77 research outputs found

    Computational Models of Miscommunication Phenomena

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    Miscommunication phenomena such as repair in dialogue are important indicators of the quality of communication. Automatic detection is therefore a key step toward tools that can characterize communication quality and thus help in applications from call center management to mental health monitoring. However, most existing computational linguistic approaches to these phenomena are unsuitable for general use in this way, and particularly for analyzing human–human dialogue: Although models of other-repair are common in human-computer dialogue systems, they tend to focus on specific phenomena (e.g., repair initiation by systems), missing the range of repair and repair initiation forms used by humans; and while self-repair models for speech recognition and understanding are advanced, they tend to focus on removal of “disfluent” material important for full understanding of the discourse contribution, and/or rely on domain-specific knowledge. We explain the requirements for more satisfactory models, including incrementality of processing and robustness to sparsity. We then describe models for self- and other-repair detection that meet these requirements (for the former, an adaptation of an existing repair model; for the latter, an adaptation of standard techniques) and investigate how they perform on datasets from a range of dialogue genres and domains, with promising results.EPSRC. Grant Number: EP/10383/1; Future and Emerging Technologies (FET). Grant Number: 611733; German Research Foundation (DFG). Grant Number: SCHL 845/5-1; Swedish Research Council (VR). Grant Numbers: 2016-0116, 2014-3

    SPA: Web-based platform for easy access to speech processing modules

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    This paper presents SPA, a web-based Speech Analytics platform that integrates several speech processing modules and that makes it possible to use them through the web. It was developed with the aim of facilitating the usage of the modules, without the need to know about software dependencies and specific configurations. Apart from being accessed by a web-browser, the platform also provides a REST API for easy integration with other applications. The platform is flexible, scalable, provides authentication for access restrictions, and was developed taking into consideration the time and effort of providing new services. The platform is still being improved, but it already integrates a considerable number of audio and text processing modules, including: Automatic transcription, speech disfluency classification, emotion detection, dialog act recognition, age and gender classification, non-nativeness detection, hyperarticulation detection, dialog act recognition, and two external modules for feature extraction and DTMF detection. This paper describes the SPA architecture, presents the already integrated modules, and provides a detailed description for the ones most recently integrated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition From Spontaneous Speech Using Disfluency and Interactional Features

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder mainly characterized by memory loss with deficits in other cognitive domains, including language, visuospatial abilities, and changes in behavior. Detecting diagnostic biomarkers that are noninvasive and cost-effective is of great value not only for clinical assessments and diagnostics but also for research purposes. Several previous studies have investigated AD diagnosis via the acoustic, lexical, syntactic, and semantic aspects of speech and language. Other studies include approaches from conversation analysis that look at more interactional aspects, showing that disfluencies such as fillers and repairs, and purely nonverbal features such as inter-speaker silence, can be key features of AD conversations. These kinds of features, if useful for diagnosis, may have many advantages: They are simple to extract and relatively language-, topic-, and task-independent. This study aims to quantify the role and contribution of these features of interaction structure in predicting whether a dialogue participant has AD. We used a subset of the Carolinas Conversation Collection dataset of patients with AD at moderate stage within the age range 60–89 and similar-aged non-AD patients with other health conditions. Our feature analysis comprised two sets: disfluency features, including indicators such as self-repairs and fillers, and interactional features, including overlaps, turn-taking behavior, and distributions of different types of silence both within patient speech and between patient and interviewer speech. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between AD and non-AD groups for several disfluency features (edit terms, verbatim repeats, and substitutions) and interactional features (lapses, gaps, attributable silences, turn switches per minute, standardized phonation time, and turn length). For the classification of AD patient conversations vs. non-AD patient conversations, we achieved 83% accuracy with disfluency features, 83% accuracy with interactional features, and an overall accuracy of 90% when combining both feature sets using support vector machine classifiers. The discriminative power of these features, perhaps combined with more conventional linguistic features, therefore shows potential for integration into noninvasive clinical assessments for AD at advanced stages

