4 research outputs found

    A topology of fully differential class-AB symmetrical OTA with improved CMRR

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    An improvement of a standard fully differential class-AB symmetrical operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) topology is proposed in this brief to enhance the common-mode behavior. Common-mode behavior could be critical in fully differential class-AB OTAs, where the total current is not fixed and differential to common-mode conversion could therefore be present. A signal proportional to the input commonmode component is generated through a simple low-current auxiliary amplifier and used to modulate a bias voltage, achieving cancellation of the output common-mode component. Simulations in 40-nm CMOS technology show a net improvement of common mode rejection ratio without affecting differential-mode behavior; the increase in area and power consumption is minimal, with a tradeoff between power and settling time. Simulations of a sample-and-hold exploiting the proposed OTA are presented

    Um amplificador de transcondutância cmos de baixa potência com melhoria da cmrr

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    This work presents a topology of a low power Transconductance Operational Amplifier (OTA) for the compensation of Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR), in which the transistors operate in the strong inversion mode. Initially, a theoretical review of the differential amplifier and OTA is presented. Then, an OTA architecture was proposed based on a symmetric differential amplifier structure with additional transistors in parallel to the input MOS transistors, in order to increase the CMRR rate, as well as the proposed compensation strategy. The OTA was designed using IBM 130 nm CMOS technology. Monte Carlo and Corner simulations were performed to analyze the compensation strategy and to obtain a more realistic assessment. The results obtained demonstrate that the proposed circuit for common mode control operates correctly, since the proposed OTA enabled common mode control in parallel, obtaining a CMRR of 87.34 dB and power consumption of 9.65 μW, validating its compatibility with low power circuits.Agência 1Este trabalho apresenta uma topologia de um Amplificador Operacional de Transcondutância (OTA) de baixa potência para a compensação da Razão de Rejeição de Modo Comum (CMRR), onde os transistores operam no modo de inversão forte. Inicialmente, é apresentada uma revisão teórica acerca do amplificador diferencial e do OTA. Em seguida, foi proposta uma arquitetura de OTA baseado em uma estrutura de amplificador diferencial simétrico com transistores adicionais em paralelo aos transistores MOS de entrada, a fim de aumentar a taxa de CMRR, bem como a estratégia de compensação proposta. O OTA foi projetado utilizando a tecnologia CMOS IBM 130 nm. Para analisar a estratégia de compensação e obter uma avaliação mais realista foram realizadas as simulações de Monte Carlo e Corner. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o circuito proposto para controle de modo comum opera corretamente, uma vez que o OTA proposto possibilitou o controle de modo comum em paralelo obtendo uma CMRR de 87,34 dB e consumo de potência de 9,65 μW, validando sua compatibilidade com circuitos de baixa potência

    A Topology of Fully Differential Class-AB Symmetrical OTA With Improved CMRR

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