5 research outputs found

    Hybrid approach for disease comorbidity and disease gene prediction using heterogeneous dataset

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    High throughput analysis and large scale integration of biological data led to leading researches in the field of bioinformatics. Recent years witnessed the development of various methods for disease associated gene prediction and disease comorbidity predictions. Most of the existing techniques use network-based approaches and similarity-based approaches for these predictions. Even though network-based approaches have better performance, these methods rely on text data from OMIM records and PubMed abstracts. In this method, a novel algorithm (HDCDGP) is proposed for disease comorbidity prediction and disease associated gene prediction. Disease comorbidity network and disease gene network were constructed using data from gene ontology (GO), human phenotype ontology (HPO), protein-protein interaction (PPI) and pathway dataset. Modified random walk restart algorithm was applied on these networks for extracting novel disease-gene associations. Experimental results showed that the hybrid approach has better performance compared to existing systems with an overall accuracy around 85%

    A conversational recommender system for diagnosis using fuzzy rules.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/4628Graded implications in the framework of Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis are used as the knowledge guiding the recommendations. An automated engine based on fuzzy Simplification Logic is proposed to make the suggestions to the users. Conversational recommender systems have proven to be a good approach in telemedicine, building a dialogue between the user and the recommender based on user preferences provided at each step of the conversation. Here, we propose a conversational recommender system for medical diagnosis using fuzzy logic. Specifically, fuzzy implications in the framework of Formal Concept Analysis are used to store the knowledge about symptoms and diseases and Fuzzy Simplification Logic is selected as an appropriate engine to guide the conversation to a final diagnosis. The recommender system has been used to provide differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and schizoaffective and bipolar disorders. In addition, we have enriched the conversational strategy with two strategies (namely critiquing and elicitation mechanism) for a better understanding of the knowledge-driven conversation, allowing user’s feedback in each step of the conversation and improving the performance of the method.This work has been partially supported by the projects TIN2017- 89023-P and PGC2018-095869-B-I00 of the Science and Innovation Ministry of Spain, co-funded by the European Regional Develop- ment Fund (ERDF)

    The Implementation of Recommender Systems for Mental Health Recovery Narratives: Evaluation of Use and Performance

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    Background:Recommender systems help narrow down a large range of items to a smaller, personalized set. NarraGive is a first-in-field hybrid recommender system for mental health recovery narratives, recommending narratives based on their content and narrator characteristics (using content-based filtering) and on narratives beneficially impacting other similar users (using collaborative filtering). NarraGive is integrated into the Narrative Experiences Online (NEON) intervention, a web application providing access to the NEON Collection of recovery narratives.Objective:This study aims to analyze the 3 recommender system algorithms used in NarraGive to inform future interventions using recommender systems for lived experience narratives.Methods:Using a recently published framework for evaluating recommender systems to structure the analysis, we compared the content-based filtering algorithm and collaborative filtering algorithms by evaluating the accuracy (how close the predicted ratings are to the true ratings), precision (the proportion of the recommended narratives that are relevant), diversity (how diverse the recommended narratives are), coverage (the proportion of all available narratives that can be recommended), and unfairness (whether the algorithms produce less accurate predictions for disadvantaged participants) across gender and ethnicity. We used data from all participants in 2 parallel-group, waitlist control clinical trials of the NEON intervention (NEON trial: N=739; NEON for other [eg, nonpsychosis] mental health problems [NEON-O] trial: N=1023). Both trials included people with self-reported mental health problems who had and had not used statutory mental health services. In addition, NEON trial participants had experienced self-reported psychosis in the previous 5 years. Our evaluation used a database of Likert-scale narrative ratings provided by trial participants in response to validated narrative feedback questions.Results:Participants from the NEON and NEON-O trials provided 2288 and 1896 narrative ratings, respectively. Each rated narrative had a median of 3 ratings and 2 ratings, respectively. For the NEON trial, the content-based filtering algorithm performed better for coverage; the collaborative filtering algorithms performed better for accuracy, diversity, and unfairness across both gender and ethnicity; and neither algorithm performed better for precision. For the NEON-O trial, the content-based filtering algorithm did not perform better on any metric; the collaborative filtering algorithms performed better on accuracy and unfairness across both gender and ethnicity; and neither algorithm performed better for precision, diversity, or coverage.Conclusions:Clinical population may be associated with recommender system performance. Recommender systems are susceptible to a wide range of undesirable biases. Approaches to mitigating these include providing enough initial data for the recommender system (to prevent overfitting), ensuring that items can be accessed outside the recommender system (to prevent a feedback loop between accessed items and recommended items), and encouraging participants to provide feedback on every narrative they interact with (to prevent participants from only providing feedback when they have strong opinions)

    Social analytics for health integration, intelligence, and monitoring

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    Nowadays, patient-generated social health data are abundant and Healthcare is changing from the authoritative provider-centric model to collaborative and patient-oriented care. The aim of this dissertation is to provide a Social Health Analytics framework to utilize social data to solve the interdisciplinary research challenges of Big Data Science and Health Informatics. Specific research issues and objectives are described below. The first objective is semantic integration of heterogeneous health data sources, which can vary from structured to unstructured and include patient-generated social data as well as authoritative data. An information seeker has to spend time selecting information from many websites and integrating it into a coherent mental model. An integrated health data model is designed to allow accommodating data features from different sources. The model utilizes semantic linked data for lightweight integration and allows a set of analytics and inferences over data sources. A prototype analytical and reasoning tool called “Social InfoButtons” that can be linked from existing EHR systems is developed to allow doctors to understand and take into consideration the behaviors, patterns or trends of patients’ healthcare practices during a patient’s care. The tool can also shed insights for public health officials to make better-informed policy decisions. The second objective is near-real time monitoring of disease outbreaks using social media. The research for epidemics detection based on search query terms entered by millions of users is limited by the fact that query terms are not easily accessible by non-affiliated researchers. Publically available Twitter data is exploited to develop the Epidemics Outbreak and Spread Detection System (EOSDS). EOSDS provides four visual analytics tools for monitoring epidemics, i.e., Instance Map, Distribution Map, Filter Map, and Sentiment Trend to investigate public health threats in space and time. The third objective is to capture, analyze and quantify public health concerns through sentiment classifications on Twitter data. For traditional public health surveillance systems, it is hard to detect and monitor health related concerns and changes in public attitudes to health-related issues, due to their expenses and significant time delays. A two-step sentiment classification model is built to measure the concern. In the first step, Personal tweets are distinguished from Non-Personal tweets. In the second step, Personal Negative tweets are further separated from Personal Non-Negative tweets. In the proposed classification, training data is labeled by an emotion-oriented, clue-based method, and three Machine Learning models are trained and tested. Measure of Concern (MOC) is computed based on the number of Personal Negative sentiment tweets. A timeline trend of the MOC is also generated to monitor public concern levels, which is important for health emergency resource allocations and policy making. The fourth objective is predicting medical condition incidence and progression trajectories by using patients’ self-reported data on PatientsLikeMe. Some medical conditions are correlated with each other to a measureable degree (“comorbidities”). A prediction model is provided to predict the comorbidities and rank future conditions by their likelihood and to predict the possible progression trajectories given an observed medical condition. The novel models for trajectory prediction of medical conditions are validated to cover the comorbidities reported in the medical literature