134 research outputs found

    Hexapod locomotion : a nonlinear dynamical systems approach

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    The ability of walking in a wide variety of terrains is one of the most important features of hexapod insects. In this paper we describe a bio-inspired controller able to generate locomotion and switch between different type of gaits for an hexapod robot. Motor patterns are generated by coupled Central Pattern Generators formulated as nonlinear oscillators. These patterns are modulated by a drive signal, proportionally changing the oscillators frequency, amplitude and the coupling parameters among the oscillators. Locomotion initiation, stopping and smooth gait switching is achieved by changing the drive signal. We also demonstrate a posture controller for hexapod robots using the dynamical systems approach. Results from simulation using a model of the Chiara hexapod robot demonstrate the capability of the controller both to locomotion generation and smooth gait transition. The postural controller is also tested in different situations in which the hexapod robot is expected to maintain balance. The presented results prove its reliability

    A hexapod walker using a heterarchical architecture for action selection

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    Schilling M, Paskarbeit J, Hoinville T, et al. A hexapod walker using a heterarchical architecture for action selection. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 2013;7:126.Moving in a cluttered environment with a six-legged walking machine that has additional body actuators, therefore controlling 22 DoFs, is not a trivial task. Already simple forward walking on a flat plane requires the system to select between different internal states. The orchestration of these states depends on walking velocity and on external disturbances. Such disturbances occur continuously, for example due to irregular up-and-down movements of the body or slipping of the legs, even on flat surfaces, in particular when negotiating tight curves. The number of possible states is further increased when the system is allowed to walk backward or when front legs are used as grippers and cannot contribute to walking. Further states are necessary for expansion that allow for navigation. Here we demonstrate a solution for the selection and sequencing of different (attractor) states required to control different behaviors as are forward walking at different speeds, backward walking, as well as negotiation of tight curves. This selection is made by a recurrent neural network (RNN) of motivation units, controlling a bank of decentralized memory elements in combination with the feedback through the environment. The underlying heterarchical architecture of the network allows to select various combinations of these elements. This modular approach representing an example of neural reuse of a limited number of procedures allows for adaptation to different internal and external conditions. A way is sketched as to how this approach may be expanded to form a cognitive system being able to plan ahead. This architecture is characterized by different types of modules being arranged in layers and columns, but the complete network can also be considered as a holistic system showing emergent properties which cannot be attributed to a specific module

    The Evolution of Reaction-diffusion Controllers for Minimally Cognitive Agents

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    Morphological communication: exploiting coupled dynamics in a complex mechanical structure to achieve locomotion

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    Traditional engineering approaches strive to avoid, or actively suppress, nonlinear dynamic coupling among components. Biological systems, in contrast, are often rife with these dynamics. Could there be, in some cases, a benefit to high degrees of dynamical coupling? Here we present a distributed robotic control scheme inspired by the biological phenomenon of tensegrity-based mechanotransduction. This emergence of morphology-as-information-conduit or ‘morphological communication’, enabled by time-sensitive spiking neural networks, presents a new paradigm for the decentralized control of large, coupled, modular systems. These results significantly bolster, both in magnitude and in form, the idea of morphological computation in robotic control. Furthermore, they lend further credence to ideas of embodied anatomical computation in biological systems, on scales ranging from cellular structures up to the tendinous networks of the human hand

    Multistable Phase Regulation for Robust Steady and Transitional Legged Gaits

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    We develop robust methods that allow speciïŹcation, control, and transition of a multi-legged robot’s stepping pattern—its gait—during active locomotion over natural terrain. Resulting gaits emerge through the introduction of controllers that impose appropriately-placed repellors within the space of gaits, the torus of relative leg phases, thereby mitigating against dangerous patterns of leg timing. Moreover, these repellors are organized with respect to a natural cellular decomposition of gait space and result in limit cycles with associated basins that are well characterized by these cells, thus conferring a symbolic character upon the overall behavioral repertoire. These ideas are particularly applicable to four- and six-legged robots, for which a large variety of interesting and useful (and, in many cases, familiar) gaits exist, and whose tradeoïŹ€s between speed and reliability motivate the desire for transitioning between them during active locomotion. We provide an empirical instance of this gait regulation scheme by application to a climbing hexapod, whose “physical layer” sensor-feedback control requires adequate grasp of a climbing surface but whose closed loop control perturbs the robot from its desired gait. We document how the regulation scheme secures the desired gait and permits operator selection of diïŹ€erent gaits as required during active climbing on challenging surfaces

    A neuro-mechanical model for the switching of stepping direction and transitions between walking gaits in the stick insect

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    In this study, a mathematical model for the locomotion of the stick insect is developed. This model takes physiological conditions into account and it is capable of mimicking biological relevant features. The model is predicated on the crucial role, that sensory feedback plays in the coordination of limbs during walking. Central Pattern Generators (CPGs), which produce the rhythm of locomotion, are affected by sensory influences between the segments. The activities of the CPGs are transferred by the motoneurons to the muscles. Starting with existing neuron models and neuronal network models, a neuro-mechanical model is developed that includes the coupling of segments inside of a leg as well as the coupling of multiple legs. Firstly, mechanical models concerning the motion of the three isolated main joints are derived. These mechanical models are fused with the neuronal one. Thus, they represent neuro-mechanical models for the single joints that are coupled via sensory feedback. By means of the introduction of a switching mechanism the model is able to produce forward, backward and sideward stepping of a middle leg. Through the junction of two stepping middle legs to the body of the modeled stick insect, curve walking sequences with different curvatures can be produced. By extending the model to the front and the hind leg, the structure of intersegmental connection between the legs during the tripod and tetrapod gait can be generated. The change of stepping direction can be brought about by changing one single central command. If the middle leg is stepping backwards, the curvature during turning is smaller than in the case of sideward stepping. Weakly inhibitory intersegmental connections show the most accommodating leg coordination during both the tetrapod and the tripod gait

