2,522 research outputs found

    A modal approach to hyper-redundant manipulator kinematics

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    This paper presents novel and efficient kinematic modeling techniques for “hyper-redundant” robots. This approach is based on a “backbone curve” that captures the robot's macroscopic geometric features. The inverse kinematic, or “hyper-redundancy resolution,” problem reduces to determining the time varying backbone curve behavior. To efficiently solve the inverse kinematics problem, the authors introduce a “modal” approach, in which a set of intrinsic backbone curve shape functions are restricted to a modal form. The singularities of the modal approach, modal non-degeneracy conditions, and modal switching are considered. For discretely segmented morphologies, the authors introduce “fitting” algorithms that determine the actuator displacements that cause the discrete manipulator to adhere to the backbone curve. These techniques are demonstrated with planar and spatial mechanism examples. They have also been implemented on a 30 degree-of-freedom robot prototype

    Method and apparatus for configuration control of redundant robots

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    A method and apparatus to control a robot or manipulator configuration over the entire motion based on augmentation of the manipulator forward kinematics is disclosed. A set of kinematic functions is defined in Cartesian or joint space to reflect the desirable configuration that will be achieved in addition to the specified end-effector motion. The user-defined kinematic functions and the end-effector Cartesian coordinates are combined to form a set of task-related configuration variables as generalized coordinates for the manipulator. A task-based adaptive scheme is then utilized to directly control the configuration variables so as to achieve tracking of some desired reference trajectories throughout the robot motion. This accomplishes the basic task of desired end-effector motion, while utilizing the redundancy to achieve any additional task through the desired time variation of the kinematic functions. The present invention can also be used for optimization of any kinematic objective function, or for satisfaction of a set of kinematic inequality constraints, as in an obstacle avoidance problem. In contrast to pseudoinverse-based methods, the configuration control scheme ensures cyclic motion of the manipulator, which is an essential requirement for repetitive operations. The control law is simple and computationally very fast, and does not require either the complex manipulator dynamic model or the complicated inverse kinematic transformation. The configuration control scheme can alternatively be implemented in joint space

    Characterization and control of self-motions in redundant manipulators

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    The presence of redundant degrees of freedom in a manipulator structure leads to a physical phenomenon known as a self-motion, which is a continuous motion of the manipulator joints that leaves the end-effector motionless. In the first part of the paper, a global manifold mapping reformulation of manipulator kinematics is reviewed, and the inverse kinematic solution for redundant manipulators is developed in terms of self-motion manifolds. Global characterizations of the self-motion manifolds in terms of their number, geometry, homotopy class, and null space are reviewed using examples. Much previous work in redundant manipulator control has been concerned with the redundancy resolution problem, in which methods are developed to determine, or resolve, the motion of the joints in order to achieve end-effector trajectory control while optimizing additional objective functions. Redundancy resolution problems can be equivalently posed as the control of self-motions. Alternatives for redundancy resolution are briefly discussed

    Computational neural learning formalisms for manipulator inverse kinematics

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    An efficient, adaptive neural learning paradigm for addressing the inverse kinematics of redundant manipulators is presented. The proposed methodology exploits the infinite local stability of terminal attractors - a new class of mathematical constructs which provide unique information processing capabilities to artificial neural systems. For robotic applications, synaptic elements of such networks can rapidly acquire the kinematic invariances embedded within the presented samples. Subsequently, joint-space configurations, required to follow arbitrary end-effector trajectories, can readily be computed. In a significant departure from prior neuromorphic learning algorithms, this methodology provides mechanisms for incorporating an in-training skew to handle kinematics and environmental constraints

    Kinematically redundant robot manipulators

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    Research on control, design and programming of kinematically redundant robot manipulators (KRRM) is discussed. These are devices in which there are more joint space degrees of freedom than are required to achieve every position and orientation of the end-effector necessary for a given task in a given workspace. The technological developments described here deal with: kinematic programming techniques for automatically generating joint-space trajectories to execute prescribed tasks; control of redundant manipulators to optimize dynamic criteria (e.g., applications of forces and moments at the end-effector that optimally distribute the loading of actuators); and design of KRRMs to optimize functionality in congested work environments or to achieve other goals unattainable with non-redundant manipulators. Kinematic programming techniques are discussed, which show that some pseudo-inverse techniques that have been proposed for redundant manipulator control fail to achieve the goals of avoiding kinematic singularities and also generating closed joint-space paths corresponding to close paths of the end effector in the workspace. The extended Jacobian is proposed as an alternative to pseudo-inverse techniques

    A hyper-redundant manipulator

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    “Hyper-redundant” manipulators have a very large number of actuatable degrees of freedom. The benefits of hyper-redundant robots include the ability to avoid obstacles, increased robustness with respect to mechanical failure, and the ability to perform new forms of robot locomotion and grasping. The authors examine hyper-redundant manipulator design criteria and the physical implementation of one particular design: a variable geometry truss

    Control strategy for cooperating disparate manipulators

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    To manipulate large payloads typical of space construction, the concept of a small arm mounted on the end of a large arm is introduced. The main purposes of such a configuration are to increase the structural stiffness of the robot by bracing against or locking to a stationary frame, and to maintain a firm position constraint between the robot's base and workpieces by grasping them. Possible topologies for a combination of disparate large and small arms are discussed, and kinematics, dynamics, controls, and coordination of the two arms, especially when they brace at the tip of the small arm, are developed. The feasibility and improvement in performance are verified, not only with analytical work and simulation results but also with experiments on the existing arrangement Robotic Arm Large and Flexible and Small Articulated Manipulator

    Kinematically optimal hyper-redundant manipulator configurations

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    “Hyper-redundant” robots have a very large or infinite degree of kinematic redundancy. This paper develops new methods for determining “optimal” hyper-redundant manipulator configurations based on a continuum formulation of kinematics. This formulation uses a backbone curve model to capture the robot's essential macroscopic geometric features. The calculus of variations is used to develop differential equations, whose solution is the optimal backbone curve shape. We show that this approach is computationally efficient on a single processor, and generates solutions in O(1) time for an N degree-of-freedom manipulator when implemented in parallel on O(N) processors. For this reason, it is better suited to hyper-redundant robots than other redundancy resolution methods. Furthermore, this approach is useful for many hyper-redundant mechanical morphologies which are not handled by known methods

    Man-machine cooperation in advanced teleoperation

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    Teleoperation experiments at JPL have shown that advanced features in a telerobotic system are a necessary condition for good results, but that they are not sufficient to assure consistently good performance by the operators. Two or three operators are normally used during training and experiments to maintain the desired performance. An alternative to this multi-operator control station is a man-machine interface embedding computer programs that can perform some of the operator's functions. In this paper we present our first experiments with these concepts, in which we focused on the areas of real-time task monitoring and interactive path planning. In the first case, when performing a known task, the operator has an automatic aid for setting control parameters and camera views. In the second case, an interactive path planner will rank different path alternatives so that the operator will make the correct control decision. The monitoring function has been implemented with a neural network doing the real-time task segmentation. The interactive path planner was implemented for redundant manipulators to specify arm configurations across the desired path and satisfy geometric, task, and performance constraints