4 research outputs found

    A Theory of Termination via Indirection

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    Step-indexed models provide approximations to a class of domain equations and can prove type safety, partial correctness, and program equivalence; however, a common misconception is that they are inapplicable to liveness problems. We disprove this by applying step-indexing to develop the first Hoare logic of total correctness for a language with function pointers and semantic assertions. In fact, from a liveness perspective, our logic is stronger: we verify explicit time resource bounds. We apply our logic to examples containing nontrivial "higher-order" uses of function pointers and we prove soundness with respect to a standard operational semantics. Our core technique is very compact and may be applicable to other liveness problems. Our results are machine checked in Coq

    Step-Indexed Normalization for a Language with General Recursion

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    The Trellys project has produced several designs for practical dependently typed languages. These languages are broken into two fragments-a_logical_fragment where every term normalizes and which is consistent when interpreted as a logic, and a_programmatic_fragment with general recursion and other convenient but unsound features. In this paper, we present a small example language in this style. Our design allows the programmer to explicitly mention and pass information between the two fragments. We show that this feature substantially complicates the metatheory and present a new technique, combining the traditional Girard-Tait method with step-indexed logical relations, which we use to show normalization for the logical fragment.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240

    Transfinite Step-indexing for Termination

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