243 research outputs found

    Topic-Aware Multi-turn Dialogue Modeling

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    In the retrieval-based multi-turn dialogue modeling, it remains a challenge to select the most appropriate response according to extracting salient features in context utterances. As a conversation goes on, topic shift at discourse-level naturally happens through the continuous multi-turn dialogue context. However, all known retrieval-based systems are satisfied with exploiting local topic words for context utterance representation but fail to capture such essential global topic-aware clues at discourse-level. Instead of taking topic-agnostic n-gram utterance as processing unit for matching purpose in existing systems, this paper presents a novel topic-aware solution for multi-turn dialogue modeling, which segments and extracts topic-aware utterances in an unsupervised way, so that the resulted model is capable of capturing salient topic shift at discourse-level in need and thus effectively track topic flow during multi-turn conversation. Our topic-aware modeling is implemented by a newly proposed unsupervised topic-aware segmentation algorithm and Topic-Aware Dual-attention Matching (TADAM) Network, which matches each topic segment with the response in a dual cross-attention way. Experimental results on three public datasets show TADAM can outperform the state-of-the-art method, especially by 3.3% on E-commerce dataset that has an obvious topic shift

    A text segmentation approach for automated annotation of online customer reviews, based on topic modeling

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    Online customer review classification and analysis have been recognized as an important problem in many domains, such as business intelligence, marketing, and e-governance. To solve this problem, a variety of machine learning methods was developed in the past decade. Existing methods, however, either rely on human labeling or have high computing cost, or both. This makes them a poor fit to deal with dynamic and ever-growing collections of short but semantically noisy texts of customer reviews. In the present study, the problem of multi-topic online review clustering is addressed by generating high quality bronze-standard labeled sets for training efficient classifier models. A novel unsupervised algorithm is developed to break reviews into sequential semantically homogeneous segments. Segment data is then used to fine-tune a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model obtained for the reviews, and to classify them along categories detected through topic modeling. After testing the segmentation algorithm on a benchmark text collection, it was successfully applied in a case study of tourism review classification. In all experiments conducted, the proposed approach produced results similar to or better than baseline methods. The paper critically discusses the main findings and paves ways for future work

    Dialogue Agents 101: A Beginner's Guide to Critical Ingredients for Designing Effective Conversational Systems

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    Sharing ideas through communication with peers is the primary mode of human interaction. Consequently, extensive research has been conducted in the area of conversational AI, leading to an increase in the availability and diversity of conversational tasks, datasets, and methods. However, with numerous tasks being explored simultaneously, the current landscape of conversational AI becomes fragmented. Therefore, initiating a well-thought-out model for a dialogue agent can pose significant challenges for a practitioner. Towards highlighting the critical ingredients needed for a practitioner to design a dialogue agent from scratch, the current study provides a comprehensive overview of the primary characteristics of a dialogue agent, the supporting tasks, their corresponding open-domain datasets, and the methods used to benchmark these datasets. We observe that different methods have been used to tackle distinct dialogue tasks. However, building separate models for each task is costly and does not leverage the correlation among the several tasks of a dialogue agent. As a result, recent trends suggest a shift towards building unified foundation models. To this end, we propose UNIT, a UNified dIalogue dataseT constructed from conversations of existing datasets for different dialogue tasks capturing the nuances for each of them. We also examine the evaluation strategies used to measure the performance of dialogue agents and highlight the scope for future research in the area of conversational AI.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Deep learning and reinforcement learning methods for grounded goal-oriented dialogue

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    Les systèmes de dialogues sont à même de révolutionner l'interaction entre l'homme et la machine. Pour autant, les efforts pour concevoir des agents conversationnels se sont souvent révélés infructueux, et ceux, malgré les dernières avancées en apprentissage profond et par renforcement. Les systèmes de dialogue palissent de devoir opérer sur de nombreux domaines d'application mais pour lesquels aucune mesure d'évaluation claire n'a été définie. Aussi, cette thèse s'attache à étudier les dialogues débouchant sur un objectif clair (goal-oriented dialogue) permettant de guider l'entrainement, et ceci, dans des environnements multimodaux. Plusieurs raisons expliquent ce choix : (i) cela contraint le périmètre de la conversation, (ii) cela introduit une méthode d'évaluation claire, (iii) enfin, l'aspect multimodal enrichie la représentation linguistique en reliant l'apprentissage du langage avec des expériences sensorielles. En particulier, nous avons développé GuessWhat?! (Qu-est-ce donc?!), un jeu imagé coopératif où deux joueurs tentent de retrouver un objet en posant une série de questions. Afin d’apprendre aux agents de répondre aux questions sur les images, nous avons développés une méthode dites de normalisation conditionnée des données (Conditional Batch Nornalization). Ainsi, cette méthode permet d'adapter simplement mais efficacement des noyaux de convolutions visuels en fonction de la question en cours. Enfin, nous avons étudié les tâches de navigation guidée par dialogue, et introduit la tâche Talk the Walk (Raconte-moi le Chemin) à cet effet. Dans ce jeu, deux agents, un touriste et un guide, s'accordent afin d'aider le touriste à traverser une reconstruction virtuelle des rues de New-York et atteindre une position prédéfinie.While dialogue systems have the potential to fundamentally change human-machine interaction, developing general chatbots with deep learning and reinforce-ment learning techniques has proven difficult. One challenging aspect is that these systems are expected to operate in broad application domains for which there is not a clear measure of evaluation. This thesis investigates goal-oriented dialogue tasks in multi-modal environments because it (i) constrains the scope of the conversa-tion, (ii) comes with a better-defined objective, and (iii) enables enriching language representations by grounding them to perceptual experiences. More specifically, we develop GuessWhat, an image-based guessing game in which two agents cooper-ate to locate an unknown object through asking a sequence of questions. For the subtask of visual question answering, we propose Conditional Batch Normalization layers as a simple but effective conditioning method that adapts the convolutional activations to the specific question at hand. Finally, we investigate the difficulty of dialogue-based navigation by introducing Talk The Walk, a new task where two agents (a “tourist” and a “guide”) collaborate to have the tourist navigate to target locations in the virtual streets of New York City