57 research outputs found

    A Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Ordering Service for the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Platform

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    Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a flexible permissioned blockchain platform designed for business applications beyond the basic digital coin addressed by Bitcoin and other existing networks. A key property of HLF is its extensibility, and in particular the support for multiple ordering services for building the blockchain. Nonetheless, the version 1.0 was launched in early 2017 without an implementation of a Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) ordering service. To overcome this limitation, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a BFT ordering service for HLF on top of the BFT-SMaRt state machine replication/consensus library, implementing also optimizations for wide-area deployment. Our results show that HLF with our ordering service can achieve up to ten thousand transactions per second and write a transaction irrevocably in the blockchain in half a second, even with peers spread in different continents

    ICU data management - A permissioned blockchain approach

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    Since its origin in finance, blockchain have been revolutionizing data storage and sharing in many other sensitive areas. Being the focus of Permissioned Blockchains around privacy, confidentiality, immutability, interoperability and reliability, it fits perfectly within the data requisites of healthcare. Even more, with the surge of new iterations of more recent implementations based on smart-contracts/chaincode that has its focus on increasing efficiency and usability and ease of implementation. Intensive Medicine an area with such high data complexity and throughput, and high incidence of medical error and patient injury. As such, it's imperative the continuous research and implementation of new technologies that can make pertinent knowledge available through reliable and accurate data, thus providing appropriate problem-solving skills to physicians. This paper presents a solution, as part of the Intelligence Decision Support Systems for Intensive Medicine (ICDS4IM) project, which objective is to increase accuracy, confidentiality and value to data from vital sensors and monitors by assuring its immutability and controlled oversee.The work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Projects Scope: DSAIPA/DS/0084/2018

    Are Distributed Ledger Technologies Ready for Intelligent Transportation Systems?

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    The aim of this paper is to understand whether Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) are ready to support complex services, such as those related to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In smart transportation services, a huge amount of sensed data is generated by a multitude of vehicles. While DLTs provide very interesting features, such as immutability, traceability and verifiability of data,some doubts on the scalability and responsiveness of these technologies appear to be well-founded. We propose an architecture for ITS that resorts to DLT features. Moreover, we provide experimental results of a real test-bed over IOTA, a promising DLT for IoT. Results clearly show that, while the viability of the proposal cannot be rejected, further work is needed on the responsiveness of DLT infrastructure


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    Digitalization played an important role in the last 10 years. The development of digital payment technologyhas changed people's lifestyles in making transactions. Lots of SMEs use the internet to develop their business, expand their coverage and facilitate payment transactions. Digital payments really help make it easier for SMEs to make transactions easier. With the increasing number of digital transactions, data security and privacy are of particular concern to SME players. These critical considerations include how to store data, access data, and ensure data privacy is safe when making transactions. To deal with data security and privacy issues, blockchainbased technology using the Hyperledger fabric will be very helpful. Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain technology that provides a way to secure interactions between members in groups on a blockchain node. In this paper, we will show how to implement the Hyperledger fabric to store, manage and maintain data or information to maintain data confidentiality when making transactionsDigitalisasi memainkan peran yang penting dalam 10 tahun terakhir. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi pembayaran digital mengubah pola hidup masyarakat dalam melakukan transaksi. Banyak sekali UMKM yang memanfaatkan internet untuk mengembangkan usaha, memperluas jangkauan dan memudahkan transaksi pembayaran. Pembayaran digital sangat membantu memudahkan UMKM untuk mempermudah transaksi. Dengan semakin banyaknya transaksi digital, keamanan dan privasi data menjadi perhatian khusus untuk para pelaku UMKM. Pertimbangan kritis ini termasuk bagaimana cara menyimpan data, mengakses data dan memastikan data privasi menjadi aman ketika melakukan transaksi. Untuk menangani masalah keamanan dan privasi data, teknologi berbasis blockchain yang menggunakan Hyperledger fabric akan sangat membantu. Hyperledger fabric merupakan teknologi blockchain berizin yang menyediakan cara untuk mengamankan interaksi antar anggota dalam kelompok pada rantai blockchain. Delam makalah ini, kami akan menunjukkan bagaimana implementasi Hyperledger fabric untuk menyimpan, mengelola, dan memelihara data atau informasi untuk menjaga kerahasiaan data dalam melakukan transaksi
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