8 research outputs found

    A Change Impact Analysis to Characterize Evolving Program Behaviors

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    Change impact analysis techniques estimate the potential effects of changes made to software. Directed Incremental Symbolic Execution (DiSE) is an intraprocedural technique for characterizing the impact of software changes on program behaviors. DiSE first estimates the impact of the changes on the source code using program slicing techniques, and then uses the impact sets to guide symbolic execution to generate path conditions that characterize impacted program behaviors. DiSE, however, cannot reason about the flow of impact between methods and will fail to generate path conditions for certain impacted program behaviors. In this work, we present iDiSE, an extension to DiSE that performs an interprocedural analysis. iDiSE combines static and dynamic calling context information to efficiently generate impacted program behaviors across calling contexts. Information about impacted program behaviors is useful for testing, verification, and debugging of evolving programs. We present a case-study of our implementation of the iDiSE algorithm to demonstrate its efficiency at computing impacted program behaviors. Traditional notions of coverage are insufficient for characterizing the testing efforts used to validate evolving program behaviors because they do not take into account the impact of changes to the code. In this work we present novel definitions of impacted coverage metrics that are useful for evaluating the testing effort required to test evolving programs. We then describe how the notions of impacted coverage can be used to configure techniques such as DiSE and iDiSE in order to support regression testing related tasks. We also discuss how DiSE and iDiSE can be configured for debugging finding the root cause of errors introduced by changes made to the code. In our empirical evaluation we demonstrate that the configurations of DiSE and iDiSE can be used to support various software maintenance task

    Development Context Driven Change Awareness and Analysis Framework

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    Recent work on workspace monitoring allows conflict prediction early in the development process, however, these approaches mostly use syntactic differencing techniques to compare different program versions. In contrast, traditional change-impact analysis techniques analyze related versions of the program only after the code has been checked into the master repository. We propose a novel approach, De- CAF (Development Context Analysis Framework), that leverages the development context to scope a change impact analysis technique. The goal is to characterize the impact of each developer on other developers in the team. There are various client applications such as task prioritization, early conflict detection, and providing advice on testing that can benefit from such a characterization. The DeCAF framework leverages information from the development context to bound the iDiSE change impact analysis technique to analyze only the parts of the code base that are of interest. Bounding the analysis can enable DeCAF to efficiently compute the impact of changes using a combination of program dependence and symbolic execution based approaches

    A Flexible and Non-instrusive Approach for Computing Complex Structural Coverage Metrics

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    Software analysis tools and techniques often leverage structural code coverage information to reason about the dynamic behavior of software. Existing techniques instrument the code with the required structural obligations and then monitor the execution of the compiled code to report coverage. Instrumentation based approaches often incur considerable runtime overhead for complex structural coverage metrics such as Modified Condition/Decision (MC/DC). Code instrumentation, in general, has to be approached with great care to ensure it does not modify the behavior of the original code. Furthermore, instrumented code cannot be used in conjunction with other analyses that reason about the structure and semantics of the code under test. In this work, we introduce a non-intrusive preprocessing approach for computing structural coverage information. It uses a static partial evaluation of the decisions in the source code and a source-to-bytecode mapping to generate the information necessary to efficiently track structural coverage metrics during execution. Our technique is flexible; the results of the preprocessing can be used by a variety of coverage-driven software analysis tasks, including automated analyses that are not possible for instrumented code. Experimental results in the context of symbolic execution show the efficiency and flexibility of our nonintrusive approach for computing code coverage informatio

