4 research outputs found

    Improved k-means clustering using principal component analysis and imputation methods for breast cancer dataset

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    Data mining techniques have been used to analyse pattern from data sets in order to derive useful information. Classification of data sets into clusters is one of the essential process for data manipulation. One of the most popular and efficient clustering methods is K-means method. However, the K-means clustering method has some difficulties in the analysis of high dimension data sets with the presence of missing values. Moreover, previous studies showed that high dimensionality of the feature in data set presented poses different problems for K-means clustering. For missing value problem, imputation method is needed to minimise the effect of incomplete high dimensional data sets in K-means clustering process. This research studies the effect of imputation algorithm and dimensionality reduction techniques on the performance of K-means clustering. Three imputation methods are implemented for the missing value estimation which are K-nearest neighbours (KNN), Least Local Square (LLS), and Bayesian Principle Component Analysis (BPCA). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimension reduction method that has a dimensional reduction capability by removing the unnecessary attribute of high dimensional data sets. Hence, PCA hybrid with K-means (PCA K-means) is proposed to give a better clustering result. The experimental process was performed by using Wisconsin Breast Cancer. By using LLS imputation method, the proposed hybrid PCA K-means outperformed the standard Kmeans clustering based on the results for breast cancer data set; in terms of clustering accuracy (0.29%) and computing time (95.76%)

    A Two-Stage Gene Selection Algorithm by Combining ReliefF and mRMR

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    Abstract—Gene expression data usually contains a large number of genes, but a small number of samples. Feature selection for gene expression data aims at finding a set of genes that best discriminate biological samples of different types. In this paper, we present a two-stage selection algorithm by combining ReliefF and mRMR: In the first stage, ReliefF is applied to find a candidate gene set; In the second stage, mRMR method is applied to directly and explicitly reduce redundancy for selecting a compact yet effective gene subset from the candidate set. We also perform comprehensive experiments to compare the mRMR-ReliefF selection algorithm with ReliefF, mRMR and other feature selection methods using two classifiers as SVM and Naive Bayes, on seven different datasets. The experimental results show that the mRMR-ReliefF gene selection algorithm is very effective. Index Terms—Gene selection algorithms, reliefF, mRMR, mRMR-reliefF

    Incremental Sparse-PCA Feature Extraction For Data Streams

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    Intruders attempt to penetrate commercial systems daily and cause considerable financial losses for individuals and organizations. Intrusion detection systems monitor network events to detect computer security threats. An extensive amount of network data is devoted to detecting malicious activities. Storing, processing, and analyzing the massive volume of data is costly and indicate the need to find efficient methods to perform network data reduction that does not require the data to be first captured and stored. A better approach allows the extraction of useful variables from data streams in real time and in a single pass. The removal of irrelevant attributes reduces the data to be fed to the intrusion detection system (IDS) and shortens the analysis time while improving the classification accuracy. This dissertation introduces an online, real time, data processing method for knowledge extraction. This incremental feature extraction is based on two approaches. First, Chunk Incremental Principal Component Analysis (CIPCA) detects intrusion in data streams. Then, two novel incremental feature extraction methods, Incremental Structured Sparse PCA (ISSPCA) and Incremental Generalized Power Method Sparse PCA (IGSPCA), find malicious elements. Metrics helped compare the performance of all methods. The IGSPCA was found to perform as well as or better than CIPCA overall in term of dimensionality reduction, classification accuracy, and learning time. ISSPCA yielded better results for higher chunk values and greater accumulation ratio thresholds. CIPCA and IGSPCA reduced the IDS dataset to 10 principal components as opposed to 14 eigenvectors for ISSPCA. ISSPCA is more expensive in terms of learning time in comparison to the other techniques. This dissertation presents new methods that perform feature extraction from continuous data streams to find the small number of features necessary to express the most data variance. Data subsets derived from a few important variables render their interpretation easier. Another goal of this dissertation was to propose incremental sparse PCA algorithms capable to process data with concept drift and concept shift. Experiments using WaveForm and WaveFormNoise datasets confirmed this ability. Similar to CIPCA, the ISSPCA and IGSPCA updated eigen-axes as a function of the accumulation ratio value, forming informative eigenspace with few eigenvectors