15,805 research outputs found

    A taxonomy framework for unsupervised outlier detection techniques for multi-type data sets

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    The term "outlier" can generally be defined as an observation that is significantly different from the other values in a data set. The outliers may be instances of error or indicate events. The task of outlier detection aims at identifying such outliers in order to improve the analysis of data and further discover interesting and useful knowledge about unusual events within numerous applications domains. In this paper, we report on contemporary unsupervised outlier detection techniques for multiple types of data sets and provide a comprehensive taxonomy framework and two decision trees to select the most suitable technique based on data set. Furthermore, we highlight the advantages, disadvantages and performance issues of each class of outlier detection techniques under this taxonomy framework

    Towards Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Spatio-Temporal Features: Blob-Filaments in Fusion Plasma

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    A novel algorithm and implementation of real-time identification and tracking of blob-filaments in fusion reactor data is presented. Similar spatio-temporal features are important in many other applications, for example, ignition kernels in combustion and tumor cells in a medical image. This work presents an approach for extracting these features by dividing the overall task into three steps: local identification of feature cells, grouping feature cells into extended feature, and tracking movement of feature through overlapping in space. Through our extensive work in parallelization, we demonstrate that this approach can effectively make use of a large number of compute nodes to detect and track blob-filaments in real time in fusion plasma. On a set of 30GB fusion simulation data, we observed linear speedup on 1024 processes and completed blob detection in less than three milliseconds using Edison, a Cray XC30 system at NERSC.Comment: 14 pages, 40 figure

    Revisiting Multi-Subject Random Effects in fMRI: Advocating Prevalence Estimation

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    Random Effects analysis has been introduced into fMRI research in order to generalize findings from the study group to the whole population. Generalizing findings is obviously harder than detecting activation in the study group since in order to be significant, an activation has to be larger than the inter-subject variability. Indeed, detected regions are smaller when using random effect analysis versus fixed effects. The statistical assumptions behind the classic random effects model are that the effect in each location is normally distributed over subjects, and "activation" refers to a non-null mean effect. We argue this model is unrealistic compared to the true population variability, where, due to functional plasticity and registration anomalies, at each brain location some of the subjects are active and some are not. We propose a finite-Gaussian--mixture--random-effect. A model that amortizes between-subject spatial disagreement and quantifies it using the "prevalence" of activation at each location. This measure has several desirable properties: (a) It is more informative than the typical active/inactive paradigm. (b) In contrast to the hypothesis testing approach (thus t-maps) which are trivially rejected for large sample sizes, the larger the sample size, the more informative the prevalence statistic becomes. In this work we present a formal definition and an estimation procedure of this prevalence. The end result of the proposed analysis is a map of the prevalence at locations with significant activation, highlighting activations regions that are common over many brains