    Maintaining the Health of Software Monitors

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    Software health management (SWHM) techniques complement the rigorous verification and validation processes that are applied to safety-critical systems prior to their deployment. These techniques are used to monitor deployed software in its execution environment, serving as the last line of defense against the effects of a critical fault. SWHM monitors use information from the specification and implementation of the monitored software to detect violations, predict possible failures, and help the system recover from faults. Changes to the monitored software, such as adding new functionality or fixing defects, therefore, have the potential to impact the correctness of both the monitored software and the SWHM monitor. In this work, we describe how the results of a software change impact analysis technique, Directed Incremental Symbolic Execution (DiSE), can be applied to monitored software to identify the potential impact of the changes on the SWHM monitor software. The results of DiSE can then be used by other analysis techniques, e.g., testing, debugging, to help preserve and improve the integrity of the SWHM monitor as the monitored software evolves

    Property Differencing for Incremental Checking

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    This paper introduces iProperty, a novel approach that facilitates incremental checking of programs based on a property di erencing technique. Speci cally, iProperty aims to reduce the cost of checking properties as they are initially developed and as they co-evolve with the program. The key novelty of iProperty is to compute the di erences between the new and old versions of expected properties to reduce the number and size of the properties that need to be checked during the initial development of the properties. Furthermore, property di erencing is used in synergy with program behavior di erencing techniques to optimize common regression scenarios, such as detecting regression errors or checking feature additions for conformance to new expected properties. Experimental results in the context of symbolic execution of Java programs annotated with properties written as assertions show the e ectiveness of iProperty in utilizing change information to enable more ecient checking

    Change Impact Analysis Based Regression Testing of Web Services

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    Reducing the effort required to make changes in web services is one of the primary goals in web service projects maintenance and evolution. Normally, functional and non-functional testing of a web service is performed by testing the operations specified in its WSDL. The regression testing is performed by identifying the changes made thereafter to the web service code and the WSDL. In this thesis, we present a tool-supported approach to perform efficient regression testing of web services. By representing a web service as a directed graph of WSDL elements, we identify and gathers the changed portions of the graph and use this information to reduce regression testing efforts. Specifically, we identify, categorize, and capture the web service testing needs in two different ways, namely, Operationalized Regression Testing of Web Service (ORTWS) and Parameterized Regression Testing of Web Service (PRTWS). Both of the approach can be combined to reduce the regression testing efforts in the web service project. The proposed approach is prototyped as a tool, named as Automatic Web Service Change Management (AWSCM), which helps in selecting the relevant test cases to construct reduced test suite from the old test suite. We present few case studies on different web service projects to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed tool. The reduction in the effort for regression testing of web service is also estimated.Comment: Master of Technology Thesis, PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Jabalpur (2014

    Using Machine Learning and Graph Mining Approaches to Improve Software Requirements Quality: An Empirical Investigation

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    Software development is prone to software faults due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders especially during the fuzzy phases (requirements and design). Software inspections are commonly used in industry to detect and fix problems in requirements and design artifacts, thereby mitigating the fault propagation to later phases where the same faults are harder to find and fix. The output of an inspection process is list of faults that are present in software requirements specification document (SRS). The artifact author must manually read through the reviews and differentiate between true-faults and false-positives before fixing the faults. The first goal of this research is to automate the detection of useful vs. non-useful reviews. Next, post-inspection, requirements author has to manually extract key problematic topics from useful reviews that can be mapped to individual requirements in an SRS to identify fault-prone requirements. The second goal of this research is to automate this mapping by employing Key phrase extraction (KPE) algorithms and semantic analysis (SA) approaches to identify fault-prone requirements. During fault-fixations, the author has to manually verify the requirements that could have been impacted by a fix. The third goal of my research is to assist the authors post-inspection to handle change impact analysis (CIA) during fault fixation using NL processing with semantic analysis and mining solutions from graph theory. The selection of quality inspectors during inspections is pertinent to be able to carry out post-inspection tasks accurately. The fourth goal of this research is to identify skilled inspectors using various classification and feature selection approaches. The dissertation has led to the development of automated solution that can identify useful reviews, help identify skilled inspectors, extract most prominent topics/keyphrases from fault logs; and help RE author during the fault-fixation post inspection

    A change impact analysis to characterize evolving program behaviors

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