9 research outputs found

    On construction, performance, and diversification for structured queries on the semantic desktop

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    A novel ensemble learning approach to unsupervised record linkage

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    © 2017 Record linkage is a process of identifying records that refer to the same real-world entity. Many existing approaches to record linkage apply supervised machine learning techniques to generate a classification model that classifies a pair of records as either match or non-match. The main requirement of such an approach is a labelled training dataset. In many real-world applications no labelled dataset is available hence manual labelling is required to create a sufficiently sized training dataset for a supervised machine learning algorithm. Semi-supervised machine learning techniques, such as self-learning or active learning, which require only a small manually labelled training dataset have been applied to record linkage. These techniques reduce the requirement on the manual labelling of the training dataset. However, they have yet to achieve a level of accuracy similar to that of supervised learning techniques. In this paper we propose a new approach to unsupervised record linkage based on a combination of ensemble learning and enhanced automatic self-learning. In the proposed approach an ensemble of automatic self-learning models is generated with different similarity measure schemes. In order to further improve the automatic self-learning process we incorporate field weighting into the automatic seed selection for each of the self-learning models. We propose an unsupervised diversity measure to ensure that there is high diversity among the selected self-learning models. Finally, we propose to use the contribution ratios of self-learning models to remove those with poor accuracy from the ensemble. We have evaluated our approach on 4 publicly available datasets which are commonly used in the record linkage community. Our experimental results show that our proposed approach has advantages over the state-of-the-art semi-supervised and unsupervised record linkage techniques. In 3 out of 4 datasets it also achieves comparable results to those of the supervised approaches

    N-gram language models for massively parallel devices

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    Techniques for Constructing Efficient Lock-free Data Structures

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    Building a library of concurrent data structures is an essential way to simplify the difficult task of developing concurrent software. Lock-free data structures, in which processes can help one another to complete operations, offer the following progress guarantee: If processes take infinitely many steps, then infinitely many operations are performed. Handcrafted lock-free data structures can be very efficient, but are notoriously difficult to implement. We introduce numerous tools that support the development of efficient lock-free data structures, and especially trees.Comment: PhD thesis, Univ Toronto (2017

    Fast machine translation on parallel and massively parallel hardware

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    Parallel systems have been widely adopted in the field of machine translation, because the raw computational power they offer is well suited to this computationally intensive task. However programming for parallel hardware is not trivial as it requires redesign of the existing algorithms. In my thesis I design efficient algorithms for machine translation on parallel hardware. I identify memory accesses as the biggest bottleneck to processing speed and propose novel algorithms that minimize them. I present three distinct case studies in which minimizing memory access substantially improves speed: Starting with statistical machine translation, I design a phrase table that makes decoding ten times faster on a multi-threaded CPU. Next, I design a GPU-based n-gram language model that is twice as fast per £ as a highly optimized CPU implementation. Turning to neural machine translation, I design new stochastic gradient descent techniques that make end-to-end training twice as fast. The work in this thesis has been incorporated in two popular machine translation toolkits: Moses and Marian

    Novel storage architectures and pointer-free search trees for database systems

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    Database systems research is an old and well-established field in computer science. Many of the key concepts appeared as early as the 60s, while the core of relational databases, which have dominated the database world for a while now, was solidified during the 80s. However, the underlying hardware has not displayed such stability in the same period, which means that a lot of assumptions that were made about the hardware by early database systems are not necessarily true for modern computer architectures. In particular, over the last few decades there have been two notable consistent trends in the evolution of computer hardware. The first is that the memory hierarchy of mainstream computer systems has been getting deeper, with its different levels moving away from each other, and new levels being added in between as a result, in particular cache memories. The second is that, when it comes to data transfers between any two adjacent levels of the memory hierarchy, access latencies have not been keeping up with transfer rates. The challenge is therefore to adapt database index structures so that they become immune to these two trends. The latter is addressed by gradually increasing the size of the data transfer unit; the former, by organizing the data so that it exhibits good locality for memory transfers across multiple memory boundaries.We have developed novel structures that facilitate both of these strategies. We started our investigation with the venerable B+-tree, which is the cornerstone order-preserving index of any database system, and we have developed a novel pointer-free tree structure for its pages that optimizes its cache performance and makes it immune to the page size. We then adapted our approach to the R-tree and the GiST, making it applicable to multi-dimensional data indexes as well as generalized indexes for any abstract data type. Finally, we have investigated our structure in the context of main memory alone, and have demonstrated its superiority over the established approaches in that setting too. While our research has its roots in data structures and algorithms theory, we have conducted it with a strong experimental focus, as the complex interactions within the memory hierarchy of a modern computer system can be quite challenging to model and theorize about effectively. Our findings are therefore backed by solid experimental results that verify our hypotheses and prove the superiority of our structures over competing approaches