13,786 research outputs found

    Fault Localization in Multi-Threaded C Programs using Bounded Model Checking (extended version)

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    Software debugging is a very time-consuming process, which is even worse for multi-threaded programs, due to the non-deterministic behavior of thread-scheduling algorithms. However, the debugging time may be greatly reduced, if automatic methods are used for localizing faults. In this study, a new method for fault localization, in multi-threaded C programs, is proposed. It transforms a multi-threaded program into a corresponding sequential one and then uses a fault-diagnosis method suitable for this type of program, in order to localize faults. The code transformation is implemented with rules and context switch information from counterexamples, which are typically generated by bounded model checkers. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective, in such a way that sequential fault-localization methods can be extended to multi-threaded programs.Comment: extended version of paper published at SBESC'1

    Regression-free Synthesis for Concurrency

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    While fixing concurrency bugs, program repair algorithms may introduce new concurrency bugs. We present an algorithm that avoids such regressions. The solution space is given by a set of program transformations we consider in for repair process. These include reordering of instructions within a thread and inserting atomic sections. The new algorithm learns a constraint on the space of candidate solutions, from both positive examples (error-free traces) and counterexamples (error traces). From each counterexample, the algorithm learns a constraint necessary to remove the errors. From each positive examples, it learns a constraint that is necessary in order to prevent the repair from turning the trace into an error trace. We implemented the algorithm and evaluated it on simplified Linux device drivers with known bugs.Comment: for source code see https://github.com/thorstent/ConRepai

    Transformations of CCP programs

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    We introduce a transformation system for concurrent constraint programming (CCP). We define suitable applicability conditions for the transformations which guarantee that the input/output CCP semantics is preserved also when distinguishing deadlocked computations from successful ones and when considering intermediate results of (possibly) non-terminating computations. The system allows us to optimize CCP programs while preserving their intended meaning: In addition to the usual benefits that one has for sequential declarative languages, the transformation of concurrent programs can also lead to the elimination of communication channels and of synchronization points, to the transformation of non-deterministic computations into deterministic ones, and to the crucial saving of computational space. Furthermore, since the transformation system preserves the deadlock behavior of programs, it can be used for proving deadlock freeness of a given program wrt a class of queries. To this aim it is sometimes sufficient to apply our transformations and to specialize the resulting program wrt the given queries in such a way that the obtained program is trivially deadlock free.Comment: To appear in ACM TOPLA

    A framework for deadlock detection in core ABS

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    We present a framework for statically detecting deadlocks in a concurrent object-oriented language with asynchronous method calls and cooperative scheduling of method activations. Since this language features recursion and dynamic resource creation, deadlock detection is extremely complex and state-of-the-art solutions either give imprecise answers or do not scale. In order to augment precision and scalability we propose a modular framework that allows several techniques to be combined. The basic component of the framework is a front-end inference algorithm that extracts abstract behavioural descriptions of methods, called contracts, which retain resource dependency information. This component is integrated with a number of possible different back-ends that analyse contracts and derive deadlock information. As a proof-of-concept, we discuss two such back-ends: (i) an evaluator that computes a fixpoint semantics and (ii) an evaluator using abstract model checking.Comment: Software and Systems Modeling, Springer Verlag, 201

    Kickstarting Choreographic Programming

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    We present an overview of some recent efforts aimed at the development of Choreographic Programming, a programming paradigm for the production of concurrent software that is guaranteed to be correct by construction from global descriptions of communication behaviour
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