363 research outputs found

    A Multi-phase Approach for Improving Information Diffusion in Social Networks

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    For maximizing influence spread in a social network, given a certain budget on the number of seed nodes, we investigate the effects of selecting and activating the seed nodes in multiple phases. In particular, we formulate an appropriate objective function for two-phase influence maximization under the independent cascade model, investigate its properties, and propose algorithms for determining the seed nodes in the two phases. We also study the problem of determining an optimal budget-split and delay between the two phases.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 201

    Cakewalk Sampling

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    We study the task of finding good local optima in combinatorial optimization problems. Although combinatorial optimization is NP-hard in general, locally optimal solutions are frequently used in practice. Local search methods however typically converge to a limited set of optima that depend on their initialization. Sampling methods on the other hand can access any valid solution, and thus can be used either directly or alongside methods of the former type as a way for finding good local optima. Since the effectiveness of this strategy depends on the sampling distribution, we derive a robust learning algorithm that adapts sampling distributions towards good local optima of arbitrary objective functions. As a first use case, we empirically study the efficiency in which sampling methods can recover locally maximal cliques in undirected graphs. Not only do we show how our adaptive sampler outperforms related methods, we also show how it can even approach the performance of established clique algorithms. As a second use case, we consider how greedy algorithms can be combined with our adaptive sampler, and we demonstrate how this leads to superior performance in k-medoid clustering. Together, these findings suggest that our adaptive sampler can provide an effective strategy to combinatorial optimization problems that arise in practice.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper by AAAI-2020 (oral presentation

    Comparison of Deep Learning and the Classical Machine Learning Algorithm for the Malware Detection

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    Recently, Deep Learning has been showing promising results in various Artificial Intelligence applications like image recognition, natural language processing, language modeling, neural machine translation, etc. Although, in general, it is computationally more expensive as compared to classical machine learning techniques, their results are found to be more effective in some cases. Therefore, in this paper, we investigated and compared one of the Deep Learning Architecture called Deep Neural Network (DNN) with the classical Random Forest (RF) machine learning algorithm for the malware classification. We studied the performance of the classical RF and DNN with 2, 4 & 7 layers architectures with the four different feature sets, and found that irrespective of the features inputs, the classical RF accuracy outperforms the DNN.Comment: 11 Pages, 1 figur

    A Novel Cross Entropy Approach for Offloading Learning in Mobile Edge Computing

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    In this letter, we propose a novel offloading learning approach to compromise energy consumption and latency in a multi-tier network with mobile edge computing. In order to solve this integer programming problem, instead of using conventional optimization tools, we apply a cross entropy approach with iterative learning of the probability of elite solution samples. Compared to existing methods, the proposed one in this network permits a parallel computing architecture and is verified to be computationally very efficient. Specifically, it achieves performance close to the optimal and performs well with different choices of the values of hyperparameters in the proposed learning approach

    Identifying Clickbait: A Multi-Strategy Approach Using Neural Networks

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    Online media outlets, in a bid to expand their reach and subsequently increase revenue through ad monetisation, have begun adopting clickbait techniques to lure readers to click on articles. The article fails to fulfill the promise made by the headline. Traditional methods for clickbait detection have relied heavily on feature engineering which, in turn, is dependent on the dataset it is built for. The application of neural networks for this task has only been explored partially. We propose a novel approach considering all information found in a social media post. We train a bidirectional LSTM with an attention mechanism to learn the extent to which a word contributes to the post's clickbait score in a differential manner. We also employ a Siamese net to capture the similarity between source and target information. Information gleaned from images has not been considered in previous approaches. We learn image embeddings from large amounts of data using Convolutional Neural Networks to add another layer of complexity to our model. Finally, we concatenate the outputs from the three separate components, serving it as input to a fully connected layer. We conduct experiments over a test corpus of 19538 social media posts, attaining an F1 score of 65.37% on the dataset bettering the previous state-of-the-art, as well as other proposed approaches, feature engineering or otherwise.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR 2018 as Short Pape

    Statistical analysis driven optimized deep learning system for intrusion detection

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    Attackers have developed ever more sophisticated and intelligent ways to hack information and communication technology systems. The extent of damage an individual hacker can carry out upon infiltrating a system is well understood. A potentially catastrophic scenario can be envisaged where a nation-state intercepting encrypted financial data gets hacked. Thus, intelligent cybersecurity systems have become inevitably important for improved protection against malicious threats. However, as malware attacks continue to dramatically increase in volume and complexity, it has become ever more challenging for traditional analytic tools to detect and mitigate threat. Furthermore, a huge amount of data produced by large networks has made the recognition task even more complicated and challenging. In this work, we propose an innovative statistical analysis driven optimized deep learning system for intrusion detection. The proposed intrusion detection system (IDS) extracts optimized and more correlated features using big data visualization and statistical analysis methods (human-in-the-loop), followed by a deep autoencoder for potential threat detection. Specifically, a pre-processing module eliminates the outliers and converts categorical variables into one-hot-encoded vectors. The feature extraction module discard features with null values and selects the most significant features as input to the deep autoencoder model (trained in a greedy-wise manner). The NSL-KDD dataset from the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity is used as a benchmark to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Simulation results demonstrate the potential of our proposed system and its outperformance as compared to existing state-of-the-art methods and recently published novel approaches. Ongoing work includes further optimization and real-time evaluation of our proposed IDS.Comment: To appear in the 9th International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2018