887 research outputs found

    Land-use and land-cover mapping of the Brazilian cerrado based mainly on Landsat-8 satellite images.

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    The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the world´s biodiversity hotspot and hosts some of the most intensive agricultural activities for food production in the world. The objective of this study was to produce a land-use and land-cover (LULC) map of the Cerrado based on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. A set of 121 scenes from 2013 was processed using the image segmentation technique. The segments were exported in the shapefile format and interpreted visually in a geographical information system software using RGB/564 color composites. The following LULC classes were considered: annual croplands, perennial croplands, cultivated pasturelands, reforestation, mosaic of occupation, urban areas, mining areas, bare soil, forestlands, non-forestlands, water bodies, and non-identified (clouds and burned areas). The overall accuracy was estimated by an independent scientist with large experience in Cerrado´s image interpretation. The results showed that 43.4% of the study area (88.5 million hectares) were already converted into agricultural, urban and mining areas, 54.6% (111 million hectares) were still natural areas, and 1.9% (3.9 million hectares) was classified as non-identified. Cultivated pasturelands were the most representative land-use type (29.5%), followed by annual croplands (8.5%) and perennial croplands (3.1%). The overall accuracy of the final map was 80.2%.Título em português: Mapeamento de uso e cobertura de terras do cerrado com base principalmente em imagens do satélite Landsat-8

    Land-use and land-cover mapping of the Brazilian cerrado based mainly on Landsat-8 satellite images.

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    The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the world´s biodiversity hotspot and hosts some of the most intensive agricultural activities for food production in the world. The objective of this study was to produce a land-use and land-cover (LULC) map of the Cerrado based on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. A set of 121 scenes from 2013 was processed using the image segmentation technique. The segments were exported in the shapefile format and interpreted visually in a geographical information system software using RGB/564 color composites. The following LULC classes were considered: annual croplands, perennial croplands, cultivated pasturelands, reforestation, mosaic of occupation, urban areas, mining areas, bare soil, forestlands, non-forestlands, water bodies, and non-identified (clouds and burned areas). The overall accuracy was estimated by an independent scientist with large experience in Cerrado´s image interpretation. The results showed that 43.4% of the study area (88.5 million hectares) were already converted into agricultural, urban and mining areas, 54.6% (111 million hectares) were still natural areas, and 1.9% (3.9 million hectares) was classified as non-identified. Cultivated pasturelands were the most representative land-use type (29.5%), followed by annual croplands (8.5%) and perennial croplands (3.1%). The overall accuracy of the final map was 80.2%.Título em português: Mapeamento de uso e cobertura de terras do cerrado com base principalmente em imagens do satélite Landsat-8

    Agricultural Monitoring in Regional Scale Using Clustering on Satellite Image Time Series

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    The remote sensing images are more accessible nowadays and there are proper technologies to receive, distribute, manipulate and process long satellite image time series that can be used to improve traditional methods for harvest monitoring and forecasting. The potential of the satellite multi-temporal images to support research of agricultural monitoring has increased according to improvements in technological development, especially in analysis of large volume of data available for knowledge discovery. In Brazil, sugarcane is cultivated on extensive fields and is the main agriculture crop used to produce ethanol. The main objective of this chapter is to monitor the sugarcane crop by clustering analysis with multi-temporal satellite images having low spatial resolution. A large database of this kind of image and specific software were used to perform the image pre-processing phase, extract time series, apply clustering method and enable the data visualization on several steps during the whole analysis process. According to the analysis done, our methodology allows to identify land areas with similar development patterns, also considering different growing seasons for the crops, covering monthly and annual periods. Results confirm that satellite images of low spatial resolution can indeed be satisfactorily used in agricultural crop monitoring in regional scale

    Validation of TerraClass mapping for the Municipality of Paragominas state of Pará

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    This work aims to evaluate the TerraClass mapping for the year 2014, in the municipality of Paragominas, State of Pará. The validation was made by comparing the mapping with the observations found in the field. Images of the Satétile Landsat-8, OLI sensor of the year 2014, path/row 222/062, 222/063, 223/062 and 223/063 were used to aid in the field. Using this data it was possible to analyze the main representative classes in the area, including agriculture, urban area, forest, clean pasture, dirty pasture, reforestation, regeneration with pasture and secondary vegetation. The secondary vegetation presented 2,198.16 km², clean pasture with 3,332.29 km², agriculture with 896.75 km² and the forest occupying 54.21% of the total area of Paragominas. The overall concordance index was 86%, corroborating the reliability of the mapping performed. The average error was 6% and the total value of discordance was of 14%. Concerning the secondary vegetation, pasture, agriculture, urban area and forest classes, they presented concordance higher to 50%, while regeneration with pasture and reforestation presented greater intensity of omission with 40,57% and 76,31% respectively. Inclusion errors were less than 40% for the secondary vegetation, pasture regeneration, clean pasture and dirty pasture classes. The field work was essential to validate and analyze the accuracy of the 2014 TerraClass Project for the studied region, which becomes important for the understanding of the dynamics of land use

