9 research outputs found

    A new context-based method for restoring occluded text in natural scene images

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    Text recognition from natural scene images is an active research area because of its important real world applications, including multimedia search and retrieval, and scene understanding through computer vision. It is often the case that portions of text in images are missed due to occlusion with objects in the background. Therefore, this paper presents a method for restoring occluded text to improve text recognition performance. The proposed method uses the GOOGLE Vision API for obtaining labels for input images. We propose to use PixelLink-E2E methods for detecting text and obtaining recognition results. Using these results, the proposed method generates candidate words based on distance measures employing lexicons created through natural scene text recognition. We extract the semantic similarity between labels and recognition results, which results in a Global Context Score (GCS). Next, we use the Natural Language Processing (NLP) system known as BERT for extracting semantics between candidate words, which results in a Local Context Score (LCS). Global and local context scores are then fused for estimating the ranking for each candidate word. The word that gets the highest ranking is taken as the correction for text which is occluded in the image. Experimental results on a dataset assembled from standard natural scene datasets and our resources show that our approach helps to improve the text recognition performance significantly

    How to Rank Answers in Text Mining

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    In this thesis, we mainly focus on case studies about answers. We present the methodology CEW-DTW and assess its performance about ranking quality. Based on the CEW-DTW, we improve this methodology by combining Kullback-Leibler divergence with CEW-DTW, since Kullback-Leibler divergence can check the difference of probability distributions in two sequences. However, CEW-DTW and KL-CEW-DTW do not care about the effect of noise and keywords from the viewpoint of probability distribution. Therefore, we develop a new methodology, the General Entropy, to see how probabilities of noise and keywords affect answer qualities. We firstly analyze some properties of the General Entropy, such as the value range of the General Entropy. Especially, we try to find an objective goal, which can be regarded as a standard to assess answers. Therefore, we introduce the maximum general entropy. We try to use the general entropy methodology to find an imaginary answer with the maximum entropy from the mathematical viewpoint (though this answer may not exist). This answer can also be regarded as an “ideal” answer. By comparing maximum entropy probabilities and global probabilities of noise and keywords respectively, the maximum entropy probability of noise is smaller than the global probability of noise, maximum entropy probabilities of chosen keywords are larger than global probabilities of keywords in some conditions. This allows us to determinably select the max number of keywords. We also use Amazon dataset and a small group of survey to assess the general entropy. Though these developed methodologies can analyze answer qualities, they do not incorporate the inner connections among keywords and noise. Based on the Markov transition matrix, we develop the Jump Probability Entropy. We still adapt Amazon dataset to compare maximum jump entropy probabilities and global jump probabilities of noise and keywords respectively. Finally, we give steps about how to get answers from Amazon dataset, including obtaining original answers from Amazon dataset, removing stopping words and collinearity. We compare our developed methodologies to see if these methodologies are consistent. Also, we introduce Wald–Wolfowitz runs test and compare it with developed methodologies to verify their relationships. Depending on results of comparison, we get conclusions about consistence of these methodologies and illustrate future plans

    A Unified Framework for Tracking Based Text Detection and Recognition from Web Videos

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    Um estudo comparativo das abordagens de detecção e reconhecimento de texto para cenários de computação restrita

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    Orientadores: Ricardo da Silva Torres, Allan da Silva PintoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Textos são elementos fundamentais para uma efetiva comunicação em nosso cotidiano. A mobilidade de pessoas e veículos em ambientes urbanos e a busca por um produto de interesse em uma prateleira de supermercado são exemplos de atividades em que o entendimento dos elementos textuais presentes no ambiente são essenciais para a execução da tarefa. Recentemente, diversos avanços na área de visão computacional têm sido reportados na literatura, com o desenvolvimento de algoritmos e métodos que objetivam reconhecer objetos e textos em cenas. Entretanto, a detecção e reconhecimento de textos são problemas considerados em aberto devido a diversos fatores que atuam como fontes de variabilidades durante a geração e captura de textos em cenas, o que podem impactar as taxas de detecção e reconhecimento de maneira significativa. Exemplo destes fatores incluem diferentes formas dos elementos textuais (e.g., circular ou em linha curva), estilos e tamanhos da fonte, textura, cor, variação de brilho e contraste, entre outros. Além disso, os recentes métodos considerados estado-da-arte, baseados em aprendizagem profunda, demandam altos custos de processamento computacional, o que dificulta a utilização de tais métodos em cenários de computação restritiva. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo comparativo de técnicas de detecção e reconhecimento de texto, considerando tanto os métodos baseados em aprendizado profundo quanto os métodos que utilizam algoritmos clássicos de aprendizado de máquina. Esta dissertação também apresenta um método de fusão de caixas delimitadoras, baseado em programação genética (GP), desenvolvido para atuar tanto como uma etapa de pós-processamento, posterior a etapa de detecção, quanto para explorar a complementariedade dos algoritmos de detecção de texto investigados nesta dissertação. De acordo com o estudo comparativo apresentado neste trabalho, os métodos baseados em aprendizagem profunda são mais eficazes e menos eficientes, em comparação com os métodos clássicos da literatura e considerando as métricas adotadas. Além disso, o algoritmo de fusão proposto foi capaz de aprender informações complementares entre os métodos investigados nesta dissertação, o que resultou em uma melhora das taxas de precisão e revocação. Os experimentos foram conduzidos considerando os problemas de detecção de textos horizontais, verticais e de orientação arbitráriaAbstract: Texts are fundamental elements for effective communication in our daily lives. The mobility of people and vehicles in urban environments and the search for a product of interest on a supermarket shelf are examples of activities in which the understanding of the textual elements present in the environment is essential to succeed in such tasks. Recently, several advances in computer vision have been reported in the literature, with the development of algorithms and methods that aim to recognize objects and texts in scenes. However, text detection and recognition are still open problems due to several factors that act as sources of variability during scene text generation and capture, which can significantly impact detection and recognition rates of current algorithms. Examples of these factors include different shapes of textual elements (e.g., circular or curved), font styles and sizes, texture, color, brightness and contrast variation, among others. Besides, recent state-of-the-art methods based on deep learning demand high computational processing costs, which difficult their use in restricted computing scenarios. This dissertation presents a comparative study of text detection and recognition techniques, considering methods based on deep learning and methods that use classical machine learning algorithms. This dissertation also presents an algorithm for fusing bounding boxes, based on genetic programming (GP), developed to act as a post-processing step for a single text detector and to explore the complementarity of text detection algorithms investigated in this dissertation. According to the comparative study presented in this work, the methods based on deep learning are more effective and less efficient, in comparison to classic methods for text detection investigated in this work, considering the adopted metrics. Furthermore, the proposed GP-based fusion algorithm was able to learn complementary information from the methods investigated in this dissertation, which resulted in an improvement of precision and recall rates. The experiments were conducted considering text detection problems involving horizontal, vertical and arbitrary orientationsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE