to the optimal mixing parameter value, the performance of the receiver outperforms existing FD SF adaptive step-size (AS) LMS semiblind based with a fixed mixing parameter and conventional FD SF AS-LMS training-based multiuser receivers in the MSE, SER and signal to interference plus noise ratio in both static and dynamic environments

    Multiuser MIMO-OFDM for Next-Generation Wireless Systems

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    This overview portrays the 40-year evolution of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) research. The amelioration of powerful multicarrier OFDM arrangements with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has numerous benefits, which are detailed in this treatise. We continue by highlighting the limitations of conventional detection and channel estimation techniques designed for multiuser MIMO OFDM systems in the so-called rank-deficient scenarios, where the number of users supported or the number of transmit antennas employed exceeds the number of receiver antennas. This is often encountered in practice, unless we limit the number of users granted access in the base station’s or radio port’s coverage area. Following a historical perspective on the associated design problems and their state-of-the-art solutions, the second half of this treatise details a range of classic multiuser detectors (MUDs) designed for MIMO-OFDM systems and characterizes their achievable performance. A further section aims for identifying novel cutting-edge genetic algorithm (GA)-aided detector solutions, which have found numerous applications in wireless communications in recent years. In an effort to stimulate the cross pollination of ideas across the machine learning, optimization, signal processing, and wireless communications research communities, we will review the broadly applicable principles of various GA-assisted optimization techniques, which were recently proposed also for employment inmultiuser MIMO OFDM. In order to stimulate new research, we demonstrate that the family of GA-aided MUDs is capable of achieving a near-optimum performance at the cost of a significantly lower computational complexity than that imposed by their optimum maximum-likelihood (ML) MUD aided counterparts. The paper is concluded by outlining a range of future research options that may find their way into next-generation wireless systems

    Classical and Bayesian Linear Data Estimators for Unique Word OFDM

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    Unique word - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (UW-OFDM) is a novel OFDM signaling concept, where the guard interval is built of a deterministic sequence - the so-called unique word - instead of the conventional random cyclic prefix. In contrast to previous attempts with deterministic sequences in the guard interval the addressed UW-OFDM signaling approach introduces correlations between the subcarrier symbols, which can be exploited by the receiver in order to improve the bit error ratio performance. In this paper we develop several linear data estimators specifically designed for UW-OFDM, some based on classical and some based on Bayesian estimation theory. Furthermore, we derive complexity optimized versions of these estimators, and we study their individual complex multiplication count in detail. Finally, we evaluate the estimators' performance for the additive white Gaussian noise channel as well as for selected indoor multipath channel scenarios.Comment: Preprint, 13 page

    Near-Instantaneously Adaptive HSDPA-Style OFDM Versus MC-CDMA Transceivers for WIFI, WIMAX, and Next-Generation Cellular Systems

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    Burts-by-burst (BbB) adaptive high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) style multicarrier systems are reviewed, identifying their most critical design aspects. These systems exhibit numerous attractive features, rendering them eminently eligible for employment in next-generation wireless systems. It is argued that BbB-adaptive or symbol-by-symbol adaptive orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) modems counteract the near instantaneous channel quality variations and hence attain an increased throughput or robustness in comparison to their fixed-mode counterparts. Although they act quite differently, various diversity techniques, such as Rake receivers and space-time block coding (STBC) are also capable of mitigating the channel quality variations in their effort to reduce the bit error ratio (BER), provided that the individual antenna elements experience independent fading. By contrast, in the presence of correlated fading imposed by shadowing or time-variant multiuser interference, the benefits of space-time coding erode and it is unrealistic to expect that a fixed-mode space-time coded system remains capable of maintaining a near-constant BER

    Low Complexity V-BLAST MIMO-OFDM Detector by Successive Iterations Reduction

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    V-BLAST detection method suffers large computational complexity due to its successive detection of symbols. In this paper, we propose a modified V-BLAST algorithm to decrease the computational complexity by reducing the number of detection iterations required in MIMO communication systems. We begin by showing the existence of a maximum number of iterations, beyond which, no significant improvement is obtained. We establish a criterion for the number of maximum effective iterations. We propose a modified algorithm that uses the measured SNR to dynamically set the number of iterations to achieve an acceptable bit-error rate. Then, we replace the feedback algorithm with an approximate linear function to reduce the complexity. Simulations show that significant reduction in computational complexity is achieved compared to the ordinary V-BLAST, while maintaining a good BER performance.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. The final publication is available at www.aece.r

    Efficient DCT-MCM Detection for Single and Multi-Antenna Wireless Systems

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    The discrete cosine transform (DCT) based multicarrier modulation (MCM) system is regarded as one of the promising transmission techniques for future wireless communications. By employing cosine basis as orthogonal functions for multiplexing each real-valued symbol with symbol period of T, it is able to maintain the subcarrier orthogonality while reducing frequency spacing to 1/(2T) Hz, which is only half of that compared to discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based multicarrier systems. In this paper, following one of the effective transmission models by which zeros are inserted as guard sequence and the DCT operation at the receiver is replaced by DFT of double length, we reformulate and evaluate three classic detection methods by appropriately processing the post-DFT signals both for single antenna and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) DCT-MCM systems. In all cases, we show that with our reformulated detection approaches, DCT-MCM schemes can outperform, in terms of error-rate, conventional OFDM-based systems

    Polynomial matrix decomposition techniques for frequency selective MIMO channels

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    For a narrowband, instantaneous mixing multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) communications system, the channel is represented as a scalar matrix. In this scenario, singular value decomposition (SVD) provides a number of independent spatial subchannels which can be used to enhance data rates or to increase diversity. Alternatively, a QR decomposition can be used to reduce the MIMO channel equalization problem to a set of single channel equalization problems. In the case of a frequency selective MIMO system, the multipath channel is represented as a polynomial matrix. Thus conventional matrix decomposition techniques can no longer be applied. The traditional solution to this broadband problem is to reduce it to narrowband form by using a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to split the broadband channel into N narrow uniformly spaced frequency bands and applying scalar decomposition techniques within each band. This describes an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based system. However, a novel algorithm has been developed for calculating the eigenvalue decomposition of a para-Hermitian polynomial matrix, known as the sequential best rotation (SBR2) algorithm. SBR2 and its QR based derivatives allow a true polynomial singular value and QR decomposition to be formulated. The application of these algorithms within frequency selective MIMO systems results in a fundamentally new approach to exploiting spatial diversity. Polynomial matrix decomposition and OFDM based solutions are compared for a wide variety of broadband MIMO communication systems. SVD is used to create a robust, high gain communications channel for ultra low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. Due to the frequency selective nature of the channels produced by polynomial matrix decomposition, additional processing is required at the receiver resulting in two distinct equalization techniques based around turbo and Viterbi equalization. The proposed approach is found to provide identical performance to that of an existing OFDM scheme while supporting a wider range of access schemes. This work is then extended to QR decomposition based communications systems, where the proposed polynomial approach is found to not only provide superior bit-error-rate (BER) performance but significantly reduce the complexity of transmitter design. Finally both techniques are combined to create a nulti-user MIMO system that provides superior BER performance over an OFDM based scheme. Throughout the work the robustness of the proposed scheme to channel state information (CSI) error is considered, resulting in a rigorous demonstration of the capabilities of the polynomial approach
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