1,797 research outputs found

    Recent advances in multidisciplinary optimization of rotorcraft

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    A joint activity involving NASA and Army researchers at NASA LaRC to develop optimization procedures to improve the rotor blade design process by integrating appropriate disciplines and accounting for all of the important interactions among the disciplines is described. The disciplines involved include rotor aerodynamics, rotor dynamics, rotor structures, airframe dynamics, and acoustics. The work is focused on combining these five key disciplines in an optimization procedure capable of designing a rotor system to satisfy multidisciplinary design requirements. Fundamental to the plan is a three-phased approach. In phase 1, the disciplines of blade dynamics, blade aerodynamics, and blade structure are closely coupled while acoustics and airframe dynamics are decoupled and are accounted for as effective constraints on the design for the first three disciplines. In phase 2, acoustics is integrated with the first three disciplines. Finally, in phase 3, airframe dynamics is integrated with the other four disciplines. Representative results from work performed to date are described. These include optimal placement of tuning masses for reduction of blade vibratory shear forces, integrated aerodynamic/dynamic optimization, and integrated aerodynamic/dynamic/structural optimization. Examples of validating procedures are described

    Variable-speed rotor helicopters: Performance comparison between continuously variable and fixed-ratio transmissions

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    Variable speed rotor studies represent a promising research field for rotorcraft performance improvement and fuel consumption reduction. The problems related to employing a main rotor variable speed are numerous and require an interdisciplinary approach. There are two main variable speed concepts, depending on the type of transmission employed: Fixed Ratio Transmission (FRT) and Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) rotors. The impact of the two types of transmission upon overall helicopter performance is estimated when both are operating at their optimal speeds. This is done by using an optimization strategy able to find the optimal rotational speeds of main rotor and turboshaft engine for each flight condition. The process makes use of two different simulation tools: a turboshaft engine performance code and a helicopter trim simulation code for steady-state level flight. The first is a gas turbine performance simulator (TSHAFT) developed and validated at the University of Padova. The second is a simple tool used to evaluate the single blade forces and integrate them over the 360 degree-revolution of the main rotor, and thus to predict an average value of the power load required by the engine. The results show that the FRT does not present significant performance differences compared to the CVT for a wide range of advancing speeds. However, close to the two conditions of maximum interest, i.e. hover and cruise forward flight, the discrepancies between the two transmission types become relevant: in fact, engine performance is found to be penalized by FRT, stating that significant fuel reductions can be obtained only by employing the CVT concept. In conclusion, FRT is a good way to reduce fuel consumption at intermediate advancing speeds; CVT advantages become relevant only near hover and high speed cruise condition

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Auralization of Air Vehicle Noise for Community Noise Assessment

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    This paper serves as an introduction to air vehicle noise auralization and documents the current state-of-the-art. Auralization of flyover noise considers the source, path, and receiver as part of a time marching simulation. Two approaches are offered; a time domain approach performs synthesis followed by propagation, while a frequency domain approach performs propagation followed by synthesis. Source noise description methods are offered for isolated and installed propulsion system and airframe noise sources for a wide range of air vehicles. Methods for synthesis of broadband, discrete tones, steady and unsteady periodic, and a periodic sources are presented, and propagation methods and receiver considerations are discussed. Auralizations applied to vehicles ranging from large transport aircraft to small unmanned aerial systems demonstrate current capabilities

    Investigation of mixed element hybrid grid-based CFD methods for rotorcraft flow analysis

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    Accurate first-principles flow prediction is essential to the design and development of rotorcraft, and while current numerical analysis tools can, in theory, model the complete flow field, in practice the accuracy of these tools is limited by various inherent numerical deficiencies. An approach that combines the first-principles physical modeling capability of CFD schemes with the vortex preservation capabilities of Lagrangian vortex methods has been developed recently that controls the numerical diffusion of the rotor wake in a grid-based solver by employing a vorticity-velocity, rather than primitive variable, formulation. Coupling strategies, including variable exchange protocols are evaluated using several unstructured, structured, and Cartesian-grid Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)/Euler CFD solvers. Results obtained with the hybrid grid-based solvers illustrate the capability of this hybrid method to resolve vortex-dominated flow fields with lower cell counts than pure RANS/Euler methods

