235 research outputs found

    A Two-Stage Trajectory Optimization Strategy for Articulated Bodies with Unscheduled Contact Sequences

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    In this letter, we propose a two-stage strategy for optimal control problems of robotic mechanical systems that proves to be more robust, and yet more efficient, than straightforward solution strategies. Specifically, we focus on a simplified humanoid model, represented as a two-dimensional articulated serial chain of rigid bodies, in the tasks of getting up (sitting down) from (to) the supine and prone postures. Interactions with the environment are integral parts of these motions, and a priori unscheduled contact sequences are discovered by the solver itself, opportunistically making or breaking contacts with the ground through feet, knees, hips, elbows, and hands. The present investigation analyzes the effects on the computational performance of: 1) the explicit introduction of contact forces among the optimization variables, 2) the substitution of undesired contact forces with geometric constraints that prevent interpenetrations, and 3) the splitting of the planning problem into two consecutive phases of increasing complexity. To the best of our knowledge, these tests represent the only quantitative analysis of the performances achievable with different solution strategies for optimization-based, whole-body dynamic motion planning in the presence of contacts

    Contact-Implicit Trajectory Optimization Based on a Variable Smooth Contact Model and Successive Convexification

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    In this paper, we propose a contact-implicit trajectory optimization (CITO) method based on a variable smooth contact model (VSCM) and successive convexification (SCvx). The VSCM facilitates the convergence of gradient-based optimization without compromising physical fidelity. On the other hand, the proposed SCvx-based approach combines the advantages of direct and shooting methods for CITO. For evaluations, we consider non-prehensile manipulation tasks. The proposed method is compared to a version based on iterative linear quadratic regulator (iLQR) on a planar example. The results demonstrate that both methods can find physically-consistent motions that complete the tasks without a meaningful initial guess owing to the VSCM. The proposed SCvx-based method outperforms the iLQR-based method in terms of convergence, computation time, and the quality of motions found. Finally, the proposed SCvx-based method is tested on a standard robot platform and shown to perform efficiently for a real-world application.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICRA 201

    Diff-Transfer: Model-based Robotic Manipulation Skill Transfer via Differentiable Physics Simulation

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    The capability to transfer mastered skills to accomplish a range of similar yet novel tasks is crucial for intelligent robots. In this work, we introduce Diff-Transfer\textit{Diff-Transfer}, a novel framework leveraging differentiable physics simulation to efficiently transfer robotic skills. Specifically, Diff-Transfer\textit{Diff-Transfer} discovers a feasible path within the task space that brings the source task to the target task. At each pair of adjacent points along this task path, which is two sub-tasks, Diff-Transfer\textit{Diff-Transfer} adapts known actions from one sub-task to tackle the other sub-task successfully. The adaptation is guided by the gradient information from differentiable physics simulations. We propose a novel path-planning method to generate sub-tasks, leveraging QQ-learning with a task-level state and reward. We implement our framework in simulation experiments and execute four challenging transfer tasks on robotic manipulation, demonstrating the efficacy of Diff-Transfer\textit{Diff-Transfer} through comprehensive experiments. Supplementary and Videos are on the website https://sites.google.com/view/difftransfe

    A contact-implicit direct trajectory optimization scheme for the study of legged maneuverability

