352 research outputs found

    A Multi-GPU Programming Library for Real-Time Applications

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    We present MGPU, a C++ programming library targeted at single-node multi-GPU systems. Such systems combine disproportionate floating point performance with high data locality and are thus well suited to implement real-time algorithms. We describe the library design, programming interface and implementation details in light of this specific problem domain. The core concepts of this work are a novel kind of container abstraction and MPI-like communication methods for intra-system communication. We further demonstrate how MGPU is used as a framework for porting existing GPU libraries to multi-device architectures. Putting our library to the test, we accelerate an iterative non-linear image reconstruction algorithm for real-time magnetic resonance imaging using multiple GPUs. We achieve a speed-up of about 1.7 using 2 GPUs and reach a final speed-up of 2.1 with 4 GPUs. These promising results lead us to conclude that multi-GPU systems are a viable solution for real-time MRI reconstruction as well as signal-processing applications in general.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Parallel cloth simulation using OpenMp and CUDA

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    The widespread availability of parallel computing architectures has lead to research regarding algorithms and techniques that best exploit available parallelism. In addition to the CPU parallelism available; the GPU has emerged as a parallel computational device. The goal of this study was to explore the combined use of CPU and GPU parallelism by developing a hybrid parallel CPU/GPU cloth simulation application. In order to evaluate the benefits of the hybrid approach, the application was first developed in sequential CPU form, followed by a parallel CPU form. The application uses Backward Euler implicit time integration to solve the differential equations of motion associated with the physical system. The Conjugate Gradient (CG) algorithm is used to determine the solution vector for the system of equations formed by the Backward Euler approach. The matrix/vector, vector/vector, and vector/scalar operations required by CG are handled by calls to BLAS level 1 and level 2 functions. In the sequential CPU and parallel CPU versions, the Intel Math Kernel Library implementation of BLAS is used. In the hybrid parallel CPU/GPU version, the Nvidia CUDA based BLAS implementation (CUBLAS) is used. In the parallel CPU and hybrid implementations, OpenMP directives are used to parallelize the force application loop that traverses the list of forces acting on the system. Runtimes were collected for each version of the application while simulating cloth meshes with particle resolutions of 20x20, 40x40, and 60x60. The performance of each version was compared at each mesh resolution. The level of performance degradation experienced when transitioning to the larger mesh sizes was also determined. The hybrid parallel CPU/GPU implementation yielded the highest frame rate for the 40x40 and 60x60 meshes. The parallel CPU implementation yielded the highest frame rate for the 20x20 mesh. The performance of the hybrid parallel CPU/GPU implementation degraded the least as it transitioned to the two larger mesh sizes. The results of this study will potentially lead to further research regarding the use of GPUs to perform the matrix/vector operations associated with the CG algorithm under more complex cloth simulation scenarios

    MPCGPU: Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control through Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient on the GPU

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    Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) is a state-of-the-art approach for locomotion and manipulation which leverages trajectory optimization at each control step. While the performance of this approach is computationally bounded, implementations of direct trajectory optimization that use iterative methods to solve the underlying moderately-large and sparse linear systems, are a natural fit for parallel hardware acceleration. In this work, we introduce MPCGPU, a GPU-accelerated, real-time NMPC solver that leverages an accelerated preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) linear system solver at its core. We show that MPCGPU increases the scalability and real-time performance of NMPC, solving larger problems, at faster rates. In particular, for tracking tasks using the Kuka IIWA manipulator, MPCGPU is able to scale to kilohertz control rates with trajectories as long as 512 knot points. This is driven by a custom PCG solver which outperforms state-of-the-art, CPU-based, linear system solvers by at least 10x for a majority of solves and 3.6x on average.Comment: Accepted to ICRA 2024, 8 pages, 6 figure
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