13 research outputs found

    OpenGM: A C++ Library for Discrete Graphical Models

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    OpenGM is a C++ template library for defining discrete graphical models and performing inference on these models, using a wide range of state-of-the-art algorithms. No restrictions are imposed on the factor graph to allow for higher-order factors and arbitrary neighborhood structures. Large models with repetitive structure are handled efficiently because (i) functions that occur repeatedly need to be stored only once, and (ii) distinct functions can be implemented differently, using different encodings alongside each other in the same model. Several parametric functions (e.g. metrics), sparse and dense value tables are provided and so is an interface for custom C++ code. Algorithms are separated by design from the representation of graphical models and are easily exchangeable. OpenGM, its algorithms, HDF5 file format and command line tools are modular and extendible

    Efficient SDP Inference for Fully-connected CRFs Based on Low-rank Decomposition

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    Conditional Random Fields (CRF) have been widely used in a variety of computer vision tasks. Conventional CRFs typically define edges on neighboring image pixels, resulting in a sparse graph such that efficient inference can be performed. However, these CRFs fail to model long-range contextual relationships. Fully-connected CRFs have thus been proposed. While there are efficient approximate inference methods for such CRFs, usually they are sensitive to initialization and make strong assumptions. In this work, we develop an efficient, yet general algorithm for inference on fully-connected CRFs. The algorithm is based on a scalable SDP algorithm and the low- rank approximation of the similarity/kernel matrix. The core of the proposed algorithm is a tailored quasi-Newton method that takes advantage of the low-rank matrix approximation when solving the specialized SDP dual problem. Experiments demonstrate that our method can be applied on fully-connected CRFs that cannot be solved previously, such as pixel-level image co-segmentation.Comment: 15 pages. A conference version of this work appears in Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 201

    Getting Feasible Variable Estimates From Infeasible Ones: MRF Local Polytope Study

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    This paper proposes a method for construction of approximate feasible primal solutions from dual ones for large-scale optimization problems possessing certain separability properties. Whereas infeasible primal estimates can typically be produced from (sub-)gradients of the dual function, it is often not easy to project them to the primal feasible set, since the projection itself has a complexity comparable to the complexity of the initial problem. We propose an alternative efficient method to obtain feasibility and show that its properties influencing the convergence to the optimum are similar to the properties of the Euclidean projection. We apply our method to the local polytope relaxation of inference problems for Markov Random Fields and demonstrate its superiority over existing methods.Comment: 20 page, 4 figure

    A discriminative view of MRF pre-processing algorithms

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    While Markov Random Fields (MRFs) are widely used in computer vision, they present a quite challenging inference problem. MRF inference can be accelerated by pre-processing techniques like Dead End Elimination (DEE) or QPBO-based approaches which compute the optimal labeling of a subset of variables. These techniques are guaranteed to never wrongly label a variable but they often leave a large number of variables unlabeled. We address this shortcoming by interpreting pre-processing as a classification problem, which allows us to trade off false positives (i.e., giving a variable an incorrect label) versus false negatives (i.e., failing to label a variable). We describe an efficient discriminative rule that finds optimal solutions for a subset of variables. Our technique provides both per-instance and worst-case guarantees concerning the quality of the solution. Empirical studies were conducted over several benchmark datasets. We obtain a speedup factor of 2 to 12 over expansion moves without preprocessing, and on difficult non-submodular energy functions produce slightly lower energy.Comment: ICCV 201

    Submodular relaxation for inference in Markov random fields

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    In this paper we address the problem of finding the most probable state of a discrete Markov random field (MRF), also known as the MRF energy minimization problem. The task is known to be NP-hard in general and its practical importance motivates numerous approximate algorithms. We propose a submodular relaxation approach (SMR) based on a Lagrangian relaxation of the initial problem. Unlike the dual decomposition approach of Komodakis et al., 2011 SMR does not decompose the graph structure of the initial problem but constructs a submodular energy that is minimized within the Lagrangian relaxation. Our approach is applicable to both pairwise and high-order MRFs and allows to take into account global potentials of certain types. We study theoretical properties of the proposed approach and evaluate it experimentally.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Automatically Selecting Inference Algorithms for Discrete Energy Minimisation

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    Minimisation of discrete energies defined over factors is an important problem in computer vision, and a vast number of MAP inference algorithms have been proposed. Different inference algorithms perform better on factor graph models (GMs) from different underlying problem classes, and in general it is difficult to know which algorithm will yield the lowest energy for a given GM. To mitigate this difficulty, survey papers advise the practitioner on what algorithms perform well on what classes of models. We take the next step forward, and present a technique to automatically select the best inference algorithm for an input GM. We validate our method experimentally on an extended version of the OpenGM2 benchmark, containing a diverse set of vision problems. On average, our method selects an inference algorithm yielding labellings with 96% of variables the same as the best available algorithm