7,511 research outputs found

    An inventory control project in a major Danish company using compound renewal demand models

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    We describe the development of a framework to compute the optimal inventory policy for a large spare-parts’ distribution centre operation in the RA division of the Danfoss Group in Denmark. The RA division distributes spare parts worldwide for cooling and A/C systems. The warehouse logistics operation is highly automated. However, the procedures for estimating demands and the policies for the inventory control system that were in use at the beginning of the project did not fully match the sophisticated technological standard of the physical system. During the initial phase of the project development we focused on the fitting of suitable demand distributions for spare parts and on the estimation of demand parameters. Demand distributions were chosen from a class of compound renewal distributions. In the next phase, we designed models and algorithmic procedures for determining suitable inventory control variables based on the fitted demand distributions and a service level requirement stated in terms of an order fill rate. Finally, we validated the results of our models against the procedures that had been in use in the company. It was concluded that the new procedures were considerably more consistent with the actual demand processes and with the stated objectives for the distribution centre. We also initiated the implementation and integration of the new procedures into the company’s inventory management systemBase-stock policy; compound distribution; fill rate; inventory control; logistics; stochastic processes

    A comparison between the order and the volume fill rates for a base-stock inventory control system under a compound renewal demand process

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    The order fill rate is less commonly used than the volume fill rate (most often just denoted fill rate) as a performance measure for inventory control systems. However, in settings where the focus is on filling customer orders rather than total quantities, the order fill rate should be the preferred measure. In this paper we consider a continuous review, base-stock policy, where all replenishment orders have the same constant lead time and all unfilled demands are backordered. We develop exact mathematical expressions for the two fill-rate measures when demand follows a compound renewal process. We also elaborate on when the order fill rate can be interpreted as the (extended) ready rate. Furthermore, for the case when customer orders are generated by a negative binomial distribution, we show that it is the size of the shape parameter of this distribution that determines the relative magnitude of the two fill rates. In particular, we show that when customer orders are generated by a geometric distribution, the order fill rate and the volume fill rate are equal (though not equivalent when considering sample paths). For the case when customer inter-arrival times follow an Erlang distribution, we show how to compute the two fill rates.Backordering; continuous review; compound renewal process; inventory control; negative binomial distribution; service levels

    Computation of order and volume fill rates for a base stock inventory control system with heterogeneous demand to investigate which customer class gets the best service

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    We consider a base stock inventory control system serving two customer classes whose demands are generated by two independent compound renewal processes. We show how to derive order and volume fill rates of each class. Based on assumptions about first order stochastic dominance we prove when one customer class will get the best service. That theoretical result is validated through a series of numerical experiments which also reveal that it is quite robust.Base stock policy; service measures; two customer classes; compound renewal processes

    Note: Comments on the paper by Rosling (2002)

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    In this note we comment on whether the cost rate function of Model 2 of Rosling (2002) is exactInventory control; compound renewal process

    Developing a closed-form cost expression for an (R,s,nQ) policy where the demand process is compound generalized Erlang.

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    We derive a closed-form cost expression for an (R,s,nQ) inventory control policy where all replenishment orders have a constant lead-time, unfilled demand is backlogged and inter-arrival times of order requests are generalized Erlang distributedInventory control; Compound renewal process; Generalized Erlang distribution;

    The Q(s,S) control policy for the joint replenishment problem extended to the case of correlation among item-demands

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    We develop an algorithm to compute an optimal Q(s,S) policy for the joint replenishment problem when demands follow a compound correlated Poisson process. It is a non-trivial generalization of the work by Nielsen and Larsen (2005). We make some numerical analyses on two-item problems where we compare the optimal Q(s,S) policy to the optimal uncoordinated (s,S) policies. The results indicate that the more negative the correlation the less advantageous it is to coordinate. Therefore, in some cases the degree of correlation determines whether to apply the coordinated Q(s,S) policy or the uncoordinated (s,S) policies. Finally, we compare the Q(s,S) policy and the closely connected P(s,S) policy. Here we explain why the Q(s,S) policy is a better choice if item-demands are correlated.joint replenishment problem; compound correlated Poisson process

