3 research outputs found

    Mobile text reader for people with low vision

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    People with low vision have visual acuity less than 6/18 and at least 3/60 in the better eye, with correction. The limited vision requires them to enhance their reading ability using magnifying glass or electronic screen magnifier. However, people with severe low vision have difficulty and suffer fatigue from using such assistive tool. This paper presents the development of a mobile text reader dedicated for people with low vision. The mobile text reader is developed as a mobile application that allows user to capture an image of texts and then translate the texts into audio format. One main contribution of this work compared to typical optical character recognition (OCR) engines or text-to-speech engines is the addition of image stitching feature. The image stitching feature can produce one single image from multiple poorly aligned images, and is integrated into the process of image acquisition. Either single or composite image is subsequently uploaded to a cloud-based OCR engine for robust character recognition. Eventually, a text-to-speech (TTS) synthesizer reproduces the word recognized in a natural-sounding speech. The whole series of computation is implemented as a mobile application to be run from a smartphone, allowing the visual impaired to access text information independently

    Estudio de perfiles de comportamiento humano en secuencias de video con aplicaciones de seguridad

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    En este documento se presenta un algoritmo adaptativo usado para realizar an谩lisis y clasificaci贸n del comportamiento humano en secuencias de video. El sujeto en movimiento se descompone en regiones de inter茅s de las cuales se extrae la informaci贸n a partir de sus atributos, las regiones de inter茅s se actualizan peri贸dicamente para permitir la actualizaci贸n de dicha informaci贸n. La clasificaci贸n del comportamiento utiliza umbrales adaptativos. El algoritmo es evaluado utilizando una base de videos propia con diferentes escenarios y comportamientos. Por 煤ltimo se presentan resultados y conclusiones obtenidas.Ingeniero (a) Electr贸nicoPregrad