    An investigation into interactional patterns for Alzheimer's Disease recognition in Natural dialogues

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disorder characterized by memory loss, together with cognitive deficits affecting language, emotional affect, and interactional communication. Diagnosis and assessment of AD is formally based on the judgment of clinicians, commonly using semi-structured interviews in a clinical setting. Manual diagnosis is therefore slow, resource-heavy, and hard to access, so many people don't get diagnosed - and therefore using some kind of automatic method would help. Using the most recent advances in deep learning, machine learning, and natural language processing, this thesis empirically explores how content-free, interaction patterns are helpful in developing models capable of identifying AD from natural conversations with a focus on particular phenomena found useful in conversational analysis studies. The models presented in this thesis use lexical, disfluency, interactional, acoustic, and pause information to learn the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease from text and audio modalities. This thesis comprises two parts. In the first part, by studying a conversational corpus, we find there are certain phenomena that are really strongly indicative of differences between AD and Non-AD. This analysis shows that interaction patterns are different between an AD patient and a Non-AD patient, including types of questions asked from patients, their responses, delay in responses in the form of pauses, clarification questions, signaling non-understanding, and repetition of questions. Although it is a challenging problem due to the fact that these dialogue acts are so rare, we show that it is possible to develop models that can automatically detect these classes. The second part then shifts to look at AD diagnosis itself by looking into interactional features including pause information, disfluencies within patients speech, communication breakdowns at speaker changes in certain situations, Ngram dialogue act sequences. We found out that there are longer pauses within the AD patients utterances and more attributable silences in response to questions as compared to Non-AD patients. It also showed that using different fusion techniques with speech and text modality has maximise the combination and use of different feature sets showing that these features/techniques can give quite good accurate and effective AD diagnosis. These interaction patterns may serve as an index of internal cognitive processes that help in differentiating AD patients and Non-AD patients and may be used as an integral part of language assessment in clinical settings

    Controllable Abstractive Dialogue Summarization with Sketch Supervision

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    In this paper, we aim to improve abstractive dialogue summarization quality and, at the same time, enable granularity control. Our model has two primary components and stages: 1) a two-stage generation strategy that generates a preliminary summary sketch serving as the basis for the final summary. This summary sketch provides a weakly supervised signal in the form of pseudo-labeled interrogative pronoun categories and key phrases extracted using a constituency parser. 2) A simple strategy to control the granularity of the final summary, in that our model can automatically determine or control the number of generated summary sentences for a given dialogue by predicting and highlighting different text spans from the source text. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the largest dialogue summarization corpus SAMSum, with as high as 50.79 in ROUGE-L score. In addition, we conduct a case study and show competitive human evaluation results and controllability to human-annotated summaries

    Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition Through Spontaneous Speech

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    Multimodal Assessment of Cognitive Decline: Applications in Alzheimer’s Disease and Depression

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    The initial diagnosis and assessment of cognitive decline are generally based around the judgement of clinicians, and commonly used semi-structured interviews, guided by pre-determined sets of topics, in a clinical set-up. Publicly available multimodal datasets have provided an opportunity to explore a range of experiments in the automatic detecting of cognitive decline. Drawing on the latest developments in representation learning, machine learning, and natural language processing, we seek to develop models capable of identifying cognitive decline with an eye to discovering the differences and commonalities that should be considered in computational treatment of mental health disorders. We present models that learn the indicators of cognitive decline from audio and visual modalities as well as lexical, syntactic, disfluency and pause information. Our study is carried out in two parts: moderation analysis and predictive modelling. We do some experiments with different fusion techniques. Our approaches are motivated by some of the recent efforts in multimodal fusion for classifying cognitive states to capture the interaction between modalities and maximise the use and combination of each modality. We create tools for detecting cognitive decline and use them to analyze three major datasets containing speech produced by people with and without cognitive decline. These findings are being used to develop multimodal models for the detection of depression and Alzheimer’s dementia