2 research outputs found

    Replica Creation Algorithm for Data Grids

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    Data grid system is a data management infrastructure that facilitates reliable access and sharing of large amount of data, storage resources, and data transfer services that can be scaled across distributed locations. This thesis presents a new replication algorithm that improves data access performance in data grids by distributing relevant data copies around the grid. The new Data Replica Creation Algorithm (DRCM) improves performance of data grid systems by reducing job execution time and making the best use of data grid resources (network bandwidth and storage space). Current algorithms focus on number of accesses in deciding which file to replicate and where to place them, which ignores resources’ capabilities. DRCM differs by considering both user and resource perspectives; strategically placing replicas at locations that provide the lowest transfer cost. The proposed algorithm uses three strategies: Replica Creation and Deletion Strategy (RCDS), Replica Placement Strategy (RPS), and Replica Replacement Strategy (RRS). DRCM was evaluated using network simulation (OptorSim) based on selected performance metrics (mean job execution time, efficient network usage, average storage usage, and computing element usage), scenarios, and topologies. Results revealed better job execution time with lower resource consumption than existing approaches. This research contributes replication strategies embodied in one algorithm that enhances data grid performance, capable of making a decision on creating or deleting more than one file during same decision. Furthermore, dependency-level-between-files criterion was utilized and integrated with the exponential growth/decay model to give an accurate file evaluation

    Relationship based replication algorithm for data grid

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    Data Grid is an infrastructure that manages huge amount of data files and provides intensive computational resources across geographically distributed systems.To increase resource availability and to ease resource sharing in such environment, there is a need for replication services.This research proposes a replication algorithm, termed as Relationship based Replication (RBR) that integrates users, grid and system perspective.In particular, the RBR includes information of three different relationships in identifying file(s) that requires replication; file-to-user, file-to-file and file-to-grid. Such an approach overcomes existing algorithms that is based either on users request or resource capabilities as an individual. The Relationship based Replication algorithm aims to improve the Data Grid performance by reducing the job execution time, bandwidth and storage usage.The RBR was realized using a network simulation (OptorSim) and experiment results revealed that it offers better performance than existing replication algorithms