    Avaliação temporal e espacial do balanço de energia na microbacia do córrego do Ipê, no município de Ilha Solteira face a mudança de uso do solo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a variação espacial e temporal dos componentes que compõem o balanço de energia na microbacia do Córrego do Ipê, ao longo do período de 2003 a 2011 para o período seco, buscando identificar interferências com a mudança de uso da terra ocorrida com a entrada da cultura da cana de açúcar

    Assessing the advancement of artificial intelligence and drones’ integration in agriculture through a bibliometric study

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    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with drones has emerged as a promising paradigm for advancing agriculture. This bibliometric analysis investigates the current state of research in this transformative domain by comprehensively reviewing 234 pertinent articles from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The problem involves harnessing AI-driven drones' potential to address agricultural challenges effectively. To address this, we conducted a bibliometric review, looking at critical components, such as prominent journals, co-authorship patterns across countries, highly cited articles, and the co-citation network of keywords. Our findings underscore a growing interest in using AI-integrated drones to revolutionize various agricultural practices. Noteworthy applications include crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and environmental sensing, indicative of the field’s transformative capacity. This pioneering bibliometric study presents a comprehensive synthesis of the dynamic research landscape, signifying the first extensive exploration of AI and drones in agriculture. The identified knowledge gaps point to future research opportunities, fostering the adoption and implementation of these technologies for sustainable farming practices and resource optimization. Our analysis provides essential insights for researchers and practitioners, laying the groundwork for steering agricultural advancements toward an enhanced efficiency and innovation era


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    The modification of the Earth’s surface constitutes the most impactful way in which humans affect their surrounding environment, with broad and lasting consequences. Changes in land cover accelerate biodiversity loss, contribute to climate change, and affect the provisioning of ecosystem services. Such negative environmental impacts can have important effects on human health and livelihoods. The South American continent, in particular, has undergone significant transformations over the past decade, due in large part to the conversion of natural land to more economically productive land uses, such as crops, pastures, and tree plantations. The agricultural commodities produced in South America are traded and consumed globally, and land will likely continue to be converted if demand for these commodities continues to rise. Despite the environmental and commercial importance of land cover and land use change dynamics in South America, the extent and rates of land change have not yet been thoroughly characterized and quantified. This dissertation aims to advance scientific knowledge on the extent and rates of change of important land covers and land uses, especially as they relate to the production of agricultural commodities, by leveraging the 34-year Landsat archive of Earth observation data. The general approach employed throughout follows a two-step process of mapping and sampling, in order to provide spatially explicit information on the patterns of land cover/land use change, as well as associated unbiased area estimates. This approach is first employed for the use-case of Brazilian cropland expansion from 2000 to 2014, and results show a near doubling of cropland area, the majority of which (80%) came about through the conversion of existing pastures. The methodology is then repeated at broader thematic, temporal, and geographic scales, resulting in area estimates of changes in cropland, pasture, plantation, natural tree regrowth, semi-natural land, tree cover and degraded tree cover from 1985 to 2018. Altogether, these changes amount to a 60% increase in human impact on natural land over the study period. Finally, an analysis and evaluation of the methodology employed for mapping and sampling when there is a multitude of target classes instead of a single one is provided as an assessment of methodological approaches

    Discordância global e análise de índices de acurácia para avaliação de mapeamentos de área de cana-de-açúcar no Paraná.

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    Neste trabalho, será apresentada uma avaliação usando uma medida auxiliar conforme metodologia proposta por Pontius e Millones (2011), a partir do uso da discordância global que é formada pelas componentes quantidade e alocação, sendo utilizado o mapeamento de cana-de-açúcar do ano-safra de 2014/2015, feito por meio do modelo de classificação supervisionado Fuzzy ARTMAP usado por Antunes et al. (2015) no estado de São Paulo e Cechim Júnior et al. (2015) no estado do Paraná, comparado com o mapeamento feito pelo projeto Canasat usado como referência para a validação

    The Functioning of Ecosystems

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    The ecosystems present a great diversity worldwide and use various functionalities according to ecologic regions. In this new context of variability and climatic changes, these ecosystems undergo notable modifications amplified by domestic uses of which it was subjected to. Indeed the ecosystems render diverse services to humanity from their composition and structure but the tolerable levels are unknown. The preservation of these ecosystemic services needs a clear understanding of their complexity. The role of the research is not only to characterise the ecosystems but also to clearly define the tolerable usage levels. Their characterisation proves to be important not only for the local populations that use it but also for the conservation of biodiversity. Hence, the measurement, management and protection of ecosystems need innovative and diverse methods. For all these reasons, the aim of this book is to bring out a general view on the biogeochemical cycles, the ecological imprints, the mathematical models and theories applicable to many situations