7,958 research outputs found

    American Law Schools in a Time of Transition

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    [Excerpt] I will argue that reports of law school unintentionally or intentionally misreporting a variety of types of data to USNWR should not be surprising; we have long seen similar problems occurring with respect to its rankings of undergraduate institutions. The fact that rankings schemes can induce such behavior emphasizes the need for our law school deans and faculty members to always stay focused on the social purpose of higher education, rather being obsessed with perceptions of prestige and rankings

    Independent Colleges and Universities in a Time of Transition

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    [Excerpt] I am going to discuss the stresses that the American higher education system is now under, the changes that we have seen in American higher education over the last three decades - many which predate the great recession - and how CIC members have responded, and might respond in the future, to these changes. A message that I hope you will take away is that I believe you have a unique advantage relative to your public sector counterparts because of the difference in the governance structures and financial models under which you operate. I will conclude by speculating a bit about what the future will hold for all of us

    Change During A Time of Transition

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    Regulatory Reform in a Time of Transition

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    As Americans have become both disheartened at the performance of their governments and conscious of their penetration into what were once private lives, regulatory reform has been urged with increasing fervor at both federal and state levels. Some of the reform talk is lawyer\u27s talk, some of it is directed to the most fundamental aspects of the government order, and there is a good bit in between. My purpose here is to examine a number of the directions being suggested at the federal level for regulatory reform during the coming decade. While it would be helpful also to consider state initiatives many important measures, like sunset legislation, have originated in the states\u27 – our time is limited, and my own experience is almost wholly federal. So I offer you some thoughts about federal regulatory reform – thoughts informed by a time in government service, the opportunity for academic reflection and the good fortune to be in a position to observe the bar\u27s efforts in this respect

    Contemporary Arts Center: A Time of Transition

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    The following report documents my 480-hour internship from August 17th, 2015 to January 29th, 2016 in the Education and Public Programs Department at the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC). I worked closely with the Marketing and Visual Art Departments. I chose the organization to experience an environment that commits itself to presenting high quality performing and visual arts. This paper assesses the CAC’s history, present day status, and future outlook. It also offers suggestions on how certain aspects can be improved in order to extend the organization’s longevity. Over the course of five months I observed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization. Additionally, using knowledge gained from my Arts Administration classes and personal observations, this paper offers predictions as to the organization’s future

    Contemporary Arts Center: A Time of Transition

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    The following report documents my 480-hour internship from August 17th, 2015 to January 29th, 2016 in the Education and Public Programs Department at the Contemporary Arts Center (CAC). I worked closely with the Marketing and Visual Art Departments. I chose the organization to experience an environment that commits itself to presenting high quality performing and visual arts. This paper assesses the CAC’s history, present day status, and future outlook. It also offers suggestions on how certain aspects can be improved in order to extend the organization’s longevity. Over the course of five months I observed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization. Additionally, using knowledge gained from my Arts Administration classes and personal observations, this paper offers predictions as to the organization’s future

    Editor\u27s Note: A Time of Transition

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    A Time of Transition for Religion in Yugoslavia

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    Law and society in a time of transition

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    This dissertation is used to analyze the reform of the US divorce and custody laws – with special consideration for the legal development in California. A particular focus is on the reasons, which led to the no-fault-reform in the 1960s – an era of socio-political upheaval. First, a portrayal of the concept of society and family in the light of the changes in contemporary history is shown. Here, the basics of the American system of values and the reasons for the changes in society since the 1960s are explained. Following an excursion into legal history and legal tradition, the larger second part discusses the liberalization of divorce law and the resulting withdrawal of governmental intervention from divorce proceedings. Due to the abolition of the fault principle and the introduction of the failure principle, problem solving was shifted from the courts to the spouses. Individuals were now allocated a greater level of personal responsibility. The impulse for this change in the law came from the State of New York, which was to reduce the “divorce tourism“ in federal states with less restrictive laws. As a result, the custody law was also reformed and joint custody was introduced. The development from patriarchal role relations within the family to the introduction of joint custody is the subject of the final part of this work.In dieser Dissertation wird die Reform des Scheidungs- und Sorgerechts in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika – unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rechtsentwicklung im Bundesstaat Kalifornien – untersucht. Ein besonderes Augenmerk richtet sich hierbei auf die Gründe, die in den 1960er-Jahren – eine Phase gesellschaftspolitischer Umbrüche – zum Wegfall des Schuldprinzips (No-Fault-Reform) führten. Zunächst erfolgt eine Darstellung des Verständnisses von Gesellschaft und Familie im zeitgeschichtlichen Wandel. Hierbei werden die Grundlagen des amerikanischen Wertesystems und die Ursachen der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen seit den sechziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts verdeutlicht. Im umfangreichen zweiten Teil wird nach einem vorangestellten Exkurs zur Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstradition die Liberalisierung des Scheidungsrechts und damit der Rückzug staatlicher Intervention bei der Scheidung erörtert. Mit dem Wegfall des Schuldprinzips und der Einführung des Zerrüttungsprinzips verlagerte sich die Problemlösung von den Gerichten hin zu den Ehepaaren. Den beteiligten Individuen wurde damit eine höhere Eigenverantwortung zugewiesen. Der Anstoß für die Gesetzesänderung ging vom Bundesstaat New York aus, der den „Scheidungstourismus“ der Eheleute in Bundesstaaten mit weniger restriktiven Gesetzen einschränken wollte. In der Folge wurde auch das Sorgerecht reformiert und das gemeinsame Sorgerecht eingeführt. Die Entwicklung von einem patriarchalischen Rollenverständnis innerhalb der Familie bis zur Einführung des gemeinsamen Sorgerechts von Mutter und Vater ist Gegenstand des letzten Teils der Arbeit

    Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal: A Time of Transition

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