4 research outputs found

    Automated Verification of Virtualized Infrastructures

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    Virtualized infrastructures and clouds present new challenges for security analysis and formal verification: they are complex environments that continuously change their shape, and that give rise to non-trivial security goals such as isolation and failure resilience requirements. We present a platform that connects declarative and expressive description languages with state-of-the art verification methods. The languages integrate homogeneously descriptions of virtualized infras-tructures, their transformations, their desired goals, and evaluation strategies. The different verification tools range from model checking to theorem proving; this allows us to exploit the complementary strengths of methods, and also to understand how to best represent the analysis problems in different contexts. We consider first the static case where the topology of the virtual infrastructure is fixed and demonstrate that our platform allows for the declarative specification of a large class of properties. Even though tools that are special-ized to checking particular properties perform better than our generic approach, we show with a real-world case study that our approach is practically feasible. We finally consider also the dynamic case where the intruder can actively change the topology (by migrating machines). The combination of a complex topology and changes to it by an intruder is a problem that lies beyond the scope of previous analysis tools and to which we can give first positive verification results

    Establishing mandatory access control on Android OS

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    Common characteristic of all mobile operating systems for smart devices is an extensive middleware that provides a feature-rich API for the onboard sensors and user’s data (e.g., contacts). To effectively protect the device’s integrity, the user’s privacy, and to ensure non-interference between mutually distrusting apps, it is imperative that the middleware enforces rigid security and privacy policies. This thesis presents a line of work that integrates mandatory access control (MAC) mechanisms into the middleware of the popular, open source Android OS. While our early work established a basic understanding for the integration of enforcement hooks and targeted very specific use-cases, such as multi-persona phones, our most recent works adopt important lessons learned and design patterns from established MAC architectures on commodity systems and intertwine them with the particular security requirements of mobile OS architectures like Android. Our most recent work also complemented the Android IPC mechanism with provisioning of better provenance information on the origins of IPC communication. Such information is a crucial building block for any access control mechanism on Android. Lastly, this dissertation outlines further directions of ongoing and future research on access control on modern mobile operating systems.Gemeinsame Charakteristik aller modernen mobilen Betriebssysteme für sog. ”smart devices” ist eine umfangreiche Diensteschicht, die funktionsreiche Programmierschnittstellen zu der Gerätehardware sowie den Endbenutzerdaten (z.B. Adressbuch) bereitstellt. Um die Systemintegrität, die Privatsphäre des Endbenutzers, sowie die Abgrenzung sich gegenseitig nicht vertrauender Apps effektiv zu gewährleisten, ist es unabdingbar, dass diese Diensteschichten rigide Sicherheitspolitiken umsetzen. Diese Dissertation präsentiert mehrere Forschungsarbeiten, die “Mandatory Access Control” (MAC) in die Diensteschicht des weit verbreiteten Android Betriebssystems integrieren. Die ersten dieser Arbeiten schufen ein grundlegendes Verständnis für die Integration von Zugriffsmechanismen in das Android Betriebssystem und waren auf sehr spezielle Anwendungsszenarien ausgerichtet. Neuere Arbeiten haben hingegen wichtige Erkenntnisse und Designprinzipien etablierter MAC Architekturen auf herkömmlichen Betriebssystemen für Android adaptiert und mit den speziellen Sicherheitsanforderungen mobiler Systeme verflochten. Die letzte Arbeit in dieser Reihe hat zudem Androids IPC Mechanismus untersucht und dahingehend ergänzt, dass er bessere Informationen über den Ursprung von IPC Nachrichten bereitstellt. Diese Informationen sind fundamental für jedwede Art von Zugriffskontrolle auf Android. Zuletzt diskutiert diese Dissertation aktuelle und zukünftige Forschungsthemen für Zugriffskontrollen auf modernen, mobilen Endgeräten

    A Virtualization Assurance Language for Isolation and Deployment

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