16,438 research outputs found

    A functional quantum programming language

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    We introduce the language QML, a functional language for quantum computations on finite types. Its design is guided by its categorical semantics: QML programs are interpreted by morphisms in the category FQC of finite quantum computations, which provides a constructive semantics of irreversible quantum computations realisable as quantum gates. QML integrates reversible and irreversible quantum computations in one language, using first order strict linear logic to make weakenings explicit. Strict programs are free from decoherence and hence preserve superpositions and entanglement - which is essential for quantum parallelism.Comment: 15 pages. Final version, to appear in Logic in Computer Science 200

    New Directions in Categorical Logic, for Classical, Probabilistic and Quantum Logic

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    Intuitionistic logic, in which the double negation law not-not-P = P fails, is dominant in categorical logic, notably in topos theory. This paper follows a different direction in which double negation does hold. The algebraic notions of effect algebra/module that emerged in theoretical physics form the cornerstone. It is shown that under mild conditions on a category, its maps of the form X -> 1+1 carry such effect module structure, and can be used as predicates. Predicates are identified in many different situations, and capture for instance ordinary subsets, fuzzy predicates in a probabilistic setting, idempotents in a ring, and effects (positive elements below the unit) in a C*-algebra or Hilbert space. In quantum foundations the duality between states and effects plays an important role. It appears here in the form of an adjunction, where we use maps 1 -> X as states. For such a state s and a predicate p, the validity probability s |= p is defined, as an abstract Born rule. It captures many forms of (Boolean or probabilistic) validity known from the literature. Measurement from quantum mechanics is formalised categorically in terms of `instruments', using L\"uders rule in the quantum case. These instruments are special maps associated with predicates (more generally, with tests), which perform the act of measurement and may have a side-effect that disturbs the system under observation. This abstract description of side-effects is one of the main achievements of the current approach. It is shown that in the special case of C*-algebras, side-effect appear exclusively in the non-commutative case. Also, these instruments are used for test operators in a dynamic logic that can be used for reasoning about quantum programs/protocols. The paper describes four successive assumptions, towards a categorical axiomatisation of quantitative logic for probabilistic and quantum systems

    A Categorical Framework for Quantum Theory

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    Underlying any theory of physics is a layer of conceptual frames. They connect the mathematical structures used in theoretical models with physical phenomena, but they also constitute our fundamental assumptions about reality. Many of the discrepancies between quantum physics and classical physics (including Maxwell's electrodynamics and relativity) can be traced back to these categorical foundations. We argue that classical physics corresponds to the factual aspects of reality and requires a categorical framework which consists of four interdependent components: boolean logic, the linear-sequential notion of time, the principle of sufficient reason, and the dichotomy between observer and observed. None of these can be dropped without affecting the others. However, in quantum theory the reduction postulate also addresses the "status nascendi" of facts, i.e., their coming into being. Therefore, quantum phyics requires a different conceptual framework which will be elaborated in this article. It is shown that many of its components are already present in the standard formalisms of quantum physics, but in most cases they are highlighted not so much from a conceptual perspective but more from their mathematical structures. The categorical frame underlying quantum physics includes a profoundly different notion of time which encompasses a crucial role for the present.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figur

    Classical Structures Based on Unitaries

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    Starting from the observation that distinct notions of copying have arisen in different categorical fields (logic and computation, contrasted with quantum mechanics) this paper addresses the question of when, or whether, they may coincide. Provided all definitions are strict in the categorical sense, we show that this can never be the case. However, allowing for the defining axioms to be taken up to canonical isomorphism, a close connection between the classical structures of categorical quantum mechanics, and the categorical property of self-similarity familiar from logical and computational models becomes apparent. The required canonical isomorphisms are non-trivial, and mix both typed (multi-object) and untyped (single-object) tensors and structural isomorphisms; we give coherence results that justify this approach. We then give a class of examples where distinct self-similar structures at an object determine distinct matrix representations of arrows, in the same way as classical structures determine matrix representations in Hilbert space. We also give analogues of familiar notions from linear algebra in this setting such as changes of basis, and diagonalisation.Comment: 24 pages,7 diagram

    Exponential Modalities and Complementarity (extended abstract)

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    The exponential modalities of linear logic have been used by various authors to model infinite-dimensional quantum systems. This paper explains how these modalities can also give rise to the complementarity principle of quantum mechanics. The paper uses a formulation of quantum systems based on dagger-linear logic, whose categorical semantics lies in mixed unitary categories, and a formulation of measurement therein. The main result exhibits a complementary system as the result of measurements on free exponential modalities. Recalling that, in linear logic, exponential modalities have two distinct but dual components, ! and ?, this shows how these components under measurement become "compacted" into the usual notion of complementary Frobenius algebras from categorical quantum mechanics.Comment: In Proceedings ACT 2021, arXiv:2211.01102. A full version of this paper, containing all proofs, appears at arXiv:2103:0519