    A multi-fidelity framework for physics based rotor blade simulation and optimization

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    New helicopter rotor designs are desired that offer increased efficiency, reduced vibration, and reduced noise. This problem is multidisciplinary, requiring knowledge of structural dynamics, aerodynamics, and aeroacoustics. Rotor optimization requires achieving multiple, often conflicting objectives. There is no longer a single optimum but rather an optimal trade-off space, the Pareto Frontier. Rotor Designers in industry need methods that allow the most accurate simulation tools available to search for Pareto designs. Computer simulation and optimization of rotors have been advanced by the development of "comprehensive" rotorcraft analysis tools. These tools perform aeroelastic analysis using Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD). Though useful in optimization, these tools lack built-in high fidelity aerodynamic models. The most accurate rotor simulations utilize Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) coupled to the CSD of a comprehensive code, but are generally considered too time consuming where numerous simulations are required like rotor optimization. An approach is needed where high fidelity CFD/CSD simulation can be routinely used in design optimization. This thesis documents the development of physics based rotor simulation frameworks. A low fidelity model uses a comprehensive code with simplified aerodynamics. A high fidelity model uses a parallel processor capable CFD/CSD methodology. Both frameworks include an aeroacoustic simulation for prediction of noise. A synergistic process is developed that uses both frameworks together to build approximate models of important high fidelity metrics as functions of certain design variables. To test this process, a 4-bladed hingeless rotor model is used as a baseline. The design variables investigated include tip geometry and spanwise twist. Approximation models are built for high fidelity metrics related to rotor efficiency and vibration. Optimization using the approximation models found the designs having maximum rotor efficiency and minimum vibration. Various Pareto generation methods are used to find frontier designs between these two anchor designs. The Pareto anchors are tested in the high fidelity simulation and shown to be good designs, providing evidence that the process has merit. Ultimately, this process can be utilized by industry rotor designers with their existing tools to bring high fidelity analysis into the preliminary design stage of rotors.Ph.D.Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Dimitri Mavris; Committee Co-Chair: Dr. Lakshmi N. Sankar; Committee Member: Dr. Daniel P. Schrage; Committee Member: Dr. Kenneth S. Brentner; Committee Member: Dr. Mark Costell

    Aeronautical Engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 62

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    This bibliography lists 306 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in September 1975

    The development of CFD methods for rotor applications

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    The optimum design of the advancing helicopter rotor for high-speed forward flight always involves a tradeoff between transonic and stall limitations. However, the preoccupation of the rotor industry was primarily concerned with stall until well into the 1970s. This emphasis on stall resulted from the prevalent use of low-solidity rotors with rather outdated airfoil sections. The use of cambered airfoil sections and higher-solidity rotors substantially reduced stall and revealed the advancing transonic flow to be a more persistent limitation to high-speed rotor performance. Work in this area was spurred not only by operational necessity but also by the development of a tool for the prediction of these flows (the method of computational fluid dynamics). The development of computational fluid dynamics for these rotor problems was a major Army and NASA achievement. This work is now being extended to other rotor flow problems. The developments are outlined

    Novel Reconfigurable Delta Robot Dual-Functioning as Adaptive Landing Gear and Manipulator

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    In this work a novel dual-functioning rotorcraft undercarriage is developed. The design is a reconfigurable delta robot which allows for transformation between Adaptive Landing Gear for vertical take-off and landing and 3DOF Aerial Manipulation mode. To reconfigure between operation modes without reaching singularities, a guideline to find a singularity-free geometry is presented. An adaptive landing control was developed and validated on a test-stand. For the 3DOF manipulation of the delta-structure, a third-order smooth trajectory was presented and integrated. The prototype, also depicted in the accompanying video, is then presented in free flight experiments demonstrating the advantages of the dual-functioning system
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