13,868 research outputs found

    Set-polynomials and polynomial extension of the Hales-Jewett Theorem

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    An abstract, Hales-Jewett type extension of the polynomial van der Waerden Theorem [J. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1996),725-753] is established: Theorem. Let r,d,q \in \N. There exists N \in \N such that for any r-coloring of the set of subsets of V={1,...,N}^{d} x {1,...,q} there exist a set a \subset V and a nonempty set \gamma \subseteq {1,...,N} such that a \cap (\gamma^{d} x {1,...,q}) = \emptyset, and the subsets a, a \cup (\gamma^{d} x {1}), a \cup (\gamma^{d} x {2}), ..., a \cup (\gamma^{d} x {q}) are all of the same color. This ``polynomial'' Hales-Jewett theorem contains refinements of many combinatorial facts as special cases. The proof is achieved by introducing and developing the apparatus of set-polynomials (polynomials whose coefficients are finite sets) and applying the methods of topological dynamics.Comment: 43 pages, published versio

    Double series representations for Schur's partition function and related identities

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    We prove new double summation hypergeometric qq-series representations for several families of partitions, including those that appear in the famous product identities of G\"ollnitz, Gordon, and Schur. We give several different proofs for our results, using bijective partitions mappings and modular diagrams, the theory of qq-difference equations and recurrences, and the theories of summation and transformation for qq-series. We also consider a general family of similar double series and highlight a number of other interesting special cases.Comment: 19 page

    A Reciprocity Theorem for Monomer-Dimer Coverings

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    The problem of counting monomer-dimer coverings of a lattice is a longstanding problem in statistical mechanics. It has only been exactly solved for the special case of dimer coverings in two dimensions. In earlier work, Stanley proved a reciprocity principle governing the number N(m,n)N(m,n) of dimer coverings of an mm by nn rectangular grid (also known as perfect matchings), where mm is fixed and nn is allowed to vary. As reinterpreted by Propp, Stanley's result concerns the unique way of extending N(m,n)N(m,n) to n<0n < 0 so that the resulting bi-infinite sequence, N(m,n)N(m,n) for n∈Zn \in {Z}, satisfies a linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients. In particular, Stanley shows that N(m,n)N(m,n) is always an integer satisfying the relation N(m,−2−n)=ϵm,nN(m,n)N(m,-2-n) = \epsilon_{m,n}N(m,n) where ϵm,n=1\epsilon_{m,n} = 1 unless m≡m\equiv 2(mod 4) and nn is odd, in which case ϵm,n=−1\epsilon_{m,n} = -1. Furthermore, Propp's method is applicable to higher-dimensional cases. This paper discusses similar investigations of the numbers M(m,n)M(m,n), of monomer-dimer coverings, or equivalently (not necessarily perfect) matchings of an mm by nn rectangular grid. We show that for each fixed mm there is a unique way of extending M(m,n)M(m,n) to n<0n < 0 so that the resulting bi-infinite sequence, M(m,n)M(m,n) for n∈Zn \in {Z}, satisfies a linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients. We show that M(m,n)M(m,n), a priori a rational number, is always an integer, using a generalization of the combinatorial model offered by Propp. Lastly, we give a new statement of reciprocity in terms of multivariate generating functions from which Stanley's result follows.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the Discrete Models for Complex Systems (DMCS) 2003 conference. (v2 - some minor changes

    Combinatorics of the three-parameter PASEP partition function

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    We consider a partially asymmetric exclusion process (PASEP) on a finite number of sites with open and directed boundary conditions. Its partition function was calculated by Blythe, Evans, Colaiori, and Essler. It is known to be a generating function of permutation tableaux by the combinatorial interpretation of Corteel and Williams. We prove bijectively two new combinatorial interpretations. The first one is in terms of weighted Motzkin paths called Laguerre histories and is obtained by refining a bijection of Foata and Zeilberger. Secondly we show that this partition function is the generating function of permutations with respect to right-to-left minima, right-to-left maxima, ascents, and 31-2 patterns, by refining a bijection of Francon and Viennot. Then we give a new formula for the partition function which generalizes the one of Blythe & al. It is proved in two combinatorial ways. The first proof is an enumeration of lattice paths which are known to be a solution of the Matrix Ansatz of Derrida & al. The second proof relies on a previous enumeration of rook placements, which appear in the combinatorial interpretation of a related normal ordering problem. We also obtain a closed formula for the moments of Al-Salam-Chihara polynomials.Comment: 31 page
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