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    For legged robots to move safely in unpredictable environments, they need to be manoeuvrable, but transient motions such as acceleration, deceleration and turning have been the subject of little research compared to constant-speed gait. They are difficult to study for two reasons: firstly, the way they are executed is highly sensitive to factors such as morphology and traction, and secondly, they can potentially be dangerous, especially when executed rapidly, or from high speeds. These challenges make it an ideal topic for study by simulation, as this allows all variables to be precisely controlled, and puts no human, animal or robotic subjects at risk. Trajectory optimization is a promising method for simulating these manoeuvres, because it allows complete motion trajectories to be generated when neither the input actuation nor the output motion is known. Furthermore, it produces solutions that optimize a given objective, such as minimizing the distance required to stop, or the effort exerted by the actuators throughout the motion. It has consequently become a popular technique for high-level motion planning in robotics, and for studying locomotion in biomechanics. In this dissertation, we present a novel approach to studying motion with trajectory optimization, by viewing it more as “trajectory generation” – a means of generating large quantities of synthetic data that can illuminate the differences between successful and unsuccessful motion strategies when studied in aggregate. One distinctive feature of this approach is the focus on whole-body models, which capture the specific morphology of the subject, rather than the highly-simplified “template” models that are typically used. Another is the use of “contact-implicit” methods, which allow an appropriate footfall sequence to be discovered, rather than requiring that it be defined upfront. Although contact-implicit methods are not novel, they are not widely-used, as they are computationally demanding, and unnecessary when studying comparatively-predictable constant speed locomotion. The second section of this dissertation describes innovations in the formulation of these trajectory optimization problems as nonlinear programming problems (NLPs). This “direct” approach allows these problems to be solved by general-purpose, open-source algorithms, making it accessible to scientists without the specialized applied mathematics knowledge required to solve NLPs. The design of the NLP has a significant impact on the accuracy of the result, the quality of the solution (with respect to the final value of the objective function), and the time required to solve the proble

    A Comparative Analysis of Contact Models in Trajectory Optimization for Manipulation

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    In this paper, we analyze the effects of contact models on contact-implicit trajectory optimization for manipulation. We consider three different approaches: (1) a contact model that is based on complementarity constraints, (2) a smooth contact model, and our proposed method (3) a variable smooth contact model. We compare these models in simulation in terms of physical accuracy, quality of motions, and computation time. In each case, the optimization process is initialized by setting all torque variables to zero, namely, without a meaningful initial guess. For simulations, we consider a pushing task with varying complexity for a 7 degrees-of-freedom robot arm. Our results demonstrate that the optimization based on the proposed variable smooth contact model provides a good trade-off between the physical fidelity and quality of motions at the cost of increased computation time.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, IROS 2018 camera-ready versio

    A Holistic Approach to Human-Supervised Humanoid Robot Operations in Extreme Environments

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    Nuclear energy will play a critical role in meeting clean energy targets worldwide. However, nuclear environments are dangerous for humans to operate in due to the presence of highly radioactive materials. Robots can help address this issue by allowing remote access to nuclear and other highly hazardous facilities under human supervision to perform inspection and maintenance tasks during normal operations, help with clean-up missions, and aid in decommissioning. This paper presents our research to help realize humanoid robots in supervisory roles in nuclear environments. Our research focuses on National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA’s) humanoid robot, Valkyrie, in the areas of constrained manipulation and motion planning, increasing stability using support contact, dynamic non-prehensile manipulation, locomotion on deformable terrains, and human-in-the-loop control interfaces

    Optimized energy management strategies and sizing of hybrid storage systems for transport applications

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    205 p. El contenido del capítulo 4, sección 4.3 está sujeto a confidencialidad.Esta tesis doctoral aborda la temática acerca del óptimo dimensionamiento y operación de sistemashíbridos de almacenamiento de energía (HESS), combinando baterías y supercapacitores, con el objetivode ser integrados en vehículos para movilidad pública en entornos urbanos. Por una parte, se propone unainnovadora estrategia energética, basada en lógica difusa, para gestionar la división de la demanda depotencia entre las fuentes de energía disponibles a bordo del vehículo. La estrategia adaptativa que sepropone evalúa la información energética actual y futura (estimada) para adaptar, de una formaoptimizada y eficiente, la operación del sistema con el objetivo de mejorar el aprovechamiento de laenergía almacenada en los recursos a bordo del vehículo.Por otro lado, se ha propuesto una metodología para la co-optimización de la estrategia de gestión ydimensionamiento del HESS. Esta metodología de optimización evalúa tanto técnica comoeconómicamente las posibles soluciones mediante un problema multi-objetivo basado en algoritmosgenéticos. Para determinar el costo de reemplazo del HESS han sido aplicados modelo de envejecimientoy estimación de vida y se ha considerado la vida útil del vehículo.Con el objetivo de validar la propuesta de esta tesis doctoral, dos casos de estudio relevantes en latransportación pública han sido seleccionados: Tranvía Eléctrico Híbrido y Autobús Eléctrico Híbrido