    Multi-item inventory control with full truckloads : a comparison of aggregate and individual order triggering

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    In this paper we consider the stochastic joint-replenishment problem in an environment where transportation costs are dominant and full truckloads or full container loads are required. One replenishment policy, taking into account capacity restrictions of the total order volume, is the so-called QS policy, where replenishment orders are placed to raise the individual inventory positions of all items to their order-up-to levels, whenever the aggregate inventory position drops below the reorder level. We first provide a method to compute the policy parameters of an QS policy such that item target service levels can be met, under the assumption that demand can be modeled as a compound renewal process. The approximate formulas are based on renewal theoretic results and are tested in a simulation study, revealing a good performance. Second, we compare the QS policy with a simple allocation policy, where replenishment orders are triggered by the individual inventory positions of the items. At the moment when an individual inventory position drops below its item reorder level a replenishment order is triggered and the total vehicle capacity is allocated among all items such that the expected elapsed time before the next replenishment order is maximized. In an extensive simulation study it is illustrated that the QS policy outperforms this allocation policy, standing for lower inventory levels to obtain the same service level. While for identical items the difference between the performance of both policies is negligible, differences can be large for different item characteristics

    Exact Methods for Multi-echelon Inventory Control : Incorporating Shipment Decisions and Detailed Demand Information

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    Recent advances in information technologies and an increased environmental awareness have altered the prerequisites for successful logistics. For companies operating on a global market, inventory control of distribution systems is often an essential part of their logistics planning. In this context, the research objective of this thesis is: To develop exact methods for stochastic inventory control of multi-echelon distribution systems incorporating shipment decisions and/or detailed demand information.The thesis consists of five scientific papers (Paper I, II, III, IV and V) preceded by a summarizing introduction. All papers study systems with a central warehouse supplying a number of non-identical local warehouses (retailers) facing stochastic demand. For given replenishment policies, the papers provide exact expressions for evaluating the expected long-run system behavior (e.g., distributions of backorders, inventory levels, shipment sizes and expected costs) and present optimization procedures for the control variables. Paper I and II consider systems where shipments from the central warehouse are consolidated to groups of retailers and dispatched periodically. By doing so, economies of scale for the transports can be reached, reducing both transportation costs and emissions. Paper I assumes Poisson customer demand and considers volume-dependent transportation costs and emissions. The model involves the possibility to reserve intermodal (train) capacity in combination with truck transports available on demand. For this system, the expected inventory costs, the expected transportation costs and the expected transport emissions are determined. Joint optimization procedures for the shipment intervals, the capacity reservation quantities, the reorder points and order-up-to levels in the system are provided, with or without emission considerations. Paper II analyses the expected costs of the same system for compound Poisson demand (where customer demand sizes may vary), but with only one transportation mode and fixed transportation costs per shipment. It also shows how to handle fill rate constraints. Paper III studies a system where all stock points use installation stock (R,Q) ordering policies (batch ordering). This implies that situations can occur when only part of a requested retailer order is available at the central warehouse. In these situations, the models in existing literature predominantly assume that available units are shipped immediately (partial delivery). An alternative is to wait until the entire order is available before dispatching (complete delivery). The paper introduces a cost for splitting the order and evaluates a system where optimal choices between partial and complete deliveries are made for all orders. In a numerical study it is shown that significant savings can be made by using this policy compared to systems which exclusively use either partial or complete deliveries. Paper IV shows how companies can benefit from detailed information about their customer demand. In a continuous review base stock system, the customer demand is modeled with independent compound renewal processes at the retailers. This means that the customer inter-arrival times may follow any continuous distribution and the demand sizes may follow any discrete distribution. A numerical study shows that this model can achieve substantial savings compared to models using the common assumption of exponential customer inter-arrival times. Paper V is a short technical note that extends the scope of analysis for several existing stochastic multi-echelon inventory models. These models analyze the expected costs without first determining the inventory level distribution. By showing how these distributions can be obtained from the expected cost functions, this note facilitates the analysis of several service measures, including the ready rate and the fill rate
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