3 research outputs found

    A comparison of projective and direct solvers for finite elements in elastostatics

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    The Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used in civil and mechanical engineering to simulate the behavior of complex structures and, more specifically, to predict stress and deformation fields of structural parts or mechanical bodies. In the former case, the coupling between different types of elements, such as beams, trusses, and shells, is often required, while in the latter fully 3D discretizations are typically used. For both, FEM leads to symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices that, depending on the type of discretization and especially on the topology of the nodal connections, may be efficiently solved by either the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) or a direct solver such as the routine MA57 of the Harwell Software Library. Numerical experiments are shown and discussed where the effect of spatial discretization, different solution techniques, and a possible nodal reordering, is explored. The PCG preconditioner used is a variant of the incomplete Cholesky factorization with variable fill-in. It is shown that for structures with 1D or 2D connections, such as for example a bridge, MA57 performs usually better than PCG. In this case it is noted that some reorderings specifically designed and implemented for direct elimination methods can be very helpful for PCG as well as they yield a cheaper preconditioner and lead to a much faster PCG convergence. The main disadvantage is the need for an appropriate degree of fill-in for the preconditioner which turns out to be problem dependent and must be found empirically. However, in fully 3D problems, arising for example from the FE discretization of structural components or geomechanical structures, PCG outperforms MA57 while also requiring much less memory, and thus allowing for the use of much refined grids, if needed. With the aid of a large geomechanical problem it is shown that direct solvers may not be (even) used on serial computers due to their prohibitive computational cost with PCG the only viable alternative solver

    Development of scalable linear solvers for engineering applications

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    The numerical simulation of modern engineering problems can easily incorporate millions or even billions of unknowns. In several applications, particularly those with diffusive character, sparse linear systems with symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices need to be solved, and multilevel methods represent common choices for the role of iterative solvers or preconditioners. The weak scalability showed by those techniques is one of the main reasons for their popularity, since it allows the solution of linear systems with growing size without requiring a substantial increase in the computational time and number of iterations. On the other hand, single-level preconditioners such as the adaptive Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse (aFSAI) might be attractive for reaching strong scalability due to their simpler setup. In this thesis, we propose four multilevel preconditioners based on aFSAI targeting the efficient solution of ill-conditioned SPD systems through parallel computing. The first two novel methods, namely Block Tridiagonal FSAI (BTFSAI) and Domain Decomposition FSAI (DDFSAI), rely on graph reordering techniques and approximate block factorizations carried out by aFSAI. Then, we introduce an extension of the previous techniques called the Multilevel Factorization with Low-Rank corrections (MFLR) that ensures positive definiteness of the Schur complements as well as improves their approximation with the aid of tall-and-skinny correction matrices. Lastly, we present the adaptive Smoothing and Prolongation Algebraic MultiGrid (aSPAMG) preconditioner belonging to the adaptive AMG family that introduces the use of aFSAI as a flexible smoother; three strategies for uncovering the near-null space of the system matrix and two new approaches to dynamically compute the prolongation operator. We assess the performance of the proposed preconditioners through the solution of a set of model problems along with real-world engineering test cases. Moreover, we perform comparisons to other approaches such as aFSAI, ILU (ILUPACK), and BoomerAMG (HYPRE), showing that our new methods prove comparable, if not superior, in many test cases