12,527 research outputs found

    microMPX: A UNIX based window manager for microcomputers

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    SWM - Simple Window Manager

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací klasického (nedlaždicového) správce oken pro X Window System. Správce oken se stará o rozmístění a vzhled oken jednotlivých aplikací na obrazovce a je tedy klíčovou součástí jakéhokoliv moderního počítače s grafickým rozhraním. Ačkoliv již existuje mnoho správců oken, zejména pro X Window System, chybí zde jednoduchý nedlaždicový. Tato práce se snaží jeden takový vytvořit. Cílem bylo, aby splňoval freedesktop standardy ICCCM a EWMH a držel se UNIXové filozofie dělat jednu věc a dělat ji dobře. Důraz byl také kladen na jednoduchost, čitelný a testovatelný kód, a na to, aby byl správce oken snadno použitelný a rozšiřitelný.This thesis deals with the design and implementation of a stacking window manager for the X Window System. A window manager is the core component of any modern graphical desktop - it is responsible for the placement and appearance of application windows on the screen. While there is a plethora of window managers, especially on the X Window System, most of them are either heavyweight window managers that are part of a desktop environment or lightweight tiling managers. In this thesis, we try to fill the gap by developing a lightweight stackable window manager that complies with the freedesktop standards such as ICCCM and EWMH, and that follows the UNIX philosophy of doing one thing and doing it well. The focus has been on simplicity, code readability, testability, and making it easy to use and extend

    The Generic Spacecraft Analyst Assistant (gensaa): a Tool for Developing Graphical Expert Systems

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    During numerous contacts with a satellite each day, spacecraft analysts must closely monitor real-time data. The analysts must watch for combinations of telemetry parameter values, trends, and other indications that may signify a problem or failure. As the satellites become more complex and the number of data items increases, this task is becoming increasingly difficult for humans to perform at acceptable performance levels. At NASA GSFC, fault-isolation expert systems are in operation supporting this data monitoring task. Based on the lessons learned during these initial efforts in expert system automation, a new domain-specific expert system development tool named the Generic Spacecraft Analyst Assistant (GenSAA) is being developed to facilitate the rapid development and reuse of real-time expert systems to serve as fault-isolation assistants for spacecraft analysts. Although initially domain-specific in nature, this powerful tool will readily support the development of highly graphical expert systems for data monitoring purposes throughout the space and commercial industry

    Operating-system support for distributed multimedia

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    Multimedia applications place new demands upon processors, networks and operating systems. While some network designers, through ATM for example, have considered revolutionary approaches to supporting multimedia, the same cannot be said for operating systems designers. Most work is evolutionary in nature, attempting to identify additional features that can be added to existing systems to support multimedia. Here we describe the Pegasus project's attempt to build an integrated hardware and operating system environment from\ud the ground up specifically targeted towards multimedia

    Sixth Annual Users' Conference

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    Conference papers and presentation outlines which address the use of the Transportable Applications Executive (TAE) and its various applications programs are compiled. Emphasis is given to the design of the user interface and image processing workstation in general. Alternate ports of TAE and TAE subsystems are also covered

    Software product description

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    An overview of the MultiNet system is presented. Services, supported configurations, remote printer services, netstat, netcontrol, DECnet interoperability services, and programming libraries are briefly described

    Distributed earth model/orbiter simulation

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    Distributed Earth Model/Orbiter Simulation (DEMOS) is a network based application developed for the UNIX environment that visually monitors or simulates the Earth and any number of orbiting vehicles. Its purpose is to provide Mission Control Center (MCC) flight controllers with a visually accurate three dimensional (3D) model of the Earth, Sun, Moon and orbiters, driven by real time or simulated data. The project incorporates a graphical user interface, 3D modelling employing state-of-the art hardware, and simulation of orbital mechanics in a networked/distributed environment. The user interface is based on the X Window System and the X Ray toolbox. The 3D modelling utilizes the Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) standard and Raster Technologies hardware for rendering/display performance. The simulation of orbiting vehicles uses two methods of vector propagation implemented with standard UNIX/C for portability. Each part is a distinct process that can run on separate nodes of a network, exploiting each node's unique hardware capabilities. The client/server communication architecture of the application can be reused for a variety of distributed applications

    SNS programming environment user's guide

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    The computing environment is briefly described for the Supercomputing Network Subsystem (SNS) of the Central Scientific Computing Complex of NASA Langley. The major SNS computers are a CRAY-2, a CRAY Y-MP, a CONVEX C-210, and a CONVEX C-220. The software is described that is common to all of these computers, including: the UNIX operating system, computer graphics, networking utilities, mass storage, and mathematical libraries. Also described is file management, validation, SNS configuration, documentation, and customer services