    Adaptive and learning-based formation control of swarm robots

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    Autonomous aerial and wheeled mobile robots play a major role in tasks such as search and rescue, transportation, monitoring, and inspection. However, these operations are faced with a few open challenges including robust autonomy, and adaptive coordination based on the environment and operating conditions, particularly in swarm robots with limited communication and perception capabilities. Furthermore, the computational complexity increases exponentially with the number of robots in the swarm. This thesis examines two different aspects of the formation control problem. On the one hand, we investigate how formation could be performed by swarm robots with limited communication and perception (e.g., Crazyflie nano quadrotor). On the other hand, we explore human-swarm interaction (HSI) and different shared-control mechanisms between human and swarm robots (e.g., BristleBot) for artistic creation. In particular, we combine bio-inspired (i.e., flocking, foraging) techniques with learning-based control strategies (using artificial neural networks) for adaptive control of multi- robots. We first review how learning-based control and networked dynamical systems can be used to assign distributed and decentralized policies to individual robots such that the desired formation emerges from their collective behavior. We proceed by presenting a novel flocking control for UAV swarm using deep reinforcement learning. We formulate the flocking formation problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), and consider a leader-follower configuration, where consensus among all UAVs is used to train a shared control policy, and each UAV performs actions based on the local information it collects. In addition, to avoid collision among UAVs and guarantee flocking and navigation, a reward function is added with the global flocking maintenance, mutual reward, and a collision penalty. We adapt deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) with centralized training and decentralized execution to obtain the flocking control policy using actor-critic networks and a global state space matrix. In the context of swarm robotics in arts, we investigate how the formation paradigm can serve as an interaction modality for artists to aesthetically utilize swarms. In particular, we explore particle swarm optimization (PSO) and random walk to control the communication between a team of robots with swarming behavior for musical creation

    Locomotor Network Dynamics Governed By Feedback Control In Crayfish Posture And Walking

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    Sensorimotor circuits integrate biomechanical feedback with ongoing motor activity to produce behaviors that adapt to unpredictable environments. Reflexes are critical in modulating motor output by facilitating rapid responses. During posture, resistance reflexes generate negative feedback that opposes perturbations to stabilize a body. During walking, assistance reflexes produce positive feedback that facilitates fast transitions between swing and stance of each step cycle. Until recently, sensorimotor networks have been studied using biomechanical feedback based on external perturbations in the presence or absence of intrinsic motor activity. Experiments in which biomechanical feedback driven by intrinsic motor activity is studied in the absence of perturbation have been limited. Thus, it is unclear whether feedback plays a role in facilitating transitions between behavioral states or mediating different features of network activity independent of perturbation. These properties are important to understand because they can elucidate how a circuit coordinates with other neural networks or contributes to adaptable motor output. Computational simulations and mathematical models have been used extensively to characterize interactions of negative and positive feedback with nonlinear oscillators. For example, neuronal action potentials are generated by positive and negative feedback of ionic currents via a membrane potential. While simulations enable manipulation of system parameters that are inaccessible through biological experiments, mathematical models ascertain mechanisms that help to generate biological hypotheses and can be translated across different systems. Here, a three-tiered approach was employed to determine the role of sensory feedback in a crayfish locomotor circuit involved in posture and walking. In vitro experiments using a brain-machine interface illustrated that unperturbed motor output of the circuit was changed by closing the sensory feedback loop. Then, neuromechanical simulations of the in vitro experiments reproduced a similar range of network activity and showed that the balance of sensory feedback determined how the network behaved. Finally, a reduced mathematical model was designed to generate waveforms that emulated simulation results and demonstrated how sensory feedback can control the output of a sensorimotor circuit. Together, these results showed how the strengths of different approaches can complement each other to facilitate an understanding of the mechanisms that mediate sensorimotor integration

    Investigating Sensorimotor Control in Locomotion using Robots and Mathematical Models

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    Locomotion is a very diverse phenomenon that results from the interactions of a body and its environment and enables a body to move from one position to another. Underlying control principles rely among others on the generation of intrinsic body movements, adaptation and synchronization of those movements with the environment, and the generation of respective reaction forces that induce locomotion. We use mathematical and physical models, namely robots, to investigate how movement patterns emerge in a specific environment, and to what extent central and peripheral mechanisms contribute to movement generation. We explore insect walking, undulatory swimming and bimodal terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. We present relevant findings that explain the prevalence of tripod gaits for fast climbing based on the outcome of an optimization procedure. We also developed new control paradigms based on local sensory pressure feedback for anguilliform swimming, which include oscillator-free and decoupled control schemes, and a new design methodology to create physical models for locomotion investigation based on a salamander-like robot. The presented work includes additional relevant contributions to robotics, specifically a new fast dynamically stable walking gait for hexapedal robots and a decentralized scheme for highly modular control of lamprey-like undulatory swimming robots
