2,086 research outputs found

    An economic evaluation of the potential for distributed energy in Australia

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    Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) recently completed a major study investigating the value of distributed energy (DE; collectively demand management, energy efficiency and distributed generation) technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Australia’s energy sector (CSIRO, 2009). This comprehensive report covered potential economic, environmental, technical, social, policy and regulatory impacts that could result from the wide scale adoption of these technologies. In this paper we highlight the economic findings from the study. Partial Equilibrium modeling of the stationary and transport sectors found that Australia could achieve a present value welfare gain of around $130 billion when operating under a 450 ppm carbon reduction trajectory through to 2050. Modeling also suggests that reduced volatility in the spot market could decrease average prices by up to 12% in 2030 and 65% in 2050 by using local resources to better cater for an evolving supply-demand imbalance. Further modeling suggests that even a small amount of distributed generation located within a distribution network has the potential to significantly alter electricity prices by changing the merit order of dispatch in an electricity spot market. Changes to the dispatch relative to a base case can have both positive and negative effects on network losses.Distributed energy; Economic modeling; Carbon price; Electricity markets

    An Options Pricing Approach for CO2 Allowances in the EU ETS

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    If firms are unable to fully control their emissions, the cap in a permit market may be exceeded. Using stochastic aggregate emissions as the underlying I derive an options pricing formula that expresses the permit price as a function of the penalty for noncompliance and the probability of a binding cap. I apply my model to the EU ETS, where rapid market setup made it difficult for firms to adjust their production technology in time for phase 1. The model fits the data well, implying that the permit price was driven by firms hedging against stochastic emissions rather than marginal abatement costs.Permit markets, air pollution, climate change, CO2, options pricing, EU ETS

    The Lake Charles CCS Project

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    The Lake Charles CCS Project is a large-scale industrial carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project which will demonstrate advanced technologies that capture and sequester carbon dioxide (CO{sub 2}) emissions from industrial sources into underground formations. Specifically the Lake Charles CCS Project will accelerate commercialization of large-scale CO{sub 2} storage from industrial sources by leveraging synergy between a proposed petroleum coke to chemicals plant (the LCC Gasification Project) and the largest integrated anthropogenic CO{sub 2} capture, transport, and monitored sequestration program in the U.S. Gulf Coast Region. The Lake Charles CCS Project will promote the expansion of EOR in Texas and Louisiana and supply greater energy security by expanding domestic energy supplies. The capture, compression, pipeline, injection, and monitoring infrastructure will continue to sequester CO{sub 2} for many years after the completion of the term of the DOE agreement. The objectives of this project are expected to be fulfilled by working through two distinct phases. The overall objective of Phase 1 was to develop a fully definitive project basis for a competitive Renewal Application process to proceed into Phase 2 - Design, Construction and Operations. Phase 1 includes the studies attached hereto that will establish: the engineering design basis for the capture, compression and transportation of CO{sub 2} from the LCC Gasification Project, and the criteria and specifications for a monitoring, verification and accounting (MVA) plan at the Hastings oil field in Texas. The overall objective of Phase 2, provided a successful competitive down-selection, is to execute design, construction and operations of three capital projects: (1) the CO{sub 2} capture and compression equipment, (2) a Connector Pipeline from the LLC Gasification Project to the Green Pipeline owned by Denbury and an affiliate of Denbury, and (3) a comprehensive MVA system at the Hastings oil field

    Using surplus nuclear power for hydrogen mobility and power-to-gas in France

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    Opportunities exist to utilise excess electricity from renewable and nuclear power generation for producing hydrogen. France in particular has a very high penetration of nuclear power plant, some of which is regularly turned down to follow the electricity demand profile. This excess nuclear electricity could be utilised via the electrolysis of water to satisfy the emerging French market for low-carbon hydrogen (principally for mobility applications and the injection of synthetic gas into the natural gas grid). The described analysis examines the use of electrolysers to progressively ‘valley fill’ nuclear load profiles and so limit the need for turning down nuclear plant in France. If an electrolyser capacity of approximately 20 GW is installed, there is already sufficient excess nuclear electricity available now to meet the predicted hydrogen mobility fuel demand for 2050, plus achieve a 5% concentration (by volume) of hydrogen in the gas grid, plus produce approximately 33 TWh p.a. of synthetic methane (via the methanation of hydrogen with carbon dioxide). The pattern of electrolyser utilisation requires operation mostly at a variable part load condition, necessitating the adoption of flexible, efficient, rapid response electrolysers. The proposed approach more fully utilises the substantial existing nuclear power assets of France and provides an additional pathway to renewables for reducing the CO2 emissions of hydrogen production

    A generalized matrix profile framework with support for contextual series analysis

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    The Matrix Profile is a state-of-the-art time series analysis technique that can be used for motif discovery, anomaly detection, segmentation and others, in various domains such as healthcare, robotics, and audio. Where recent techniques use the Matrix Profile as a preprocessing or modeling step, we believe there is unexplored potential in generalizing the approach. We derived a framework that focuses on the implicit distance matrix calculation. We present this framework as the Series Distance Matrix (SDM). In this framework, distance measures (SDM-generators) and distance processors (SDM-consumers) can be freely combined, allowing for more flexibility and easier experimentation. In SDM, the Matrix Profile is but one specific configuration. We also introduce the Contextual Matrix Profile (CMP) as a new SDM-consumer capable of discovering repeating patterns. The CMP provides intuitive visualizations for data analysis and can find anomalies that are not discords. We demonstrate this using two real world cases. The CMP is the first of a wide variety of new techniques for series analysis that fits within SDM and can complement the Matrix Profile

    Paving the Legal Path for Carbon Sequestration from Coal

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    Eras of electric vehicles: electric mobility on the Verge. Focus Attention Scale

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    Daily or casual passenger vehicles in cities have negative burden on our finite world. Transport sector has been one of the main contributors to air pollution and energy depletion. Providing alternative means of transport is a promising strategy perceived by motor manufacturers and researchers. The paper presents the battery electric vehicles-BEVs bibliography that starts with the early eras of invention up till 2015 outlook. It gives a broad overview of BEV market and its technology in a chronological classification while sheds light on the stakeholders’ focus attentions in each stage, the so called, Focus-Attention-Scale-FAS. The attention given in each era is projected and parsed in a scale graph, which varies between micro, meso, and macro-scale. BEV-system is on the verge of experiencing massive growth; however, the system entails a variety of substantial challenges. Observations show the main issues of BEVsystem that require more attention followed by the authors’ recommendations towards an emerging market