4 research outputs found

    A Computer Vision System for the Automatic Inspection of Geometric Distortions in Television Displays

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    The ability to automatically measure the image quality of a television display is a valuable resource. In display manufacturing, automatic inspection enables automatic television alignment, which reduces manufacturing costs and improves product quality. Automatic inspection also comes in handy during competitive analysis and engineering review. Primarily though, commercial inspection systems are built and used for manufacturing. In the past two decades, the advent of microcomputers has made automatic inspection feasible through the use of computer vision. Most of the approaches developed can be divided into two groups: fixtured systems, with fixed or movable cameras, and position independent systems, which can use one or more cameras. A fixtured system involves placing the television-under-test in a rig with attached cameras. The cameras are either fixed or moved robotically. On the other hand, a position independent system allows one or more cameras to be placed anywhere as long as the cameras can view the television’s image. This thesis describes the development of a position-independent, two-camera television inspection system. Chapter One defines the problem and gives an overview of existing systems. Chapter Two covers camera calibration, the mathematical modeling of the way a camera forms an image. Camera calibration makes it possible to use off-the-shelf cameras as measurement sensors. Chapter Three discusses how to take stereo measurements from a pair of cameras. Stereo measurements taken from two or more cameras result in the determination of three-dimensional positions. Finally, Chapter Four mentions some results taken with the developed inspection system

    3-D surface modelling of the human body and 3-D surface anthropometry

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    This thesis investigates three-dimensional (3-D) surface modelling of the human body and 3-D surface anthropometry. These are two separate, but closely related, areas. 3-D surface modelling is an essential technology for representing and describing the surface shape of an object on a computer. 3-D surface modelling of the human body has wide applications in engineering design, work space simulation, the clothing industry, medicine, biomechanics and animation. These applications require increasingly realistic surface models of the human body. 3-D surface anthropometry is a new interdisciplinary subject. It is defined in this thesis as the art, science, and technology of acquiring, modelling and interrogating 3-D surface data of the human body. [Continues.

    Adaptation de la méthode de projection de franges pour la mesure du relief de grands objets et pour la modélisation anthropométrique (application à l'étude de flotteurs sous pression et au suivi de pathologie de l'abdomen)

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    L'étude proposée porte sur l'adaptation d'une méthode de mesure optique à lamesure de la topologie d'objet de grandes dimensions et à une distance de travail proche. Laméthode optique utilisée est la projection de franges car elle permet l'étude de grands objets.Dans un premier temps, des essais expérimentaux ont été réalisés pour évaluer l'exactitudedu développement actuel ; ce dernier utilisant une analyse de franges s'appuyant sur lacombinaison d'une méthode quasi-hétérodyne utilisant une transformation de Fourier etd'une méthode de code gray.Après avoir quantifié les erreurs et déterminé leurs sources, le choix dudéveloppement d'une procédure d'étalonnage et de nouvelles équations associées à cetteprocédure se sont imposés. Le nouvel étalonnage est quant à lui basé sur une interpolationpolynomiale de points définissant un volume de grandes dimensions. Un objet étalon a étéspécialement conçu pour cette procédure de calibration. Pour évaluer l'erreur du à lacalibration, une étude systématique de cas de polynômes dont le plus haut degré varie de 1à 4 a été effectué. Cette approche a permis de déterminer le degré optimal du polynôme àutiliser. Dans le meilleur cas, l'estimation de l'erreur a permis d'évaluer la précision del'étalonnage à 1 mm sur un objet de 2 m évalué à une distance de 2 m.La méthode a été par la suite appliquée, dans un cadre industriel à l'étude deflotteurs et dans un cadre médical à l'étude du relief de la paroi abdominale. D'un point devue médical, cette méthode permet d'obtenir rapidement et facilement la morphologie ducorps humain. Elle permet aussi d'effectuer un meilleur suivi des pathologiesmorphologiques des patients.The proposed study deals with the adaptation of an optical method to themeasurement of large objects at a low working distance. The optical method used is thefringe projection technique allowing the study of large objects. At first, experimental trials hasbeen used to evaluate the accuracy of the actual development combining the phase shiftingmethod using a Fourier transform and the gray code technique.When the errors have been quantified and their origins determined, the developmentof a calibration procedure and new associated equations have been chosen. The newcalibration is based on polynomial interpolation of points defining a volume of largedimensions. A tested object was designed specifically for this calibration procedure. Toestimate the calibration error, a systematic study of polynomials cases is performed. Thehighest degree of those cases varies from 1 to 4. This approach allows the determination theoptimal polynomial degree to be used. In the best case, the estimation of the error allows theevaluation of the calibration accuracy of about 1 mm for an object of 2 m large, measured ata distance of 2 m.The method has been subsequently applied, in an industrial setting, to the study offloats and in a medical setting to the study of the relief of the abdominal wall. From a medicalpoint of view, this method gives a rapid and easy access to the topology of human body. Itallows a better follow-up of the patient pathology.POITIERS-SCD-Bib. électronique (861949901) / SudocSudocFranceF